Royal Beauty Collection

Chapter 346: I'm Not That Kind of Person

Imperial Beauty Collection - Chapter 340 Six: I'm Not That Kind of Person

After leaving the alley, Yunlong ran along the street for a while with Wen Xiaoying on his back, and stopped until he could not hear the siren behind him.

Only then did Yunlong look behind him, and found that the alley could no longer be seen, and it was at least several kilometers away from the Golden Dragon Hotel.

"Are you... tired?" Wen Xiaoying suddenly asked Yunlong in a low voice.

"Oh, I'm not tired!" Yunlong shook his head, and then said to her: "Miss Wen, how about I send you back now?"

"No, I...I don't want to go back tonight!" Wen Xiaoying shook her head immediately, and said in an almost resolute tone.

"Uh... Then An Tianming has been scared away by me. At least tonight, you are fine. Why don't you want to go back?" Yunlong asked her hurriedly.

"Anyway, I just don't want to go back...I'm upset when I go back!" Wen Xiaoying didn't explain the reason, but just shook her head vigorously.

"Uh... that's fine!" Yunlong shrugged helplessly, and then asked her, "Then...Miss Wen, where do you want to go rest?"

"This... I, I haven't thought about it yet..." Wen Xiaoying didn't think about this question, but she thought about it, and then said to Yunlong: "Why don't you tell me, where is the best place to spend the night?"

"Stay overnight!!" Yunlong was startled when he heard the words, and said, "Miss Wen, you are a big star, so don't just spend the night anywhere! If those entertainment reporters find out, then there will be rumors everywhere!"

"Hmm... What you said makes sense, but it's late at night, and I'm wearing sunglasses, so don't worry about reporters finding out!" Wen Xiaoying said.

"Oh, that's fine! Then... tell me, where you want to go, I'll take you there right now!" Yunlong said to her.

"You...Are you in such a hurry to go back?" Wen Xiaoying asked him suddenly.

"Uh...not in a hurry...mainly because I have a friend waiting for me at the Golden Dragon Hotel." At this moment, Yunlong suddenly thought of Murong Yingying.

At this moment, the mobile phone in his pocket rang, Yunlong hurriedly freed up a hand, took out the mobile phone to answer, and it was Murong Yingying who called!

"Yunlong, where have you been? Why can't I find you in the lounge?" Murong Yingying's voice was a little anxious.

"Oh, I... I'll go out with Miss Wen... for a walk!" Yunlong thought for a while and hurriedly replied.

"Miss Wen? Which Miss Wen? Which beauty did you date again?" Murong Yingying's voice became a little tasteful.

"'s the "Little Jade Queen" Wen Xiaoying!" Yunlong didn't hide it from Murong Yingying.

"Huh? You're so powerful? You can even get "Little Jade Queen" Wen Xiaoying, you're so good!" Murong Yingying's voice became extremely surprised.

"Uh, Sister Yingying, then... then let's go back now! You wait for me there, I'll be there in about 20 minutes!" Yunlong thought that Murong Yingying would be angry, so he hurriedly said to her.

"Oh, no need, Liang Zhenzhen and the others have also achieved good results, so now we are going to have a celebration banquet in the box, and it will probably be very late, so if you have nothing to do, you don't have to come here, and go with the little girl Have fun!" Murong Yingying said.

"Uh... Sister Yingying, what do you mean?" Yunlong was somewhat confused about what Murong Yingying meant.

"Oh, that "Little Jade Queen" Wen Xiaoying is the goddess in the hearts of thousands of homeboys. If you have such a good opportunity to get close to her, why don't you hurry up and use all your strength to take her down! Hee Don't tell me you don't want to do this!" Murong Yingying on the other end of the phone giggled coquettishly.

"Uh...Sister Yingying, it's not what you imagined. I...I and her...wouldn't have that kind of relationship..." Yunlong blushed and hurriedly explained.

"Tch, stop fooling me! This girl doesn't know about your flamboyance!" Murong Yingying smiled, and then said: "Anyway, I don't care, now I'm going to sing with them, tonight, You can figure it out yourself! 88..."

"Hello... Sister Yingying..." Yunlong wanted to say a few words to Murong Yingying, but she had already hung up the phone...

This time, Yunlong had no choice but to hold the phone and stand there in a daze. He didn't know anything about "handling" Wen Xiaoying.

"I heard it all..." Wen Xiaoying who was behind him said suddenly.

"Ah... I'm sorry, Miss Wen, friend likes to joke around, don't mind!" Yunlong hurriedly explained to Wen Xiaoying.

"Hehe... If I guessed correctly, she should be your girlfriend?" Wen Xiaoying asked.

"Uh... that's right!" Yunlong was taken aback for a moment, and then admitted.

"What do you mean by "is it right?"? Yes, yes, no, no!" Wen Xiaoying said coquettishly.

"Yes, she is my woman!" Yunlong simply nodded.

"Oh...then you...should be close boyfriend and girlfriend, right?" Wen Xiaoying asked curiously.

