Royal Beauty Collection

Chapter 72: The Boss of the Old Shop

Chapter 72: The boss of a century-old store

"Officer Mo, where are you taking me?" Yunlong saw that the direction Mo Dandan led him into was like a ruin, and couldn't help asking her curiously.

"The food street in Yongzhou Old Street! Now that it's demolished like this, it's probably the food street's turn soon." Mo Dandan sighed.

"Oh, I really didn't expect that this so-called food street would be hidden in such a hidden place. Does anyone usually come to eat?" Yunlong still felt strange.

"Hey... you don't know this, let me tell you, in our Huaxia Kingdom, there is a very strange rule-in small and medium-sized cities all over the country, even in county towns, where there are places to eat good food, generally In those seemingly inconspicuous old towns, such as train stations, airports, city centers, or so-called luxury restaurants, it is not easy to eat delicious and authentic food with local characteristics." Modan Dan said with a smile.

"Well... it seems to make sense." Yunlong nodded and said, because in the small county town of his hometown, this is indeed the case. In the old neighborhood, there are small shops with the best taste.

"Hehe... In this Yongzhou Old Street, there is a section of food street. More than half of the most authentic folk food in Nanming City are gathered in that food street. After you taste the food here, I guarantee you will not regret it Come here." Mo Dandan said.

"Oh, that's right!" Seeing her confident look, Yunlong felt a little more anticipation in his heart.

While talking, the two walked inside...

The section outside the Yongzhou Old Street was quite deserted, but after the two of them walked a few hundred meters inside, it became lively, and it was even quite lively with people coming and going.

The smell of food blows in the air from time to time, and the smell has an appetite-inducing breath, which makes Yunlong, who is already quite hungry, swallow his saliva.

"Hey, that century-old fried rice noodle restaurant is right in front, and I can already smell the fragrance coming from it! I'm ready to meet that boss full of personality again!" The expression on Mo Dandan's face became excited.

"A boss with personality? Why do you say that?" Yunlong felt strange in his heart.

"Because the owner of this old fried rice noodle shop has a fierce and arrogant temper! But the fried rice noodle in his shop is indeed one of the best in Nanming City..." Mo Dandan said with a light smile.

"Oh, it's so fierce. When you say it like this, I want to see why he is so arrogant." Yunlong was aroused with strong curiosity and appetite.

"Hehe, you'll know soon..." Mo Dandan giggled, and led Yunlong to the food street.

The two of them turned into another alley that was even smaller, and there was a small shop in front of them that could even be regarded as relatively dark.

But what makes Yunlong feel strange is that - from tens of meters away, he can see that the outside of this small shop is full of people, with a dozen dilapidated tables scattered around the alley, and there are many small benches. The exaggeration is that there are many people standing and eating with a large bowl.

'Here we are, this is the shop. "Mo Dandan smiled and walked over with Yunlong.

When he got outside the small shop, Yunlong could see it clearly. There was a dilapidated signboard outside the shop, which said "Tianbao River Fun Shop". Some stains everywhere...

At this time, the store was already full of customers, and more diners were eating noodles on the dozens of dilapidated tables outside.

Because there are so many customers, it is almost crowded. During this time period, there are a lot of diners waiting to eat noodles. If you don't line up, it is impossible to eat noodles.

In this situation, Mo Dandan had no choice but to hold Yunlong's arm tightly, sticking to his body, and the two of them lined up outside the store together.

Mo Dandan exuded a charming body fragrance, and she didn't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, she was close to Yunlong face to face, and her plump and soft delicate body rubbed against his body, especially the two lumps on his chest. The elastic object made Yunlong's heart beat faster.

He subconsciously looked down at Mo Dandan, but he also found that she was looking up at him. As soon as their eyes met, their faces became hot, and they felt the ambiguous and charming atmosphere...

However, this feeling was quickly broken!

Because a huge voice roared, yes, it roared, it was a male voice as rough as butchering a pig——

"Damn it! Do you want to eat it or not? If you don't eat it, hurry up, don't take up such a big position here and affect my business!"

"Eat! Eat! I can't eat, hehe..." I heard another male voice laughing carefully.

Yunlong hurriedly picked up his heels and looked in, and saw a middle-aged fat man with a bare head, fat head and big ears, and fierce eyes sitting on a dilapidated cash register!

The most exaggerated thing is that this guy has a pipe in his mouth. His upper body is shirtless, revealing a fat and horizontal body. On that fat body, there are even a few strange tattoos, carved dragons and painted phoenixes, very Ferocious, his appearance is no different from that old gangster on the street in Hong Kong gangster movies!

I saw this ferocious-looking middle-aged fat man, collecting money, and kept scolding a skinny young man wearing glasses, his tone was not polite at all, even cursing...

