Royal Beauty Collection

Chapter 434: Returning to Southern University

Imperial Beauty Collection - Chapter 430 Four: Return to Southern University

"Oh! What a tragedy!" Yunlong couldn't help crying when he witnessed this terrifying scene.

Because under the attack of that space carrier, more than half of Tokyo, one of the best international metropolises in the world, was destroyed. Countless lives were turned into ashes or even gas under the direct burning of the powerful plasma laser cannon!

"Master, let's leave as soon as possible! The energy of the "Enforcer" is already below 10100! And the invisibility shield is about to fail, if you don't leave, it will be bad if you are discovered by the "Sikma" star." At this time, "Sinful Spark" Remind Yunlongdao.

"Oh, well, let's go back to Huaxia, let's go back to Nanming City!" Yunlong said immediately.

After leaving for half a year, and in the past six months, the world situation has undergone such huge changes, Yunlong still has the safety of the girls very much in his heart.

At the moment, Yunlong's consciousness moved, and he controlled the "enforcer" to make a turn in the sky, along the sea, and head straight to the east, while Japan behind him was already in dire straits and on the verge of complete collapse.

Not long after, Yunlong drove the "Law Enforcer" into the sky above Taiwan, the treasured island of China, but what made Yunlong feel a little strange was that when he browsed Taiwan Island from the air, he found that there were many buildings on the island. All have five-star red flags!

"What's going on? Taiwan is liberated?" Yunlong felt very strange.

"Oh! No, it's because Taiwan has voluntarily requested to return to the mainland three months ago!" "Spark of Evil" said.

"Oh? Volunteering to return? They stopped making trouble?" Yunlong continued to ask.

"Hey... The big backer, the United States, has been collapsed by the "Sikma" stars. In the world, only the Chinese state-owned "Temple Defenders" is currently protected, so it is the safest and the most powerful country in the world. If Taiwan If they don’t return, they will definitely end up like Japan! They are not fools! Only by returning to the motherland can they be protected.” “Spark of Evil” explained.

"Oh! So that's how it is...haha!" Yunlong was quite surprised that after so many years, Taiwan returned to the motherland in such a way.

Continue to fly along the sea to the border of Huaxia, and when passing Hainan Island, I saw two strangely shaped aircraft, which suddenly appeared in front of me.

These two aircraft are glowing green all over, in a triangular shape, with two spherical metal eyes at the front end, and hexagonal wings in the bottom cabin, with a diameter of about 7 to 8 meters, like two giants floating in the air. dragonfly.

"Huh? What is this?" Yunlong was startled, because he could feel that these two aircraft not only possessed extremely strong maneuverability, but also were invisible, and even had very strong combat effectiveness.

"Master, don't worry, this is the defender of the temple!" "Sin Spark" laughed.

"Oh! Just two?" Yunlong asked hastily.

"Okay, the defenders of the temple are the intelligent combat robots that were the pioneers of the ancient times to protect the temple. I summoned them and deployed two in each province of China. These defenders of the temple are not many in number, but their combat effectiveness is very strong Strong, and able to recharge quickly, it is the nemesis of the anti-gravity flying saucer of the "Sikoma" star. As long as there are 10 Templar defenders, even the space carrier can be shot down, so the "Sikoma" star basically Don't dare to easily violate the airspace of China." "Spark of Evil" explained.

"Oh! It seems that the defender of the temple is not bad!" Yunlong praised.

"Master, after you open the "Last Holy Land", you will obtain the knowledge of weapons left by the defenders of the temple and the ancient pioneers. At that time, it will not be very difficult for you to build a powerful army beyond the galaxy. Things!" said Guilty Spark.

"Oh! Then I will build an expeditionary army and go to the lair of those "Xikoma" stars!" Yunlong's eyes lit up.

"Yeah, if you want to have all of this, you must enter the "Last Holy Land" as soon as possible." "Spark of Evil" said.

"Well, I'll go back and have a look at them, and then I'll go to the "Last Holy Land"!" Yunlong nodded, his consciousness moved, and he drove the "Law Enforcer" towards the territory of Huaxia Kingdom.

The two Templar Defenders in the sky followed him for a while before returning to their defensive positions.

After a while, the "Law Enforcement Officer" flew over Nanming City. Yunlong looked down and saw that Nanming City was still intact, but the population on the street seemed to be much larger, and there were many blond-haired and blue-eyed foreigners, even without Less is black.

"Uh, why are there so many foreigners?" Yunlong was startled.

"Oh, these people are refugees from various countries who have applied for asylum in Huaxia. They were originally arranged by the Huaxia government in specially built refugee camps, but today is an open day, so foreigners who have passed the review are allowed to take to the streets and Procurement," said Guilty Spark.

"Oh? It seems that many refugees have come to China!" Yunlong exclaimed.

"Yes, after the war broke out, the United States and the European Union were defeated, and their interim governments asked for asylum from China, and China also tried their best to help them, resulting in a large number of refugees, at least 5 million people Migrated to Huaxia, and most of the refugees were placed in temporary refugee camps. The Huaxia government provided them with food and medicine out of humanitarian spirit, or these refugees would have died of famine and war! ’” Guilty Spark explained.

