Royal Beauty Collection

Chapter 421: Area 51 Ability Troop

Imperial Beauty Collection - Chapter 420 51: Supernatural Troops in Area [-]

At the same time, in the distant United States, in the desert about 130 kilometers north of Las Vegas in northern Nevada, a straight road leads to a heavily guarded military base with wires and warning signs. inside.

This highway is Interstate 375 in Nevada, and it is also the famous "Alien Avenue", because at the end of this highway is the most mysterious area in the United States, and even the world: Area 51 of the US Air Force!

Area 51 (area51) - also known as "Water City", "Dreamland", "Paradise Farm", "Box", "Groom Lake" and the Development Planning Board Area, is a large area of ​​the US federal government in remote southern Nevada , the entire area 51 is surrounded by mountains and is also a large part of the emigrant valley, which belongs to the basin. In the central groom lake of the entire basin, this lake is a dry sandy land with a diameter of about 5 kilometers. A large air force base is located in the southwest of the lake horn.

The first thing that catches the eye is a runway more than three miles long in the southern part of the area, flanked by several hangars, some of which are huge and have white-painted roofs.The second point of note is an air traffic control antenna. The base of the antenna is rectangular and 3 feet long. The antenna itself is 400 feet high, so it can be seen from 150 miles away in clear weather. antenna.

The state government of Nevada has the authority to manage Area 51. The current base is under the direct jurisdiction of the Pentagon and the US government. The US government has denied the existence of this restricted area that even military aircraft are not allowed to enter the air above it. Civilian aircraft are also prohibited from passing through the base. Shangkong is now unwilling to disclose any information about it.As the land with the highest level of secrecy in the United States, there will naturally be various mysterious legends. The most direct and close to the truth is that Area 51 is engaged in research and work related to alien civilizations!

Area 51 has attracted the attention of the world for more than 30 years, but for half a century, the US government has never issued any statement about the base and the discovery of mysterious military targets around the base. Of course, there are too many secrets hidden in this area that shocked the world. Secret, therefore, it is impossible for the U.S. government and military to let the outside world know the secrets inside. Once, when the Russian President visited the U.S., he proposed to visit Area 51, but was politely rejected!

And since 1943, each new president of the United States has a very secret itinerary after taking office, which is to go to Area 51 of the US Air Force and visit a place called "Green House" hidden inside the core of the base. , storing the corpses of aliens, as well as research results related to alien civilizations!

At this time, in an all-metal house on the 51th floor underground of an aircraft warehouse in Area 30, there was an oval table, and seven men were sitting around the table. These seven men almost controlled half of the entire human world. Power above!

Because, among these seven men, the President of the United States and the Secretary of Defense are present, and the other five men are the five major arms production contractors of the United States: Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon, Northrop Gru The five heavyweight bosses of five super military enterprises including Mann and General Dynamics!

These five companies are collectively known as the "Five King Kongs" and are famous!The advanced weapons produced by these five arms giants are enough to smash the entire earth hundreds of times!

At this time, the seven people were sitting in that strange all-metal room, looking at a wall in the room. On that wall, there were several huge display screens, and there were some advanced intercom systems around, including a radar screen.

At this time, Jason, the boss of Lockheed Martin, was smoking a Cuban Havana cigar, exhaled a puff of smoke ring, and said slowly to the US President Ohama in front: "Mr. President, I heard that the scientists of the Air Force recently , made a big breakthrough in the technology research of the "little gray man" in the green room, and created an electromagnetic light wave weapon, isn't it an eye-opener for us today?"

President Ohama of the United States nodded to Defense Minister Leon, so Defense Minister Leon stood up and said to the five major arms giants sitting: "Of course, gentlemen, let's take a look at our latest research results!"

After all, Minister of Defense Leon said to the ground communication system: "515, you can start now!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the other six people could clearly see on the screen that a modified navy Hornet f16 fighter jet was flying across the sky, flying towards the distance at a speed that broke through the sound barrier. Suddenly, the The fuselage of the f16 fighter jet burned in the sky, and quickly split into countless pieces, turned into a dazzling fireball in the sky, and fell to the ground!

"Oh! This kind of energy light wave weapon can take down main fighters like F16, not bad! However, this should not be considered a new weapon, right? Russia and China can also do it!" General Dynamics' boss Ben Cent muttered with some dissatisfaction.

"Hey, gentlemen, don't worry, it's just a warm-up, and the fun is coming!" Minister of Defense Lyon said with a smile.

Sure enough, one of the screens switched shots, and a silver-white fighter jet slid out of the hangar and quickly slid out of the runway. The three bosses from Lockheed Martin, Boeing and General Dynamics stood up in surprise, Because they are so familiar with this fighter, it is the f22 "Raptor" stealth fighter jointly produced by the three of them!

This F-22 fighter (Raptor) is a new generation of heavy stealth fighter designed for the US Air Force jointly by Lockheed Martin, Boeing and General Dynamics.It is also the "fourth generation fighter" referred to by military aviation experts. It is the main combat aircraft of the U.S. Air Force in the 21st century. Its main mission is to obtain and maintain air supremacy in the theater. , stealth ability and other aspects are almost no, 22 among the air forces of all countries in the world!Few rivals can compare with it!

However, the F22 quickly slid out of the runway and flew into the sky, the speed was simply unparalleled!It disappeared from the radar screen in an instant. If it weren't for the special receiver installed on the outside of the fighter, the F22 Raptor would have disappeared from the sight of the seven people.

"Uh—Your Excellency, you mean that this energy light wave weapon can also shoot down the f22? It is invisible, and it is invisible on the radar now!" the boss of the Grumman company asked impatiently.

