Royal Beauty Collection

Chapter 68: About sex* frigidity

Chapter 68: On Frigidity

"Tell me... just now... are you hard?" Mo Dandan obviously wanted to know the answer, and urged Yunlong, but found that his face was as red as fire.

"Uh...officer Mo...this question...can I not answer?" Yunlong said in embarrassment.

"No! I really want to know! Just tell me!" Mo Dandan was very persistent on this question.

"Well...I can tell you...but can't be angry..." Yunlong looked at her anxiously and said.

"Nonsense, of course I won't be angry! If I would be angry, why would I ask you this question?" Mo Dandan rolled his eyes at him, and then urged him with a red face, "Say it! Tell me quickly..."

"I... I was hard just now... It was really hard..." Yunlong scratched his head embarrassingly, and said with a flushed face: "I am a normal man... and you sat on my lap in such a sexy dress, and dawdled Wait... can I not be tough!"

"Oh... so it's really possible..." Mo Dandan showed a dazed look, and then murmured: "It's so hard!!"

"Ah! Officer Mo...don't talk like look like a female hooligan..." Yunlong was so shocked by her words that he almost choked, and hurriedly reminded her.

", Yunlong, don't get me wrong..." Mo Dandan smiled with a flushed face, and then explained: "I ask you this question, in fact, I want to prove whether I have the charm of a woman... and then ...I wonder if I'm... frigid..."

"Uh...Officer Mo, you must have charm! And it's very fierce..." Yunlong told the truth, and then told her with some embarrassment: " want to know if you are frigid...It is not necessary to use this method wrong…"

"Ah? The method is wrong? What do you think is wrong? I also feel that something is wrong... I just can't remember how to do it, why don't you tell me how to do it..." Mo Dandan became interested again.

After all, she really wanted to solve this "heart disease"!This "heart disease" has been bothering her these days, making her miserable, so she is even more urgent to find out if she is "frigid"!

"From my point of view as a man - as a woman, whether you are sexually frigid or not, it is not right to use the method just now. It must be through communication and contact with men, and joint exploration and in-depth research , to be able to show it..." Yunlong said to Mo Dandan in a "very professional" tone.

In fact, Yunlong learned these words from the boss Chu Nan, who often said that he was a "senior researcher of human love behavior"!

"Ah! Hearing what you said, I found out that my method was really wrong... What should I do then?" Mo Dandan was really taken aback by Yunlong's "theory", and believed it to be true...

"This problem is not so easy to solve...First of all, the first step is to analyze your psychological situation as a woman..." Yunlong pretended to be very profound, and said clearly.

"Preliminary analysis... how do you analyze it?" Mo Dandan really believed it again...

"Well, I'll ask you some questions, and you answer them... Then I'll help you with a psychological analysis... In this way, you can get a preliminary grasp of your psychological state...and pave the way for solving your problems in the future..." Yunlong pretended to say deeply , In fact, he is preparing to move out the boss Chu Nan's theory of fooling girls, and continue to fool Mo Dandan!

"Ask me a question... ok, you can ask..." Mo Dandan trusted Yunlong very much at this moment...

"You... have you ever had... a relatively intimate relationship with a man?" Yunlong asked her directly.

"More intimate? For example... which one?" Mo Dandan asked innocently.

"I mean...behavior and movement...for example, did you kiss your ex-boyfriend...touch each other's body...whatever..." Yunlong was actually very curious.

"What are you talking about... Me, although he and I are boyfriend and girlfriend, but we have only held hands, not even kissed..." Mo Dandan said shyly with a blushing face.

"Oh... so it's like this... It seems that you are very conservative in psychology..." Yunlong was overjoyed, but said so in his mouth.

"Hmm...I totally feel the same way...I don't know why...As long as he wants to do this to me, I, I will be very repulsed, and then...Resist...That's why I feel...I resist making out with men in my heart..." Mo Dandan said sadly.

"Uh... this problem is indeed... really serious... Did you have any psychological shadows when you were young?" Yunlong asked her again after being stunned.

"No... When I was young, I lived in the police compound. Every day I played wildly with a group of boys, but I didn't like to play with little girls. I don't know if this is special?" Mo Dandan said.

"This... is the environment in which you grew up, and it's normal... It's just that you play too much with boys and subconsciously regard yourself as one of them, which leads to your personality today... more like a man..." Yunlong analyzed.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! I think so too... So I will try my best to look like a woman in the future, lest my father worry that I won't be able to get married... Hehe..." Mo Dandan smiled embarrassedly.

"Well, it's good that you have changed..." Yunlong nodded.

"But... what I really want to know is... am I *frigid? If I am *frigid, it would be terrible..." Mo Dandan said again.

"This a relatively high-level problem, and psychological analysis alone is not enough..." Yunlong said.

"Oh? I can't figure out the psychological analysis... Then what should I do?" Mo Dandan asked hastily.

"This activity is quite difficult..." Yunlong scratched his head and said.

In fact, he really wanted to say to Mo Dandan—"You can try it out with me right away, and you'll understand right away...", but Yunlong still doesn't dare to say this, he is afraid that Mo Dandan will think that he It's a big satyr!

"Is it very difficult? What should we do?" Mo Dandan still wanted to get to the bottom of it.

"This... You have to study hard to know how to do it..." Yunlong didn't have a good plan for a while, so he had to use dragging words to decide... After all, he can't tell his "special method" right now.

"That's it...then let's eat something first, and then we will study it carefully..." Mo Dandan stood up with some disappointment, and said to Yunlong.

"Oh, okay..." Yunlong nodded, and followed her to stand up.

The two walked out of the mall together...

Unexpectedly, when they were about to walk out of the shopping mall, a male voice with yin and yang came from the side of the two: "Yoha...Unexpected, really unexpected...Just broke up with me, Mo Dandan, you hooked up with a new girl so quickly man!"

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