Royal Beauty Collection

Chapter 428: Earth Strikes Back

Imperial Beauty Collection - Chapter 420 Eight: Earth Strikes Back

Just as the Alvin mini-submarine dived rapidly, the space carrier of the "Sikoma" star had already moved over the Santa Monica Bay.

And the anti-gravity flying saucers flitting around attacked the Mi** team even more crazily!

All of a sudden, a series of terrifying blue plasma lasers shuttled through the sky amidst explosions and artillery fire. The Mi Army fighter planes in the sky and ships on the sea were shot down and sunk continuously, outlining scenes of terrifying end-time scenes , the M** team suffered heavy casualties and was on the verge of collapse at any time.

The Minister of Defense Lyon has already sent the situation on the front line to US President Ohema who is waiting for news in Washington through satellite images.

Seeing the miserable scene where the M**** team was beaten to pieces by the aliens, the President of the United States Ohema and the staff present felt aching in their hearts.

After hesitating for a while, President Ohima of the United States gritted his teeth, turned his head and said to the staff: "If this continues, our elite troops will be wiped out! We must take a strong counterattack!"

"A strong counterattack? Mr. President, what do you mean?" an aide next to him hurriedly asked.

"Nuclear weapons! We may be forced to use nuclear weapons! These damned aliens!" The black face of President Ohama of the United States showed an extremely tangled expression.

"Ah! The use of nuclear weapons!! This is in the United States! And it will completely destroy the Los Angeles chicken!" A group of staff exclaimed.

"Most of the Los Angeles chickens have been destroyed now! If this continues, I'm afraid it will be Wah Hington's turn!" President Ohema of the United States said in a deep voice.

"But... there are still many survivors in Los Angeles!" A staff member said, and then reminded him: "Even if we really want to use nuclear weapons, we must first find a way to rescue the survivors! "

"Time may be too late. After the Los Angeles chicken resistance is eliminated, those aliens will soon launch attacks on other big cities in our country, and even... large human cities around the world will be attacked by them! "U.S. President Ohima said, and said in a cold voice: "Now is no longer the time to act emotionally. We must take countermeasures before the alien attack spreads!"

"But... Mr. President, if you do this, you will become a criminal in history!" an aide reminded him.

"Historical sinner! Maybe... But if I do nothing, not only will the country of the United States be destroyed, but all human beings will also be unable to escape the fate of being annihilated!" said President Ohama of the United States with a dark face.

"Okay...Mr. President, this may be the most difficult decision in your life, maybe the worst decision! I hope you are right!" The aide sighed and stopped objecting.

Seeing that there was no objection anymore, President Ohama of the United States picked up the phone, connected to the inside line of Minister of Defense Lyon, and issued his order to him: "Leon, I will give you half an hour to let the troops participating in the war fight as soon as possible. Possible evacuation of Los Angeles! I have decided to use nuclear weapons against those aliens. In half an hour, an intercontinental missile with a nuclear warhead will be launched from New Mexico, and it will fall into Los Angeles!"

After receiving the order, Minister of Defense Lyon was stunned, silent for a while, and then sighed helplessly: "Understood, I will execute the order immediately, Mr. President!"

Time passed quickly, and more than 20 minutes passed. After receiving the order of a rapid retreat from Defense Minister Lyon, the militia team participating in the battle in Santa Monica Bay, the surviving fighter jets quickly withdrew to the base and floated On the sea, the defeated U.S. Navy's "Enterprise" nuclear-powered aircraft carrier battle group also dragged its black-smoky remains to the open sea.

It's just that it is absolutely unknown whether it can avoid the bombing range of nuclear weapons, and it is an absolute nightmare for the millions of people in Chicken City, Los Angeles who were lucky enough not to die in the alien attack, and they don't even know , the catastrophe is approaching, and even many people are naively praying that more mi** teams will come to support them and rescue them from the fiery hell!

At this time, Minister of Defense Lyon has been transferred to the underground headquarters with nuclear safety facilities. He is staring at the signal received from the military satellite, looking at the Santa Monica Bay that has been occupied by the "Sikma" stars, and waiting The moment US President Okama pressed the nuclear button!

At this time, due to the hasty retreat of the U.S. Navy from the battlefield, the "Sikoma" stars had already occupied Santa Monica Bay. Their anti-gravity flying saucers roared across the sky in groups, surrounding the sky Hovering around the huge space carrier, it looked very cheerful.

