Royal Beauty Collection

Chapter 285: Let's roll together

Royal Beauty Collection - Chapter 280 Five: Let's masturbate together

"Oh...Yunlong...Yunlong, big villain! are going to kill are so bad...God! I... am about to fly... dear... Yunlong!! You... hug me... kiss me... Yunlong... hurry up!"

Zhou Bingjie screamed forgetfully, and stretched out her hand to directly grab Yunlong's hands, and pulled violently. Because her strength became quite strong at this time, Yunlong fell down when she was pulled like this, He just threw himself on top of her delicate body!

Soon, Zhou Bingjie wrapped his hands around Yunlong's neck tightly like a big octopus, and then took the initiative to bring the small cherry mouth closer, and kissed Yunlong fiercely.

Yunlong's body froze, and immediately responded with a "forced kiss" with her, while continuing to use the extremely powerful "nirvana skill"... The mad dragon enters the abyss and turns his body, directly attacking Huaxin and making trouble! !


Zhou Bingjie's whole body shook like chaff, and she sprayed again...

"Yunlong... Dear Yunlong, fuck me...I want you...I love you...I've never felt like this...I want you now...fuck me hard! !"

Zhou Bingjie completely abandoned her modesty and identity, and the powerful physical and spiritual shocks destroyed all her defenses and rationality, leaving her with only one thought—to vent!Vent hard!

"Uh... Xiaojie... Your request... seems... not very good, right? You are a girl!"

Yunlong deliberately paused, and then said pretendingly, "Xiaojie... I see that your situation is almost better now, how about our massage today, let's call it a day..."

"Oh...don't care about that much...My baby, dear Yunlong, please, I know you are teasing me on purpose! want me quickly...I can't stand it anymore!!"

Zhou Bingjie kept yelling loudly, the luxuriant grass under her body was flooded and wet, and she had fallen into a state of madness...

In fact, Yunlong saw that Zhou Bingjie had become such a "strong need", and he knew that his supreme method of "crazy dragon entering the abyss to turn the ****" had achieved excellent results, so he didn't pretend anymore, because he It was also very uncomfortable to hold back all the time, the murderous thing in the crotch had already risen high and angry, pulling the flag to rebel!

So Yunlong let out a muffled roar, clamped Zhou Bingjie together, pushed away his desperately rubbing legs, and then pressed his whole body hard, and Zhou Bingjie himself immediately entangled him like a crazy octopus!

From the very beginning, this fiery "battle situation" has entered a white-hot state without any suspense!

Because before Yunlong took the initiative to enter, Zhou Bingjie had already grabbed his fiery and hard huge avatar, and started to move by himself!

"Wow so big…"

Zhou Bingjie felt as if her lower body was split open, as if being penetrated into her body by a fiery and hard giant cone, and it was unbearable for another burst of swelling!

However, due to Yunlong's "enhanced version of acupoint massage" as a foreshadowing in the early stage, she secreted a lot of water, because after experiencing a short period of pain, Zhou Bingjie quickly adapted to the stuffed body. a feeling of…

So, under Yunlong's conscious guidance, she let out a shrill moan mixed with pain, but also contained happiness, and her body twisted accordingly...

She finally became a real woman at this moment, Yunlong's woman...

As for Yunlong, he also found himself entering a wonderful realm, a magical place that is very tight and narrow, but full of flooding water and warmth and humidity...

"Ah... ah... oh..."

Yunlong's ears were full of Zhou Bingjie's subconsciously soft and coquettish cry. Yunlong liked this kind of feeling so much, so he gradually rushed into it from slow to urgent...


flop flop...

The sound of the body crashing like a pile driver became more and more urgent!One after another!

During the whole "battle" process, Yunlong clearly heard Zhou Bingjie's voice of incomparable obsession and strong need. He worked hard to "struggle" and brought her to bliss again and again. the pinnacle of...

