Wu Yu Jiutian

Chapter 341: Feeling the Way of Heaven

"It's no wonder I have been unable to break through. It turns out that my focus was wrong from the very beginning, and I was doing useless work." Shen Li said to himself.

"Yes, look at the top few on the Heaven and Earth Rankings, which one is not a generation with extraordinary talents. If they can break through with simple strength, they have already broken through the realm of heaven and man." Qin Yu said.

"Then I would like to ask Deacon Qin to give some advice on how to break through?" Shen Li asked.

"Do you know why this realm is called the realm of heaven and man?" Qin Yu asked with a smile.

"I don't know." Shen Li was stunned, and shook his head, he really didn't study this.

"As the name suggests, heaven and man are one. The ultimate in martial arts is the way of heaven, and the process of pursuing the peak of martial arts is also the process of understanding the way of heaven. We warriors have four major realms, the initial martial arts state, the real martial arts state, the heavenly and human state, and the destruction state. As an analogy, if the way of heaven is a mighty river, then the beginning martial arts state is like a tadpole in the river, which can only drift with the current. A speck of dust under the way of heaven is insignificant and may be annihilated at any time. The small fish and shrimps in the water already have the ability to swim. Although they are still drifting with the tide, their abilities are much higher than those of the tadpoles, at least they will not be easily annihilated. The Heaven-Human Realm is like a carp , can travel freely in the river, even if the turbid waves are overwhelming, it can also cling to the waves and swim freely. Now, do you know the relationship between warriors in various realms and the way of heaven?" Qin Yu asked.

"I probably understand a little bit, but I can't say it, it's just a faint feeling." Shen Li frowned.

"Hehe, your comprehension is already very high. Let me tell you, the first martial arts state is a baby just born under the Dao of Heaven, who knows nothing about the Dao of Heaven, and just goes with the flow. And the Dao of True Martial Realm, stepping into the innate, knows that there is still the Dao of Heaven in the world. Such a thing exists, but it is only known, and I don’t know what it is. And the realm of heaven and man is to understand the way of heaven and earth, and the way of heaven has become real, something you can touch, and you can control it. So , It is very simple to be promoted to the realm of heaven and man, if you understand the way of heaven and earth, when you touch the edge of this avenue and let it be used by you, then you will succeed."

After Qin Yu finished speaking, Shen Li did not speak, but frowned tightly, as if thinking.

Qin Yu smiled and did not bother him, but slowly backed away.

These principles seem simple, but it is too difficult to understand them.

"I can only help you to this point. Martial arts comprehension depends on yourself. Others can't help you too much. I hope you can successfully break through to the realm of heaven and man."

Qin Yu looked at Shen Li's back, muttered to himself, then turned and left.

From Qin Yu standing up to leaving, Shen Li didn't know at all. At this time, he seemed to have forgotten everything around him, sitting motionless by the river, staring straight at the crystal clear river below.

Shen Li sat here for a day and a night, during which many people passed by this place, all of them were extremely strange, they didn't know what happened to Shen Li.

For a day and a night, Shen Li remained motionless, without even blinking his eyes, and directly entered a mysterious state, forgetting everything around him.

And in Shen Li's mind, it was Qin Yu's words that kept echoing.

Qin Yu's words seemed to be pages of heavenly scriptures, Shen Li studied it carefully, once he understood it, it would transform beyond anyone's imagination.

"The way of heaven, the way of heaven, what is the way of heaven?"

A voice like Hong Zhong Dalu resounded in Shen Li's mind, Shen Li has been thinking about this question, the way of heaven, the way of heaven, what is the way of heaven.

Another two days passed, and Shen Li still sat motionless by the river, thinking.


A large piece of dark cloud suddenly rolled from the sky, like splashed ink. In a short while, the black cloud was pressed together, and the sky and the earth were sultry, and there were muffled roars of thunder everywhere.


After a while, heavy rain poured down, and the dense raindrops seemed to be a bead curtain, connecting the sky and the earth.

Shen Li moved suddenly, slowly raised his head, looked at the dense raindrops between the sky and the earth, and remained silent for a long time.

The raindrops fell on the river, splashing and crackling.

Slowly, the rain stopped, Shen Li raised his head, watched the dark clouds dissipate, and then watched the rainbow appear in the sky, and the white clouds stretched out again.

After watching for a while, Shen Li frowned, as if thinking of something, but quickly lowered his head again.

In the small river, a few fish were swimming happily in it. Suddenly, a fish suddenly turned white, stopped swimming, and died.

The body of the dead fish was floating in the water, and the surrounding fish seemed very sad, swimming around it, and it took a long time to disperse.

By the side of the small river, a small grass suddenly emerged from the soil after the rain, and the delicate buds swayed gently with the wind, as if to announce the coming of its own life to the world.

After the heavy rain, the roadside flowers bloom, colorful and full of vitality.

Looking at it, Shen Li suddenly became obsessed, his eyes blurred.


It was as if a bolt of lightning suddenly exploded from Shen Li's mind, pulling Shen Li out of the sluggish state.

Shen Li suddenly became sober, looking at everything around him, his eyes suddenly became bright.

"What is the way of heaven? Each of the six realms has its own rules. In the nether world, everything follows its rules and karma. This is the way of heaven."

Shen Li's eyes were bright, and Hong Zhong Dalu's voice resounded in his mind.

"What are the rules? The rotation of the sun and the moon, the rotation of time and space, the clouds roll and the clouds clear, birth, old age, sickness and death are rules. There are rules in the world, and everything follows them, which is the way of heaven."

After sitting quietly for three days and three nights, Shen Li finally realized what is the way of heaven and what he is after.


Beside Shen Li, a mysterious aura spread suddenly, without any sharpness, without any oppression, but it was so vast and majestic that one almost wanted to worship it.

Shen Li's heart became brighter than ever before, Shen Li closed his eyes, everything around him seemed to be vividly visible, flowers, grass, insects, fish, sun, moon and stars.

Shen Li opened his eyes, what he saw was no longer a single thing, but their trajectories, their trajectories of heaven.

"What is heaven and man? Heaven has the way of heaven, which is the origin of all things. Human beings have the way of man, and all things are formed. Heaven and man are one. Yin and Yang are divided by me, and the sun and moon move because of me."

Shen Li yelled loudly, powerful martial arts comprehension descended, filling his mind.

With a wave of Shen Li's hand, a trajectory suddenly appeared. Under this trajectory, the space suddenly trembled violently, and then suddenly collapsed.

"The way of heaven, the unity of heaven and man!"

Shen Li suddenly let out a long cry, and the vitality between the heaven and the earth stagnated suddenly, and then surged out like a mountain roaring and tsunami, rushing towards Shen Li.

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