Royal Beauty Collection

Chapter 404: Milky Way Nebula

Imperial Beauty Collection - Chapter [-]: Nebula Map of the Milky Way

After the two of them played with each other in the bathroom, it was almost afternoon. Since Bai Lanqiu had to hold a company meeting, the two of them climbed up unsatisfied and put on their clothes.

After putting on his clothes, in order to avoid suspicion, Bai Lanqiu called his personal driver to take Yunlong away first.

The car that came to pick up Yunlong was a low-key and luxurious Mercedes-Benz 600.But to Yunlong's surprise, when he looked at Bai Lanqiu's personal driver, he found that it was a rather delicate-looking, heroic young woman.

It turned out that Bai Lanqiu's female driver was also her bodyguard. According to Bai Lanqiu, her female bodyguard used to be a martial arts athlete in the national team, and later received professional bodyguard training from Israeli secret agents.

It's just that when Bai Lanqiu went to the commercial bank in the city center to do business today, he didn't take her out, so there was a scene where the hero Yunlong saved the beauty.

This female driver was very professional. Although she saw Bai Lanqiu and Yunlong holding hands, she didn't show any surprise or surprise on her face, she just carried out Bai Lanqiu's instructions neatly.

After Yunlong got into the car, the female driver asked him, "Where are you going?"

"Uh, just send me to Southern University." Yunlong replied.

The female driver nodded and stopped talking. After Yunlong and Bai Lanqiu waved goodbye, she started the car directly, stepped on the accelerator, and the car quickly drove out of Biyuan Villa and headed towards the Southern University in the city.

Along the way, the female driver was still very silent, not saying a word, Yunlong wanted to chat with her, but he had to give up because of her cold look.

Yunlong simply squinted his eyes behind the seat, and closed his eyes to rest his mind.

However, just as Yunlong squinted his eyes, a golden light flashed in front of his eyes, and then his consciousness moved, and he quickly spun into the "Ark World"!

What surprised Yunlong was that as soon as he entered the "Ark World", the blue lights and shadows that appeared three-dimensionally and three-dimensionally around him turned around his body.

With the turning of these blue lights and shadows, entering around Yunlong's body, many indescribably gorgeous ring-shaped belts appeared.

These ring-shaped belts surround Yunlong's body, with a radius and diameter of about several tens of feet wide. It looks almost endless, and is covered with flashing light spots of different colors and nebula patterns. These scenes surround Yunlong's head and body. The surroundings are constantly revolving, bright and colorful, just like an incomparably beautiful galaxy map.

"Oh! This...what is this?" Yunlong was very surprised. Although he has entered the "Ark World" many times, he has never encountered such a scene.

"This is our Milky Way! It is not easy to be automatically simulated and generated by the energy in the "Ark". "The voice of "Sinful Spark" suddenly came from above the head, which contained a feeling of emotion.

"Oh! The star map of the Milky Way!" Yunlong exclaimed, and then asked: "Is this... very important?"

"It is very important for scientists who study outer space on earth!" "Spark of Evil" flashed in front of Yunlong: "Because, in this nebula map, it records in detail all the planets that bred life in the Milky Way!"

"Ah! Who is so powerful!?" Yunlong was shocked: "Marked all the planets with life in the Milky Way?"

"Yes, all are marked, including the detailed information of these different planetary species, the location of the planets, evolutionary status, intelligence level, technology level, etc.!" "Sinful Spark" said.

You must know that until today, most of the scientists on the earth are still arguing about the existence of aliens, and there are not a few scientists who even deny the existence of aliens. However, the "Ark World" presented This nebula map has already marked all the planets with life in the entire Milky Way, and there are detailed information.

Yunlong knew very well that if the nebula map of the Milky Way in the "Ark World" was published in the human world, it would definitely cause earth-shaking changes in human society!

"Pioneers! In the Milky Way, only the Pioneers have such abilities! Because they are the ancestors of creation!" "Sinful Spark" said.

"Oh! This pioneer family! It's so great!" Yunlong was amazed.

"Yes! The great pioneer family is the origin and creator of all life in the galaxy!" "Sin Spark" said something, and then suddenly said to Yunlong: "Master, you are so lucky to have the opportunity to inherit the pioneer family mantle!"

"Oh! You mean... I, I have reached the stage of third-order genetic enhancement?" Yunlong became excited.

"Yes! Because you just conquered a superb woman: Bai Lanqiu! Her comprehensive skill points are as high as 50!" "Sinful Spark" became excited: "So, master, you now have 130 skill points in the system , not only have the conditions for third-order genetic enhancement! Moreover, you can also activate the indexer of "Ark World"!"

"Huh? What does it mean to activate the indexer of "Ark World"?" Yunlong was startled.

"Actually, the "Ark World" in your mind is a virtual image triggered by the indexer. Since your system skill point has broken through the 100 mark, it will greatly enhance the biological electromagnetic pulse in your body, forming a gravitational field , activated the energy of the indexer, activated it, projected light waves, and then diffracted this nebula map!" "Sinful Spark" explained.

"Oh, and then?" Yunlong only half understood.

"After the nebula map is generated, the indexer will pass the dna verification again, allowing you to enter the third-order genetic enhancement project. After completing this final genetic enhancement project, the real "Ark World" will be opened to you, and you can enter it all the time. And inherit the mantle of the pioneers!" "Spark of Guilty" said, and added: "Then, you will surpass the scope of human beings!"

"Ah? Beyond the scope of human beings... Then what will I become?" Yunlong was startled.

"Forerunner! You will be the forerunner of mankind!" said "Guilty Spark".

"Forerunner? What is that concept?" Yunlong asked hastily.

"About this topic, I can only tell you after entering the "Ark World"!" "Spark of Evil" said, reminding him: "Master, your destination has arrived! Get out of the car first!"

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