"Bring it for 45 yuan! Take your share of fried rice noodles, and eat it quickly, move quickly, don't dawdle, like a pregnant woman..." The fat middle-aged man opened his mouth again. That voice yelled at the four-eyed young man.

"Okay, okay, it will be ready soon..." The four-eyed young man, with a smile on his face, took out his pocket and handed the money to the big man. His expression was so flattering that he had no bones at all. The most strange thing was, especially, the other people around him. The diners, including Mo Dandan, all looked calm. They seemed to be accustomed to such a situation...

"Damn it, 45 yuan a piece of fried rice noodles! How dare you sell such expensive fried rice noodles in such a crappy place, the price is even 5 times the price outside! This is like stealing money, it is really arrogant!!" Yunlong My heart was astonished.

"Hehe...the fried rice noodles in this store are all handmade and secret, and they are really worth the price! You will know after eating it." Mo Dandan said with a smile.

Finally, it was the turn of the two of them. Yunlong looked at the fried rice noodles of more than a dozen different varieties and prices on the wall, and just wanted to ask the middle-aged fat man, but he didn't expect that guy to already yell at Yunlong: "Boy, look What do you think, what's so interesting about this, buddy, two bowls of fried rice noodles with fish balls and beef!"

As soon as the middle-aged fat man finished yelling, he immediately said loudly to Yunlong: "Boy, what are you still doing? Hurry up and pay, 90 yuan!"

"Uh... But me, I haven't ordered anything but fried rice noodles, you, why did you decide for me without authorization?" Yunlong couldn't help asking him depressed.

"Boy, do you want to eat or not? If you don't eat, hurry up and talk, don't hinder my business. The people behind are waiting in line!" The middle-aged fat man immediately became angry.

"Uh..." Yunlong frowned, this guy's temper is too fucking arrogant.

"Okay! Okay! Let's eat fried rice noodles with fish balls and beef! Here, Uncle Bao, this is 90 yuan! This is my... good friend, today I invite him to help you with business... Hehe..."

Mo Dandan had already grabbed Yunlong who was on the verge of breaking out, stood up, and handed over a hundred-yuan bill, and said with a smile on his face.

"***, I ordered fried rice noodles for you because of Dandan's face. You don't know what's good or bad! Hurry up and wait to get it, don't be a mother-in-law, and affect the guests behind..." Fatty Nian took Mo Dandan's money, and then shouted at Yunlong with a beard and a stare.

"Uh...but I..." Yunlong was confused by his accusations, and wanted to argue a few words, but Mo Dandan had already tugged at his arm, and said, "I've already paid, so just wait with peace of mind... "

"Oh, okay..." Seeing Mo Dandan's calm expression, Yunlong had no choice but to give up.

The middle-aged fat man took the hundred-yuan bill and rubbed it, then looked in the drawer of the cash register, but found that there was no change, so he raised his head and yelled at the kitchen: "Man, give them two extra braised squid tubes!"

After yelling, the middle-aged fat man waved his hands at Zheng Yu and the two, and said, "Go to the side and wait..."

"Uh... But we didn't order that braised squid tube, why are you..." Yunlong wanted to argue again.

At this time, Mo Dandan hurriedly grabbed him, and with a smile on his face, he rushed to the middle-aged fat man who had just changed his face and said with a sweet smile: "Thank you, Brother Bao!"

"Yeah... you guys go to the side and wait, it will be fine soon..." The middle-aged fat man's face calmed down, he nodded to Mo Dandan, and motioned for her to take Yunlong to the side and wait for the food.

So Mo Dandan pulled the troubled Yunlong to stand by the window next to him, and after waiting for a few minutes, two servings of steaming fried rice noodles with fish balls and beef came out, as well as two servings of shiny braised squid cylinder.

A strong fragrance hit the nostrils, and the mouth-watering breath permeated Yunlong's nose, which dispelled his originally tangled mood a lot.

"Hee hee... It's ready, it's ours, oh... But there seems to be no place to put it." Mo Dandan became excited, but she looked around and saw that there was no table where these food could be put down.

Just when the two were feeling depressed, the middle-aged fat man suddenly greeted Mo Dandan: "Dandan, I have a table here, you can take it, but the stool, you can find it outside."

"Great, thank you Brother Bao, hee hee..." Mo Dandan smiled coquettishly, then went up to get a foldable broken table that the middle-aged fat man handed over, and then found a place against the wall outside the store door Spread it out, and call Yunlong to bring the food over quickly.

Yunlong hurriedly brought over two servings of fried rice noodles with fish balls and beef and the two servings of braised squid tubes, then found two small wooden stools beside him, and sat down with Mo Dandan.

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