Royal Beauty Collection

Chapter 51: The Beauty of the Bus

Chapter 51: Bus Beauty

After the passion, finally the clouds and the rain rest...

Looking at Liang Xiaoxia whose arms were limp into a puddle, Yunlong felt extremely satisfied. He found that conquering a woman, especially the feeling of conquering a virgin, can indeed produce an indescribable sense of satisfaction. No wonder, throughout the ages, men in the world Better than this, even the Roca pioneer who designed the "Yumei System" never tires of it.

"Hmm... Sister Xiaoxia, I have to get up, I'm going to report to school today..." Yunlong suddenly remembered that the seven-day leave he asked for had expired today.

"Oh, that's good, I'll get up now and get something for you to eat before going to school..." Liang Xiaoxia nodded gently, stretching out her hand to support herself.

Unexpectedly, just as she propped up her body, she felt an unspeakable cracking pain coming from her lower body. Her delicate body softened, and she couldn't help frowning, "Oh!" and sat back down.

"Uh... Sister Xiaoxia, what's wrong with you?" Yunlong hurriedly supported her delicate body and asked.

"Yunlong... I, my lower part... hurts... let me take a rest... get up again" Liang Xiaoxia said with a blushing face.

"Oh, Miss Xiaoxia, don't get up first, take a good rest... Well... I read in the book that a woman has just broken her body, and it's best to rest more to recover. Let me cook something for you. ..." Seeing Liang Xiaoxia's shy expression, Yunlong quickly understood what was going on.

After all, after Liang Xiaoxia experienced the pain of breaking the melon, she had a passionate relationship with Yunlong all morning. After withstood Yunlong's violent storm, the "workload" below was quite large. She is not a woman with a particularly good physique, so It is normal for this to happen.

"Well...well..." Liang Xiaoxia didn't force herself when she heard the words. She knew that if she forced herself to stand up, she would not be able to stand firmly, so she said to Yunlong: "Yunlong, there are some noodles and eggs in the kitchen. You can cook them casually." , you can eat."

"Oh, ok, I'll cook right now. I cook noodles well, haha..." Yunlong nodded, got up and put on his clothes, got into the small kitchen outside, and started to tinker.

Yunlong's skill in cooking noodles is pretty good. After a while, he boiled a small pot of egg noodles, then took out a bowl, went into the bedroom, and carefully fed it to Liang Xiaoxia.

Liang Xiaoxia felt a little embarrassed at first, but under Yunlong's insistence, she was obedient and let him feed her a bowl of egg noodles.

After finishing eating, it was already close to 12 o'clock. Yunlong thought that there should be classes in the afternoon, so he carefully instructed Liang Xiaoxia to let her have a good rest first, and put aside the work for the time being, and waited for her to promise himself. Only then did Yunlong reluctantly leave her rental house.

As soon as Yunlong left, Liang Xiaoxia felt a sense of emptiness in her heart. She actually missed Yunlong strongly in her heart. She knew that she had fallen in love with this man thoroughly...

"Ah... Could it be... This is what it feels like to truly fall in love with someone..." Liang Xiaoxia lay on the bed, blushing and recalling the lingering relationship with Yunlong, her heart was full of tenderness...

After leaving Liang Xiaoxia's rental house, Yunlong walked all the way out of Dagong Village. Due to the heavy rain last night and the road was muddy, it took more than 20 minutes to walk outside Dagong Village.

After walking along the road for about 5 minutes, I finally found the stop sign of the No. 309 bus.

There were already many people waiting for the bus under the stop sign. Yunlong saw that most of them looked like migrant workers, and they were obviously foreigners living in rented houses in Dagong Village.

Yunlong went up to take a closer look at the passing stops. The No. 309 bus passed through quite a few stops, even including the railway station. However, Yunlong was pleasantly surprised to find that the final stop was Southern University.

Just in time, a bus with black smoke coming out from a distance drove over. It was the No. 309 bus that everyone was waiting for. When the bus came to a complete stop, the waiting people crowded up, and Yunlong managed to squeeze in at the end On the bus.

After getting into the car, Yunlong realized that the limited seats in the car had already been filled by people. In desperation, he had no choice but to stand like some others.

After the car started, it drove all the way to the city...

After stopping at a dozen stations along the way, we finally arrived at the train station.

Nanming City can also be regarded as a provincial capital city, and the scale of the train station is naturally not small, so there are not many people getting off at this station, but there are quite a few passengers getting on the train.

Seeing a lot of passengers coming up, Yunlong, who has quite a lot of experience in taking a bus, naturally knows that the back will always be less crowded than the front, so he actively squeezes in the back.

However, due to the large number of people getting on the train at this station, the already crowded car became even more crowded. For a while, the inside of the car was really chest-to-back.

At this time, the weather is hot and the carriage is so crowded, so the air is naturally quite stuffy. However, Yunlong also encountered many such situations, so he had to bear it. station...

Suddenly, Yunlong smelled a very pleasant fragrance floating into his nose, hurriedly followed the smell and took a closer look—wow!Incredible!Yunlong's mood became excited...

It turned out that the person who squeezed into the train in front was a beautiful woman with cool clothes and long hair. Behind her was a small backpack with exquisite style and a pink trolley suitcase in her hand. It was obvious that she had just gotten off the train. travelers.

The face of that big beauty looks very much like the Korean actress Lin Yuner that Yunlong saw in the movie, she is simply Yunlong's dream lover, this guy has had sex dreams several times, and he dreamed that he was hugging sister Lin, I was doing that blah blah blah, and then broke out in my panties...

In the sweltering weather, she was dressed very coolly. She was wearing a very cool tulle dress on her upper body, which was quite "transparent", and she could even see the little black underwear she was wearing inside. The size was really not good. little...

In particular, her skin is as smooth as cream, white as jade, and her slender figure makes her even more charming and sexy.

What's especially terrible is that her chest is really - too exciting!Too "turbulent"!The black underwear, which was already tightly pressed, was almost torn. What's more, as she slowly squeezed into the carriage, the two naughty white rabbits on her chest trembled. It made Yunlong's heart jump up and down.

In addition, she was wearing a pair of light blue denim shorts that were too short!Those slender and beautiful legs, following her walking pace, that seductive demeanor, made people have incomparable daydreams. For a while, the attention of many men in the carriage was focused on the sexy big beauty. .

However, the big beauty seemed to be accustomed to this phenomenon, and she was no stranger to it. She held her pink trolley suitcase in one hand with a calm face, and squeezed towards the direction where Yunlong was standing.

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