Royal Beauty Collection

Chapter 95: Conquer Physically!

Chapter 95: Conquer from the flesh!

With the passionate kiss and caress of the two, the atmosphere became more and more intense, and the desire became more and more high. Both of them had a strong urge to merge with each other!

" you want me?" Tang Guo breathed a sigh of relief from the hot kiss, her starry eyes blurred, and she asked pantingly.

"I want to! I really want to..." Yunlong replied without hesitation.

Tang Guo hooked his neck with both hands, slowly lay down on the bed, closed his eyes, and said in a trembling voice: "Come on..."

When Yunlong was excited, the giant under his crotch was as hard as iron again, high-spirited and angry, so he stepped forward, lay on Tang Guo, and was about to enter her body...

However, as soon as his extremely hard fiery giant touched Tang Guo's body, Tang Guo frowned, and softly let out a painful cry: "Oh..."

Yunlong was startled when he heard this voice, and immediately realized that Tang Guo had just broken her body, and she was still in a state of trauma, so it was really not suitable for another "high-intensity hand-to-hand combat"!

So, Yunlong stopped his movements and sat up.

" did you stop?" Tang Guo hurriedly opened his eyes and asked him.

"Tang's not that I don't want to do it...but in your current's not suitable for such will bring harm to your body..." Yunlong said to her seriously.

Tang Guo suddenly felt extremely moved in her heart, she also sat up, and emotionally hugged Yunlong's waist with both hands, very hard, although she didn't speak, but at this moment, she really accepted it in her heart. Yunlong!

Yunlong felt her strong mood swings, he stroked Tang Guo's hair tenderly, feeling very emotional...

But at this moment, Yunlong only heard a bang in his head, and he quickly sensed that the "Yumei System" had reacted!

As a result, Yunlong's consciousness moved, and he entered the "Ark".

"Whew!" The golden light flashed in front of the eyes, and the "sinful spark" was already floating in front of the eyes. It let out that weird metallic laugh, and said to Yunlong: "Congratulations, respected master! You have obtained another 30 system upgrade points! !"

"Ah! 30 system upgrade points! Why are there so many?" Yunlong asked in surprise.

Although he knew that if he won Tang Guo, he would get system improvement points, but this time the body improvement points were much more than he expected!

"Oh, because you successfully conquered the heart of the beautiful woman Tang Guo... According to her comprehensive scores in terms of beauty, figure, temperament, education, virginity, family background, etc., this time the system gave her a boost of 30 points! She is a top-notch beauty! Quack..." "Sin Spark" let out a weird laugh of excitement.

"Oh! I didn't expect Tang Guo's score to be so's surprising!" Yunlong murmured.

You know, when Yunlong conquered Liang Xiaoxia before, he only got 20 system improvement points, but now he has won Tang Guo, and there are 10 more improvement points.

"Dear master, don't be surprised. The system's comprehensive score calculation is very accurate, because there is not much difference between the beauty Tang Guo and the original beauty Liang Xiaoxia in terms of beauty, whether they are virgins or not, their stature, and their education and temperament. They are all the key to extra points, but the most important thing is her family background!" "Spark of Guilt" explained to Yunlong.

"Family background?" Yunlong was taken aback. To be honest, he still doesn't know anything about Tang Guo's family background...

"That's right, you know, whether it's on Jiangbo Star or on Earth, identity and background occupy a very important position. A person, no matter how talented he is, if he doesn't have enough identity and background, it will seriously affect his future. development prospects! Even, it will seriously affect the basic conditions for attracting the opposite sex, so the background score will occupy a very important proportion in the comprehensive evaluation..." "Sinful Spark" explained.

"Oh! That's how it is..." Yunlong nodded. What "Spark of Evil" said is indeed true. If a person has only talent but lacks a background that can support him to display and display his talent, it is indeed difficult to have a chance to be in the top position!

"So, respected master, while increasing your learning skills, you must also consider developing your own career and contacts, as well as cultivating your own power, so that you can become a real strong man who controls the "Royal Beauty System"!" "Sinful Spark" "It is rare to remind Yun Longdao with the words of "speaking earnestly and earnestly."

"Oh, I see!" Yunlong nodded, secretly making up his mind to achieve his own road to success through his own plans and efforts!

At this time, "Spark of Evil" suddenly said to Yunlong: "Respected master, the beauty Tang Guo is a woman with a strong family background. You have only conquered her heart, but not her body yet..."

"Oh? Didn't conquer her...flesh*body? I, haven't I conquered it?" Yunlong said he didn't understand.

"That's not really conquest, it's called "possession"! To truly conquer women from the heart and body is the ultimate design concept of the Yumei system! It is also the quality that a successful Diaosi should have." !” said Guilty Spark.

"Oh? Then tell me, how should I conquer women physically? You should also know that I... I don't have much experience in this area." Yunlong said rather embarrassedly.

" have to start with proficient sexual *skills, which is the key to conquering a woman's body*!" "Spark of Evil" said.

" I, I don't know..." Yunlong said subconsciously.

"Quack, respected master, you don't have to worry about this at all. The Yumei system has enough information for you to choose and learn. As long as you want to learn any level of sex skills, the Yumei system has very professional programs to provide You have a choice!" "Guilty Spark" said with a smile.

"Oh! That's it... But I... I don't know how to choose... Why don't you give me a suggestion-according to Tang Guo's current state, what kind of sex *skills should I use to get from meat* Conquer her physically?" Yunlong asked "Spark of Guilt" very seriously, because he knew that this was related to his "sex life" in the future!

"This..." "Sin Spark" hesitated for a moment, and suddenly a golden light of excitement flashed, and he said with a strange smile: "With...ancient Chinese acupoint sex massage skills! This should be suitable for you to use now!"

"Huh? Ancient Chinese acupoint sex massage skills? Can this thing... really work?" Yunlong asked in a daze.

"Quack, of course it works! The effect is even more astonishing than you imagined... Moreover, it doesn't consume many system upgrade points, so it's very suitable for you, master, to learn!" "Sinful Spark" said.

"Oh? How many system upgrade points will be consumed?" Yunlong asked hastily.

"Because this kind of massage skill is relatively unorthodox, even if you learn it to the level of a master, it will consume a maximum of 15 system upgrade points! And after mastering this skill, it will be able to exert a huge effect when you soak up beautiful women in the future... ...Master, I strongly recommend that you learn this skill!" "Spark of Evil" encouraged him.

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