Royal Beauty Collection

Chapter 66: Mo Dandan's thoughts

Chapter 66: Mo Dandan's thoughts

After escaping from the underwear shop, Yunlong heaved a sigh of relief, and secretly said: "It's so dangerous..."

"Yunlong, why are you running so fast? I wanted to go shopping again..." Mo Dandan complained.

"You can't run away, those women are too active, and they talk too aggressively..." Old Yunlong explained with a blushing face.

"Hee hee... Wouldn't it be nice for a woman to strike up a conversation with you?" Mo Dandan asked him with a smile on purpose.

"Uh... The problem is - they... are too proactive! I, I can't stand it anymore! Are they usually so bold?" Yunlong sweated wildly.

"Hehe... Let me tell you why - one woman is a rabbit, and a group of women are tigers! This is a woman's hidden psychology. Usually, a woman does not show this character, but when women gather together If they pile up, they will become more courageous and develop a mentality of comparing each other, and even involve more topics than men!" Mo Dandan explained with a smile.

"Oh... Officer Mo, what you said seems to make sense..." Yunlong said with admiration.

"I'm a woman, and of course I'm more familiar with the psychology of women..." Mo Dandan explained, then suddenly his face darkened, and he sighed quietly: "It's you men... Men's psychology is very strange, sometimes I find , I have a very complicated relationship with you men, so I don't understand at all..."

"Oh, our men... are not complicated..." Yunlong scratched his head, but didn't know how to answer her.

"It's not complicated, I... I often can't guess what you men are thinking..." Mo Dandan glanced at him and said.

"Men... aren't as complicated as you said, are they?" Yunlong said hastily.

"Oh, I'm fine, let's not discuss these, let's go." Mo Dandan said.

While saying goodbye, Mo Dandan stuffed the underwear and bags he just bought into Yunlong's hands, and then walked in front with a blank expression.

"Officer Mo, where are we going?" Yunlong felt that she seemed to have something on her mind, so he chased after her and asked.

"I don't know..." Mo Dandan actually replied like this.

"Ah? Officer's wrong with you today?" Yunlong realized that Mo Dandan's expression was not quite right, so he hurriedly asked her.

"Yunlong... what do you think of my performance in the underwear store just now?" Mo Dandan suddenly turned around and asked him.

"Performance? Oh... your performance is very good... just... just..." Yunlong felt a little unspeakable.

"Haha... just to make you feel that I have completely turned into another woman, right?" Mo Dandan asked him.

"Hmm... yes! At that moment, I felt like I didn't know you..." Yunlong nodded and admitted.

"Ah..." Mo Dandan sighed a long time, and said with a sad face: "I did that on you know why?"

"Uh...Of course I don't know, Officer Mo, must have something on your mind?" Seeing her gloomy expression, Yunlong hurriedly asked with concern.

" have something on my should be said that I have a heart disease!" Mo Dandan said with a glance at Yunlong.

"Heart disease? Is this... is this disease... serious?" Yunlong hurriedly asked her in astonishment.

"I think it's quite serious... I... I feel that if I don't get rid of my heart disease, I... I will definitely suffer from depression!" Mo Dandan said with gloomy eyes.

"Ah! Depression! I heard that depression is very scary. This... This heart disease must be solved as soon as possible!" Yunlong remembered the reports on the Internet about depression, and in severe cases, he would even commit suicide. He was frightened for a while Jump, hurriedly said to Mo Dandan with concern.

"Yeah! I also want to get rid of this heart disease. It's like a fishbone stuck in my throat. I can't swallow it, and I can't spit it out! And these days, it always tortures me...I feel very painful... ..." Mo Dandan said with a painful expression.

"Uh...Officer Mo, can you tell me the reason? I...I am also your good friend anyway, if I can help you, I will definitely help you!" Yunlong said immediately.

"Actually, I asked you to go shopping with me today. I just wanted to make myself feel better. At the same time, I tried to change myself. That's why you saw me who was completely different from usual..." Mo Dandan glanced at me. Yunlong said with a glance.

"Oh... so it's like this... You did this to solve that heart disease, right?" Yunlong asked her.

"Hmm... That's right, the performance in the underwear store just now was the craziest performance I've ever done since I grew up! I think I will definitely get rid of this problem!" Mo Dandan nodded and said.

"Oh... Confidence is the best! By the way, Officer Mo... What is your heart disease... Can you tell me about it?" Yunlong couldn't help asking her curiously.

"This... well... I, I will tell you alone... I don't have any special friends... I think you are not bad, so... let me tell you..." Mo Dandan had a pretty face Yihong hesitated for a moment, but decided to talk to Yunlong about the problems buried deep in his heart.

"Well...well, let's sit over there and talk about it." Yunlong pointed to a chair in the corner of the rest area of ​​the shopping mall.

"Hmm..." Mo Dandan nodded, and Yunlong walked to the chair and sat down.

"Officer Mo, no one disturbs us here, you can say..." After sitting down, Yunlong looked around and said to Mo Dandan.

"Okay... I'll prepare..." Mo Dandan took a deep breath, and then began to tell Yunlong about his long-suppressed "heart disease"...

"The day you met me, you saw that I was in a hurry to go on a date, right?" Mo Dandan suddenly asked Yunlong.

"Well, yes..." Yunlong nodded, he really had a deep impression of that day, in order to save Mo Dandan, he himself was beaten several times by those gangsters.

"It all started from that day... The person I was anxious to date that day was my boyfriend. He just came back from studying abroad for three years..." Mo Dandan paused for a moment when he said this, and suddenly said: "However, we should Said he was my ex-boyfriend!"

"Ah? What's the situation?" Yunlong felt confused.

"Oh, I just broke up with him! It was the day we went on a date!! We broke up..." Mo Dandan said here, his eyes turned red, and his face turned pale.

"Ah... Is that so... Didn't this man... just come back from abroad? How could he suddenly do such a thing to you?" Yunlong was startled, and asked her hurriedly.

"He...he was fine when he went abroad...but after he came back, he was a completely different person..." Mo Dandan paused when he said this, and suddenly said emotionally: "That day, I was excitedly thinking about Go on a date with him! Unexpectedly, he brought another woman to meet me!!"

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