Zhou Bingjie completely entered the "state of ecstasy", she kept shouting at Yunlong with forgetfulness...

What are "Dear Yunlong..." "Dear good baby" "My good husband"... and the subconscious crazy voices that kept shouting "Yunlong wants me", "force hard", "hard" and "continue to the end..." .

This made Yunlong very excited, so his firepower continued to increase, he moved and sprinted, and in the end, he turned into a fierce tiger going down the mountain...

Seeing Zhou Bingjie tactfully swaying Cheng Huan under his crotch, that kind of pain-like but comfortable and happy expression appeared on that delicate face, a surging sense of accomplishment surged into Yunlong's heart all of a sudden.

The "crazy battle" between the two was so loud that it overwhelmed the howling and raging wind and rain outside the warehouse and workshop, and spread to the opposite house.

At this time, in the house opposite the warehouse and workshop, Dao Scar and his brothers were still discussing how to kidnap Zhang Ximing, a "rich local tyrant", and then blackmail his family for a large sum of money, especially It is the amount of money, which is still within the scope of their heated discussions.

At this moment, the sound of "fierce battle" and muffled roar came from the wind and rain, piercing into the ears of Scar and his group, stimulating their sensory nerves...

"Damn it! Young Master Zhang is such a fucking beast, tossing that girl so hard, it's simply unbearable!"

"That's right! ***, I really want to replace him!"

"His sister, this girl must have been on drugs to be so fierce! Otherwise, how could his small body have so much energy!"

"Damn it, this voice is getting harder the more you listen to it! Brother Scar, why don't we go ahead first, tie up Zhang Ximing, and let's fuck that pretty girl first!" A big man suggested.

"Yes! Yes! Lao Luo is right, ****, just listening to this girl's voice, I can't stop being hard, I really want to fuck her now!" Another big man immediately echoed.

"That's right, let's not wait! Let's go now, tie up Young Master Zhang, fuck that chick, fuck, Luozi is about to cum at the sound!!" Another big man simply stood up When he got up, his crotch was arched high, and he was obviously irritated by the voice of that **.

So, apart from the scar, the other big men were in a turbulent mood, wanting to rush to the opposite factory warehouse immediately, tie up Zhang Ximing, and then have a "joy" together!

"Wait!!" Dao Scar glared at them, and then said coldly: "You all sit down for me! Don't be impulsive!"

"Uh..." When the big guys heard this, they had to sit back resentfully, and one of the big guys asked with a puzzled look: "Brother Scar, why are we holding back?"

"Listen, there are 6 of us here. I plan to get Zhang Ximing's 60 first, and each person will share 10!" Scar explained, and then said: "If we move Zhang Ximing now, the 60 You won’t be able to get 10! So, we have to bear with it a little longer, and when we get the money, each will share [-]! You can fuck women however you like! And that chick, I plan to keep her here forever, when the time comes Brothers, whoever wants to fuck her, just do it!"

"Oh! Brother Scar is wise!!" After listening to Scar's explanation, all the big men became honest.

After all, everyone can share 10!Although this amount of money is not particularly large, it is enough for them to work for a year!Under such conditions, they have indeed been able to temporarily endure their physical impulses!

"If any of you can't stand the stimulation, you can masturbate in the corner next to it! Let it go, everyone is a man, no one will laugh at you!" Scar said again in a "considerate" way.

"Uh...Okay! I really can't stand it! I'll fuck it!" A big man's face turned hot at first, but he accepted Scar's "good advice" and ran to the corner to fuck up.

"Damn it, it's so hard and uncomfortable! I'll fuck it too!" Another big man also stood up.

"Let me masturbate too! Damn it..." Another big guy joined the "team".

Finally, even Dao Scar couldn't help standing up: "Damn, I'll masturbate with you too! Damn, when I get the money, I'll find a few girls to vent my anger!!"

So, in the house, six big men, including Scar, lined up, faced the wall, and frantically started rolling...

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