Royal Beauty Collection

Chapter 439: The Golden Box of the Chamber of Secrets

Imperial Beauty Treasure - Chapter 430 Nine: The Golden Box of the Chamber of Secrets

Soon after entering the tunnel, Yunlong realized that the inside was full of wide, straight passages and glazed walls. Every ten meters there was an exquisite rock doorway and gate, and then walked inside Go, the light has darkened.

However, Yunlong has already passed the third-level genetic enhancement, and his eyes have the special function of seeing things in the dark, so it does not affect everything he sees.

Going all the way forward, Yunlong found that in this tunnel, there are ventilation wells with a length of 1.8 meters to 3.1 meters and a width of 80 centimeters every certain distance. It is not the dull air of an ordinary tunnel, but the cool and fresh air, which should be circulated and discharged in those ventilation shafts.

Suddenly, there was a "rumbling" deep machine roar from the depths of the tunnel. From the sound, it seemed that some kind of machine was drilling inside.

Yunlong stopped immediately, clenched the super-energy laser gun in his hand, and looked ahead vigilantly.

"Spark of Evil" reminded him: "Master, don't be nervous. The signals I found indicate that the engineers from the eight "Sikma" stars are controlling the drilling machine, and we have not been discovered by them for the time being."

So Yunlong stuck to the wall and continued to move forward. After advancing for several kilometers in the tunnel, a smooth and smooth hall suddenly appeared.There are also very smooth rock walls around, and even the top of the hall is processed very flat and smooth.

Suddenly, the drilling sounds of those machines stopped in front, and then, Yunlong found a spacious hall in front of him!

When Yunlong entered that hall, he was amazed and admired by the discovery that was presented, and even a little dumbfounded, and all of this can only be described as "magnificent and miraculous".

It turned out that the hall was covered with an area of ​​more than 2 square meters. What is unbelievable is that the hall is filled with extremely precious ancient cultural relics of great cultural and historical value to human beings. The relics, and these relics come from all over the world and various dynasties of human history, including ancient Egypt, ancient Greece, ancient India, ancient China and other dynasties.

There are also many animal models in the hall that have been scanned by "Guilty Spark", and the composition is proved to be made of pure gold.

Such as monitor lizards, elephants, lions, crocodiles, jaguars, camels, bears, apes, bison, wolves, snails, crabs, trowels, etc., and some of these animals are not native to America, such as elephants, lions, and camels , who made their models and placed them in the tunnel?

What surprised everyone even more was that there was a dinosaur engraved on a gold engraved plate with a length of 53 cm and a width of 29 cm!Dinosaurs were already extinct 6400 million years ago. Today's human knowledge of dinosaurs is mostly obtained from dinosaur fossils. Then, how did the builders of this tunnel know that dinosaurs existed?Or have they ever used high-tech means to study dinosaur fossils?Even "Spark of Evil" can't analyze these problems, because the existence of these things is beyond the scope of information that "Spark of Evil" can search for!

Among them, there are many ancient civilizations that have long since disappeared, and some of those civilizations even exist in legends. There are relics of these civilizations here, especially among them are the continents that have sunk and disappeared for thousands of years." Some precious jades and sculptures of Atlantis, Yunlong and the others don’t know these things, but “Sin Spark” has super-capacity data, it quickly scans and distinguishes them, and tells the history of those relics , which shocked Yunlong.

Yunlong exclaimed: "Why are these things collected and placed here? These are treasures of ancient humans, and what are so many precious and rare treasures placed in this place for?"

"Evil Spark" explained: "The designer of this ancient tunnel should not be human beings. Humans at that time could not have such superb technology. I detected that there is a strong radiation protection layer in this tunnel, just on the rocks and the surrounding walls. Among them, the reason why these precious cultural relics can be preserved for a long time is precisely because of the existence of this protective layer. If I guess correctly, it should be done by the ancient pioneers."

Yunlong exclaimed: "Ancient pioneers...why do you do this?"

"I don't know..." "Sin Spark" said, and then suddenly said to Yunlong who was still walking inside: "Master, wait, I detected something!"

Yunlong hurriedly asked, "What is it?"

"Spark of Evil" replied: "I don't know either, just go in the direction I said!"

"Oh! Okay!" Yunlong nodded.

Because this hall is actually like a labyrinth, with many passages in a radial shape. The engineers of the "Sikma" star who entered it before did not know where they drilled.

"Go 30 meters ahead, turn left, then walk 20 meters, turn left again, there is a hole!" "Spark of Guilt" said, and Yunlong followed its guidance.

Sure enough, he saw an inconspicuous hole, "Spark of Evil" said: "Go into this hole! Climb inside!"

Yunlong did as he did, and got into the hole. The place was so narrow that it could only accommodate one person to pass through. Yunlong crawled all the way in for more than ten minutes before he saw an exit ahead.

"Master, it's at that place, go down!" The voice of "Sin Spark" seemed a little excited and excited.

So Yunlong sped up and crawled over, and jumped into a strangely shaped room at the exit.

This room is octagonal, and there is nothing inside, but on the floor in the middle, there is a slightly protruding thing. Yunlong leaned over to have a look, and there was a strange depression in it, similar to a human palm. The imprint seems to be a notch!

"Master, press your palm into that slot! Press hard!" said Guilty Spark.

"Oh! Okay!" Yunlong followed his words, put his right palm into the notch, and pressed hard!

"Crack!" With a sound, the floor suddenly rotated, and a hole appeared. Yunlong's feet were empty, and he fell down.

There was a whirring sound of falling around his ears, and he didn't know how long he had been falling. Suddenly, a green light flashed in front of his eyes. When Yunlong opened his eyes, he found that he had quickly fallen into a closed and strange secret room.

And in this secret room, there was a round table in front of him, but the table was spotless, very smooth, and there was nothing on it.

"Evil Spark" scanned and identified the table again, and then said in a surprised voice: "It's really strange, these are not made of wood, but metal. I don’t even know, it shouldn’t belong to the earth.”

Yunlong suddenly felt an impulsive instinct in his mind, as if he had been summoned by some mysterious power. He naturally put his hands on the edge of the table to press it, turned left nine times, and turned right again. Turned nine times...

"Crack"!With a sound, the extremely smooth table suddenly parted on both sides like a cube, everyone's eyes dazzled, and then a pure gold circle appeared on the table, a rectangular circle with a height of 15 centimeters and a width of 8 centimeters. .

Even "Spark of Evil" was taken aback, as an evolutionary artificial intelligence, it rarely does this, so it asked Yunlong strangely: "Master, how do you know that there is something hidden in this table? I I can’t even scan for any abnormalities, and even using such an advanced space lamination technology to hide this thing, it’s definitely not an ordinary thing!”

Yunlong himself was a little confused, and he was also very surprised why he knew how to use this method to open the secret of this table, so he could only say according to his feeling at the time: "I don't know why, it seems that there is a voice Let me open this table in this way, and I should be disturbed and manipulated by it."

"Spark of Evil" sighed: "It seems that this should be the hidden technology of the ancient pioneers. It is much more advanced than I imagined, and it can already directly interfere with your brain waves!"

Yunlong stopped answering, and all his attention was focused on the pure gold ring on the table.

Yunlong stretched out his hands and slowly opened the sealed box covered by the golden ring.

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