"Hehe, of course!" Leon smiled triumphantly.

"Ah! What about the pilots on the fighter jets? It's not easy to train such pilots!" General Dynamics' boss asked hurriedly.

"Oh! We have solved the problem of the pilot, there is no one on the plane! It is controlled by artificial intelligence!" Leon replied.

"Huh? The technology of artificial intelligence has reached such a level?!" Boeing's boss Clark was very surprised.

"Enn, this technology was only recently researched in the "Little Gray Man" data! Therefore, it has been in the test flight verification stage, but it seems to be working well now." Leon said.

While chatting, a mechanical voice sounded in the room, "The target has been locked! Request to attack!"

Lyon smiled triumphantly at the surprised-looking President of the United States and the other five arms giants and said, "Gentlemen, a wonderful moment has been staged!"

After all, he gave an order to the communicator: "Approve the attack! Attack the target immediately!"

At this time, an f22 raptor fighter jet flying through the clouds and about to fly to the stratosphere appeared on a screen in the room. The speed had already reached the fastest speed, and the eyes of the seven people in the room widened...

At this moment, a white light appeared on the fuselage of the F22 fighter jet flying at extremely high speed, and then the whole fuselage burst into flames. Falling down the clouds and falling to the ground!

An F1 Raptor fighter jet with a cost of 5 million US dollars was reimbursed like this!However, the most shocking thing is not the loss of the F22 Raptor fighter jet, but the sudden attack. People have not reacted at all, and they don't know when the attack was launched. There was no sign, and it was over in an instant up!

There was a sudden silence in the room, except for the Secretary of Defense Leon who looked proud, the President of the United States and the other five people looked at each other in blank dismay. This is really shocking!

After a while, the boss of Lockheed Martin swallowed hard, and asked Minister of Defense Leon, "Mr. Minister, was the F22 Raptor stealth fighter shot down by the newly developed energy light wave weapon?"

Defense Minister Lyon nodded triumphantly, and said, "Yes, sir, you guessed it right, the one that shot down the F22 Raptor stealth fighter was the newly developed new energy light wave weapon!"

"Oh! This thing is really powerful! I really don't know how it locks the target." Raytheon's boss Jones was astonished.

"Hehe, the energy light wave weapon has an extremely high energy electromagnetic field. It needs to withstand extremely high temperature, gravity, and reaction ability to control it. Ordinary humans can't do it at all. Only super soldiers who have undergone genetic enhancement and transformation can be competent!" Minister of Defense Lyon explained.

"Oh? A genetically enhanced super soldier? Could it be that legendary supernatural force?" General Dynamics' boss Smith asked hastily.

Minister of Defense Leon nodded and said: "That's right, it is the super soldiers in the supernatural force who can manipulate energy light wave weapons through genetically modified bodies. This mysterious force is currently affiliated with JSOC (US Special Operations) Headquarters) trump card! Uh... I know that you gentlemen will not believe it, but this is also the purpose of inviting the five of you here today, Mr. President and I! The specific reason will be told to you by Mr. President himself. Speak!"

President Ohima of the United States stood up, looked around, and then asked: "Gentlemen, I think you all know" the existence of supernatural forces, right? "

The five arms giants looked at each other after hearing the words, and then nodded in unison. The boss of General Dynamics, Gert, frowned and said, "Mr. President, what you are talking about is the "supernatural force" that spent a lot of money but did not achieve much. "Right? I heard that this "supernatural force" is composed of special agents with special functions. It spent a lot of government's gray budget and funds on psychological tactics, invisibility, wall penetration, psychic, clairvoyance, They even train people to use their minds to kill people! But as far as I know, this "supernatural force" is actually not as powerful as the legend says!

Defense Minister Leon waved his hand and said, "That's right, the fighter jets were shot down by two super fighters from the shadow force trained in Area 51 of our Air Force. Through their own mind is power, they used special energy-enhanced weapons to shoot down. The mysterious force is currently under the ace of JSOC (US Special Operations Command)! Uh--I know you gentlemen won't believe it, but this is why Mr. President and I invited you five to come here today! Specifically The reason for this, let Mr. President tell you personally!"

President Ohima of the United States stood up, looked around, and then asked: "Gentlemen, I think you all know" the existence of supernatural forces, right? "

The five arms giants looked at each other after hearing the words, and then nodded in unison. The boss of General Dynamics, Smith, frowned and said, "Mr. President, you are talking about the "supernatural force" that spent a lot of money but failed to produce any results, right?" ? I heard that this "supernatural force" is composed of special agents who have spent a lot of the government's gray budget and funds for psychological tactics, invisibility, wall penetration, psychic, clairvoyance, and even Training to use mind to kill! But as far as I know, this "supernatural force" is actually not as powerful as the legend!"

U.S. President O'Haima Niu nodded and said: "Well, Mr. Geert, you are partly right, but that is the history of the past. Now, all the gentlemen have seen it with their own eyes. Even the most powerful stealth fighter , was also quickly destroyed by a special energy! This is what the genetically modified fighters in today's "supernatural force" have done by manipulating and distorting the energy field!"

"Oh! So the "supernatural force" is really that strong?" Raytheon's boss Jones still couldn't believe it was true.

"Yes, the scientists of the Air Force used the "gravity gate system" to lure the grays to the earth, negotiate with them and exchange corpses, and obtained some of the research materials they provided, including human gene enhancement technology , Our biological scientists have made a major breakthrough through the study of these technologies! So we experimented on some fighters of the supernatural force and achieved great success." The President of the United States, O'Heima Niu, explained, and then said proudly: "If this technology is verified, our technology in the United States will be 100 years more advanced than that of other countries in the world!"

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