Royal Beauty Collection

Chapter 295: Praying Mantis Catching Cicadas

Imperial Beauty Treasure - Chapter 290 Five: Praying Mantis Catch Cicada

As soon as he went outside the gate, he saw the big man who stayed behind and was in charge of guarding the gate, standing at the gate and looking around.

Yunlong sneered, jumped out of the car, rushed towards him, and continued to do the same. After a while, he deeply hypnotized the guy named "Amu", controlled him, and got into the car together.

After completing these steps, Yunlong gave an order to Akun who was driving, asking him to immediately drive the car to the garbage transfer station on National Highway 450 in the southern suburbs.

Because over there, there are still four fellows under Scar waiting for him to clean up!Moreover, Zhang Ximing's father will also put the 6000 million ransom there...

The car was driving very fast. In less than 10 minutes, Yunlong saw the garbage transfer station from a distance.

And Yunlong also observed that the four big men under Scar's subordinates formed a group of two and stood guard on both sides near the garbage transfer station. They hid their bodies, obviously waiting for the "big fish" to arrive in secret!

Yunlong sneered, ordered Akun to stop the car, and then ordered Amu to get out of the car carrying the fainted scar, let Akun carry the half-dead Zhang Ximing, and he followed behind them, heading towards the garbage station go.

In less than 5 minutes, they walked to the front of the garbage transfer station, and Yunlong, who followed behind, quickly hid his body...

The four big men who were hiding in the dark and anxiously waiting for the "big fish" to appear suddenly felt very strange when they saw Amu and others who appeared out of nowhere.

But when they saw clearly that Amu was carrying the old scar who had passed out, they couldn't bear it any longer, and rushed out in the dark, and approached Amu, wanting to ask what happened.

When the four big men gathered together and were curiously surrounding Amu with a dull face, what happened, a figure suddenly rushed out from behind them, without giving them any time to react, and blatantly shot!

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!"

After the four muffled sounds, the bodies of the four big men trembled at the same time, their eyes became sluggish, and their eyes became dull...

Yunlong sneered, appeared in front of them, and unceremoniously performed "deep hypnosis" on the four of them. For a while, the four of them were collectively controlled by Yunlong.

Afterwards, Yunlong immediately ordered them to hide around the garbage transfer station, waiting for his next instruction!

After completing this crucial step, Yunlong heard the roar of a car's engine coming from the 450 National Highway in the distance.

At present, Yunlong gathered his eyes and looked up, only to see a luxurious Mercedes-Benz 550 sedan appearing on the 450 National Highway in the morning light, driving towards the garbage transfer station!

On the driving seat was a lean old man in a white suit. Yunlong found that the old man's brows were somewhat similar to Zhang Ximing.

At this time, the old man was driving the car, looking at the navigation system on the car, and at the same time looking anxiously at the scene outside the car.

On both sides of the old man, there were two huge snakeskin sacks, bulging, obviously full of things...

Seeing this scene, Yunlong became excited. He knew that if he guessed correctly, this old man should be Zhang Ximing's father, Zhang Dongjin!

And the two snakeskin sacks on both sides of Zhang Dongjin should be the ransom of 6000 million RMB in cash!

"Damn it! This old guy really sent the money himself!" Yunlong muttered, and then took a closer look at Zhang Dongjin's appearance, and found that although his expression was nervous, he didn't look flustered, and seemed quite calm!

"Hey, is it possible that this old man wants to play some tricks?!" Yunlong said inwardly, and temporarily stood still.

At the same time, Yunlong also hid his body and continued to observe the movement in Zhang Dongjin in the dark...

I saw Zhang Dongjin driving the car, searching all the way, and after a while, he finally found the garbage transfer station. At that moment, Zhang Dongjin hurriedly drove the car directly outside the garbage transfer station and stopped.

After Zhang Dongjin looked around nervously, he saw no one, so he had no choice but to open the car door and get out of it. Drag it to a garbage can at the garbage transfer station, put it away!

After looking around again, Zhang Dongjin still didn't see a single person. Feeling disappointed and terrified, he had no choice but to get in the car again, and then drove back to the national highway.

However, Yunlong observed that when Zhang Dongjin reversed the car and exited, his head suddenly tilted down, and his mouth seemed to be saying something...

Yunlong was stunned, he worked hard enough to listen to the past, and soon he heard Zhang Dongjin's voice: "The bait has been released, you can get ready to act! Remember, you must see my son appear, Only then can I act, and don’t let those people hurt my son!”

After saying these words, Zhang Dongjin raised his head, slowly drove the car into a fairly hidden pass outside the 450 National Highway, stopped, and then waited anxiously...

At this moment, Yunlong suddenly saw a dozen black shadows suddenly appearing on both sides of the 450 National Highway, they turned out to be a dozen strong men in black!

These dozen or so big men, along both sides of National Highway 450, took advantage of the cover of grass and trees to quickly and nimbly gather in the direction of the garbage transfer station.

"Hey... this old guy is really cunning, he is really unwilling to pay for it! He still wants to engage in praying mantis and catching cicadas, so I will play with you with an oriole!" Yunlong witnessed all this, with a weird smile on his face …

Then, Yunlong quickly sneaked to the back of the garbage transfer station, and ordered Amu, who was hiding here, to carry the half-dead Zhang Ximing out.

Then, he suddenly ordered Akun next to him to pick up the unconscious Scar and followed him out. Finally, he ordered the other four big men to rush towards the garbage transfer station.

Yunlong's order to the four big men was to intercept the dozen or so black-clothed men who suddenly appeared, and it was best to fight them!

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