After driving away the M** team, the space carrier hovered in the midair of Santa Monica Bay, and the bottom cabin below slowly opened, stretching out long metal tentacles, like an extremely huge Like an octopus, it went down into the sea!

As these long metal tentacles sank into the sea, under the surface of the sea, under the stirring of those metal tentacles, the sea water swirled rapidly, presenting an incomparably huge vortex, which was as big as several football fields!

"What are they... doing?" Minister of Defense Leon was surprised to see this weird scene on the screen.

"They seem to be detecting and looking for something on the bottom of the sea!" A senior officer next to him interjected.

"Oh! Looking for something! I...maybe know what they want to do!" Minister of Defense Leon nodded, and then said harshly: "Let them look for it, anyway, in two minutes, when the ICBM is launched, it will kill these aliens." The offal will be blasted back to their grandma's house!"

At this moment, the space carrier paused suddenly, and then quickly retrieved the metal tentacles that fell into the sea, submerged into the hull, and at the same time, the hull burst out a dazzling and strange blue light.

This group of blue light quickly came from the space carrier, wrapping it tightly, as if it was covered with a protective shield.It looked like an incomparably huge blue lighthouse hanging in midair.

"Ah? This seems to be its protective cover!" Minister of Defense Leon had been observing the progress of the war before, and he had already judged that the blue halo emitted by the space carrier was most likely its protective cover. !

At the same time, Defense Minister Lyon's face turned pale. He knew very well that the shield of the space carrier was absolutely very strong, even if it was bombarded with nuclear weapons, it would not necessarily have a fatal effect on it!

Just as Secretary of Defense Lyon was hesitating whether to call the President of the United States to report the situation, a strange spherical object suddenly protruded from the middle of the huge vortex circling on the sea surface of Santa Monica Bay.

The spherical object is very huge, just like a huge sphere floating in the sea, and its shape looks very strange. I don't know what material it is made of, and it has a layer of metallic luster.

Moreover, there is a black hole in the middle of it, and around that hole, there are densely packed many small round holes, and the huge hole in the middle looks like a cannon, except that the muzzle The size of the gun is astonishingly huge, and the muzzle is facing the space carrier in the sky!

The strangest thing is that the space carrier seems to have sensed the danger, and felt that it started to rotate, and the hull quickly rose to a high altitude. Moreover, the groups of anti-gravity flying saucers around it also followed it, one after another. Climb up in a hurry!

"Boo! Hah! Hah!"

At this time, countless green rays of light suddenly burst out from those small holes in that strange spherical object in the sea. What is even more strange is that these green rays of light shoot into the air and turn around, as if they had eyes, and locked onto it. Those anti-gravity flying saucers flying away in a hurry shot towards them with an incomparable speed!

"Pon! Pon! Pon!"

A series of terrifying explosions sounded almost at the same time. Those once powerful "Xikoma" star anti-gravity flying saucers, after being hit by those green rays, exploded in the sky one after another, turning into colorful and dazzling clouds. The blue light group shattered and split, and then fell to the sea!

But the space carrier felt that something was wrong, so it accelerated the speed of escape, and it rose to an altitude of several thousand meters in a blink of an eye, and it was about to fly out of the earth's atmosphere.

At this moment, the weird spherical object on the sea suddenly spun rapidly, and the huge hole in the middle gathered a dazzling green beam of light, which became brighter and brighter, even surpassing the brightness of the sun , shrouding the entire Santa Monica Bay in a mysterious green light.

"Whoosh!" After gathering enough energy, the green beam of light suddenly soared out of the sea, roaring and shot towards the sky, and, turning suddenly in mid-air, swept towards the fleeing space carrier. past.

"Boom!!" A dull explosion resounded like a nine-day thunder!

In an instant, the extremely powerful and even invincible "Xikoma" star space carrier was torn apart and turned into a huge burning blue fireball, falling from outside the atmosphere to the ground!

"Oh my god! I knocked that thing down!"

"Yeah! Those alien bastards were all killed! We... we won!!"

"Oh my god, it's unbelievable, it's unbelievable, is this a science fiction movie?"

"What the hell is that ball? Why did it help us?"

Defense Minister Leon, who had been nervously watching this scene in the underground combat center, and the officers around him cheered crazily and loudly. What is the origin of the spherical object?

However, Minister of Defense Lyon didn't have much time to be dazed, because in less than a minute, President Ohama of the United States was about to press the intercontinental missile carrying a tactical nuclear warhead and headed for Los Angeles.

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