"More than 5 million refugees... To feed so many people, it seems that life in China is not easy!" Yunlong exclaimed.

"Yes! If the war continues like this, even if the "Xikoma" stars do not take the initiative to attack Huaxia, as long as the "scorched earth policy" is adopted, Huaxia's various reserve resources will not be able to support it for a year!" "Spark of Evil " said.

"Uh...then we have to act quickly!" Yunlong understood the seriousness of the situation, so he stopped thinking about it and drove the "enforcer" down to the Southern University.

The "Law Enforcer" itself has powerful stealth capabilities, so Yunlong parked it on the roof of the tallest library building in Southern University, making it hide its fuselage, and ordinary humans can't see its trace at all.

Then, Yunlong walked down from the rooftop to the library. Since he had no clothes to wear, he rummaged around in an office in the library and found a set of librarian's clothes to change into, feeling a little excited , came out.

As soon as I walked out of the library, I saw many tents around the square. Many foreigners were moving around in an orderly manner. There was also a sign with various languages ​​on the outside, which read "Temporary Settlement Site of Southern University" ’, obviously, this is a refugee settlement.

When Yunlong was feeling surprised, he suddenly saw a few familiar figures over there, and they were Chu Nan, Zhou Daming and Wang Yang.

And the three of them wore red armbands on their arms, holding some packages and food in their hands, and were distributing them in the refugee camp.

Seeing this, Yunlong immediately walked towards them, and shouted from a long distance: "Boss, fat man, fourth child, I'm back!"

Chu Nan, Zhou Daming, and Wang Yang were busy, and immediately looked over when they heard the sound. When they saw Yunlong, they quickly distributed the supplies in their hands, and then ran towards him.

The three ran to his side, rushed up excitedly at the same time, hugged him, and then cried out of control at the same time.

"Uh... you... you don't need to be so excited, right? I, I just haven't seen each other for half a year!" Yunlong said hastily.

"Wuuu... You disappeared for half a year for no reason. The brothers almost thought that you had been dissected by aliens! I didn't expect you to be alive! Can you not be excited!" Chu Nan shouted.

"Wuuu, third child, they said that you went to the United States to do business. We saw that the United States was destroyed, and really thought you would never come back!" Zhou Daming also yelled.

"Yes! Yes! I thought, you don't want your beautiful girlfriends anymore! It's a pity for you, but I didn't expect you to come back suddenly! It's so exciting..." Wang Yang said The servant is also crying.

"Brothers, don't worry, I, I'm fine!" Yunlong comforted them movingly.

At this moment, Chu Nan asked Yunlong, "Third brother, tell me the truth, why did you go to the country of America?"

"Uh... If I say that I am saving the earth, do you believe it?" Yunlong said helplessly.

"Cut! Who do you think you are! Saving the earth, that's what Ougman does..." Chu Nan immediately rolled his eyes and screamed strangely.

"That's right! Did you go to the United States to have sex?" Zhou Daming said wretchedly.

"Quack, I also think I went to pick up girls from the United States, and then I was suddenly invaded by aliens, so I couldn't come back." Wang Yang also said wretchedly.

"Damn, no one will believe the truth!" Yunlong felt that it was difficult for him to explain to them for a while, after all, his experience was not something people on earth could understand.

"You boy disappeared for half a year, how can you really give up those women of yours!" Chu Nan said.

Yunlong hurriedly asked: "Are they all right?"

"They are not good!" The three animals immediately replied in unison.

"Ah? This...why is this?" Yunlong asked in a daze.

"It's not because of you!" Chu Nan patted Yunlong on the shoulder: "You are really kind, you have met so many top-quality women, and all of them are devoted to you! I really admire you!"

"Boss, what's the situation with them now?" Yunlong continued to ask.

"Now your women are all gathered together and busy." Chu Nan said.

"Huh? What are they... gathered together for?" Yunlong asked hastily.

"They, like us, have participated in various rescue operations organized by the government, but your women are more capable. They have gone to open garment factories to produce clothes and tents, and opened pharmaceutical factories to produce medicinal materials. Yes, they are all going to join the Temporary Medical Team without Borders!!" Zhou Daming replied.

"Oh! Then they... are fine!" Yunlong breathed a sigh of relief.

"They seem to be busy with their own business during the day, and they all live in the Southern Military Region at night!" Chu Nan said suddenly.

"Oh? Why do they live in the Southern Military Region?" Yunlong was taken aback.

"Because there are mysterious forces guarding it! Ordinary people can't get in." Wang Yang said.

"Mysterious power?" Yunlong was startled again.

At this time, the voice of "Evil Spark" sounded in his ears: "Master, there is a Templar Defender guarding the southern military region, which is the mysterious power they said. "

Only then did Yunlong understand, and then asked: "They must be very busy now, right?"

"Now there are more and more refugees, and the situation is getting more and more serious. They must be very busy! And the United States has been bombed by aliens. They all think you can't come back, and they are all widowed for you! You The boy is really capable! Leaving so many beautiful girls who are as beautiful as flowers and jade! Damn, I really don’t know what you are doing for!” Chu Nan complained endlessly.

Yunlong shrugged helplessly. He had told the truth, but the three animals didn't believe it, so he couldn't help it.

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