"That's right! We have done everything we should do!" Yunlong admitted in a very bachelor way.

"Hehe... you are... very interesting!" Wen Xiaoying naturally knew what he meant, so she blushed pretty, smiled, and said, "well, now I want to rest too, you can find a place nearby A higher-end hotel, send me there!"

"Oh, yes!" Yunlong nodded, then continued to carry her on his back and walked forward.

After walking for a while, a brightly lit hotel appeared at the intersection ahead. Yunlong raised his eyes and saw the five magnificent characters of "Silver Bay Hotel" flashing on the signboard.

"Huh? Silver Bay Hotel!" Yunlong was stunned, and at the same time he remembered that in his wallet, there was a VIP card of "Silver Bay Hotel". This card was dragged by Ling Yueyue at that time." Keep it to yourself when you open the house!

Thinking of Ling Yueyue, Yunlong's heart moved again. He felt as if he hadn't seen Ling Yueyue for a long time. Moreover, she didn't know where she went, as if she hadn't appeared for a long time...

"Perhaps, Ling Yueyue has already forgotten me..." Yunlong thought in his heart, suddenly felt a little depressed, so he couldn't help sighing.

"Huh? Why are you sighing?" Wen Xiaoying, who was behind, saw Yunlong's sigh and asked him curiously.

"Oh, it's okay, I just remembered something from the past!" Yunlong shook his head quickly, and then said to her: "Miss Wen, there is a "Silver Bay Hotel" over there, a five-star hotel, and I have a VIP card over there , why don't I go over there and open a room for you to rest, that place is safer, so you don't have to worry about being targeted by reporters!"

"Oh! That's good, let's go there." Wen Xiaoying immediately agreed.

So Yunlong carried Wen Xiaoying on his back and walked all the way to the "Silver Bay Hotel".

After about 5 minutes, they arrived at the gate of "Silver Bay Hotel". Yunlong carefully put Wen Xiaoying down, then stretched out his arms to support her slender waist, and walked into the hotel together.

As soon as she entered the "Silver Bay Hotel", Wen Xiaoying immediately put on the pair of big sunglasses, and then leaned on the shoulder of the dragon, looking like a little bird clinging to each other. The two looked very much like a young couple fashion couple.

Yunlong walked to the front desk and took out the VIP card from his wallet. Since this was the supreme "diamond card", he quickly booked a luxurious presidential suite.

After completing the steps of booking a room, Yunlong took Wen Xiaoying by his arm and took the elevator up to the [-]th floor of "Silver Bay Hotel".

After all, Yunlong lived here for a week, so he seemed to be quite "knowledgeable", so after reaching the [-]th floor, Yunlong walked out, holding the VIP card, the thick silver door at the corner of the stairs Brush on the metal door card slot.

With a sound of "beep...", the VIP card was spit out from the card slot, and then the gentle electronic female voice rang out: "Verification is complete, supreme level—diamond level VIP! Distinguished guest, welcome to come, You will be able to have the most unique presidential suite in this hotel for free, which will provide you with the most complete and supreme service, welcome to stay!"

After the electronic girl's voice finished, the silver metal door opened to both sides with a "click...", revealing the unique corridor.

"Okay, let's go in!" Yunlong greeted Wen Xiaoying and walked inside.

As soon as the two of them entered the security metal gate, the metal gate that had been sensed closed slowly again, isolating them from the surroundings...

What appeared in front of the two of them was still the retro and pure Mediterranean-style circular arcade, with bright colors, simple and generous colors, and an elegant atmosphere. There were some European-style wall lamps on the walls, emitting soft light, making the whole street The hallway looked extraordinarily quiet and peaceful.

"Oh! This place is really nice!" Wen Xiaoying admired, then she looked at Yunlong with a pair of wonderful eyes, and asked him with a blushing face: "By the way, I think you are quite familiar with this place, do you often bring your girlfriend here? Do you have a room here?"

"Uh... no, no more, I just lived here for a while before!" Yunlong's face turned hot, and he quickly shook his head in denial.

"Hehe... Seriously, you brought me into this isolated room, I... I'm really worried about what you're doing to me..." Wen Xiaoying said with a blushing face suddenly.

"Uh... no, don't worry, Ms. Wen, I, I'm definitely not that kind of person!" Yunlong waved his hands and said.

"Hee hee... I was just kidding with you, I know you are a good person!" Wen Xiaoying laughed...

"Uh Miss Wen, are you so worried about me? Are you not afraid that I will take the opportunity to bully you?" Yunlong asked her deliberately.

"You won't, some pretty girls like a man as powerful as you, so there's no need to do that!" Wen Xiaoying giggled.

"Hehe, what you say makes me feel embarrassed to bully you!" Yunlong also laughed.

"Huh? Don't you... Do you have this idea?" Wen Xiaoying asked him suddenly, and at the same time, her big eyes were fixed on Yunlong, and there was a strange look in those beautiful eyes...

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