Royal Beauty Collection

Chapter 70: Ways to Deal with the Wicked

Chapter 70: How to Deal with the Wicked


When Yunlong scolded so angrily, Zhang Qingshan was stunned; even Hao Jiaojiao beside him was stunned; even Mo Dandan was stunned!

None of them expected that Yunlong would scold as soon as he came up, and his momentum was overwhelming!

"You... you... who the hell are you, brat? Where the hell did you come from? How dare you scold me like that?" Zhang Qingshan was furious, and directly stretched out his finger, pointing at Yunlong angrily.

"That's right, if you stinky bumpkin don't give us an explanation today, we'll have nothing to do with you!" Hao Jiaojiao also leaned forward and pointed at Yunlong and yelled. She felt that she had Zhang Qingshan's backing, so she had no fear at all. ...

Yunlong sneered at them contemptuously, and said harshly to Zhang Qingshan: "You are an idiot, you typically say sour grapes when you can't eat grapes, and slander Mo Dandan; The one who got it was an out-and-out black fungus! His mother’s is so flirtatious, and it can be seen that it has been fucked by many men at a glance, so this green hat is very green! Congratulations...Okay, I think We've finished talking, we're leaving, so get out of here quickly! Don't block the way!"

"You... what the hell are you talking about?!" Zhang Qingshan was like a local cat whose tail was stepped on, with a fierce look on his face, grinning his teeth and screaming: "Stinky boy, I will give you one last chance, you must Apologize to me immediately! Otherwise, I will make you look good!"

However, Mo Dandan knew about this guy Zhang Qingshan. This guy's family was well-off, his parents were well connected in the society, and he knew a lot of people in the Tao. According to her understanding, Yunlong was just an ordinary college student in school. The background is even more ordinary, and Zhang Qingshan's character is narrow and extreme. If you go against such a person, you will obviously suffer!Maybe he will be attacked and retaliated by Zhang Qingshan. Although he is a policeman, it is difficult to prevent these situations from happening...

"Okay, Yunlong, let's ignore him, let's go." Afraid that Yunlong would suffer, Mo Dandan quickly put his arms around Yunlong's hand and wanted to leave.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Qingshan's bad attitude and arrogant arrogance just now had completely annoyed Yunlong, so Yunlong stood up and stopped in front of Mo Dandan, fixed his eyes on Zhang Qingshan, and said in a cold voice: "Listen to me, I will give you another chance now, you must immediately apologize to Mo Dandan, and then apologize to me, otherwise, I will make you look good!!"

"Uh...he's so brave..." Suddenly, Mo Dandan found that Yunlong used his body to block herself and deal with this mad dog Zhang Qingshan for herself. For a moment, there was a feeling of being protected that she had never had before, right in her heart wandering between...

It turned out that the feeling of being protected by a man is such a wonderful feeling!This is the feeling that every woman in the world longs for!

"Damn it! I made you arrogant! I'll call someone to kill you right away!" Yunlong stared at Zhang Qingshan, and his aura was immediately suppressed. He quickly stepped back and pointed at Yunlong's vicious As he said that, he took out his mobile phone and prepared to call someone to fix Yunlong...

Not long after Zhang Qingshan finished speaking, Yunlong rushed in front of him suddenly, grabbed Zhang Qingshan's neck with both hands, twisted it hard, and pressed his face on the floor, sternly Said: "Hmph! I want to find someone to take revenge on me! You really think I'm a fool, standing here and letting you decide!"

"Uh...uh..." Zhang Qingshan was choked by Yunlong's neck, his face was flushed red, his feet kicked wildly, and his hands wanted to break away Yunlong's hands that were choking his neck, but found that they were like iron rings. Not half a point...

You must know that the current Yunlong has broken through the first stage of genetic evolution, and his strength and speed are much stronger than ordinary people. It is impossible for a soft-legged shrimp like Zhang Qingshan to break his hand!

"Oh! I killed someone..." Hao Jiaojiao screamed in fright when she saw this, and then she let go of her hand, and the poodle fell to the floor.

"Woof! Wang! Wang!" The imperial concubine barked wildly, and even rushed towards Yunlong.

It actually protects the owner!It turns out that this Qingshan often shares "fresh milk" with it, and it really has some effect at such a critical moment!

It's a pity that the effect is not great. When Yunlong sensed that the imperial concubine dog was rushing forward, he hurriedly turned his body to one side and avoided it. The middle of Zhang Qingshan's crotch seemed to be bulging!

Don't underestimate the size of this chaise longue, but its attack power is actually quite powerful, after all, it is a dog!

"Wow!!" Zhang Qingshan suddenly let out a howl like a slaughtered pig, and covered his crotch with his hands. He felt that his balls were being bitten by sharp dog teeth, as if they were about to burst!It hurts, it hurts!

Due to the intense pain, his legs couldn't help kicking wildly, and he kicked on the dog's head of the chaise longue, kicking it upside down several meters away, and hitting the hard corner of the wall.

"Woo... woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!

"Oh my god! My little Yangyang baby..." Hao Jiaojiao let out a scream, rushed forward to hug her "dog son", and burst into tears. She bought it for nearly 10 yuan, and she usually takes care of her own son, but today, she was beaten half to death by the "child's father". Why doesn't it make her feel extremely sad...

But Yunlong didn't let Zhang Qingshan go because of this, because his anger had been ignited, and now he just wanted to teach Zhang Qingshan a lesson!

Now he finally knew that to deal with a villain like Zhang Qingshan, he had to start directly. He believed that this was definitely a more effective method than talking.

"I can strangle you right now, don't you believe it?" Yunlong sneered and said to Zhang Qingshan who was rolling his eyes, "Let me tell you the truth, I am not afraid of you wearing shoes if I am barefoot! Even if someone dials 110 and 119, I can strangle you first! And I promise, I will definitely be able to kill you before the ambulance and the police come! Do you believe it?"

"Yeah... um... no... don't kill me... I believe... I... I believe..." Zhang Qingshan's face was flushed with suffocation, he grabbed Yunlong's hand with both hands, but he didn't dare to kick around He knew that Yunlong, who was in a rage, could definitely strangle himself to death.

"Then I'll give you a chance now. You should apologize to Mo Dandan immediately. And promise that you will never try to insult her in the future! She is a good girl, if you dissatisfy me even a little bit, I don't mind fighting with you!" Yunlong said calmly, but Zhang Qingshan nodded repeatedly, because he could strongly feel that Yunlong absolutely dared to risk his life with him!

In this world, good people are afraid of bad people, bad people are afraid of wicked people, and wicked people are afraid of lifeless people!

Zhang Qingshan is a bad guy, but he is also a villain, but he is a courageless person, that is, a "courageless gangster" as the saying goes, when he meets a desperate person like Yunlong, he will be cowarded in an instant...

There are more and more pedestrians around...

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