It's just that at this time Feng Shitian didn't realize that there were actually some acquaintances of his own in this hall.

At this time, her eyes fell on Feng Chenhong who was sitting on the main seat directly in front.

"You are Feng Shitian, very good, very good!" Feng Chenhong looked Feng Shitian up and down, and then nodded with satisfaction: "As expected, you are the daughter of our Fengchen family, haha ,Ha ha!"

Compared to Feng Chenhong's happy face, Feng Shitian's face didn't change at all!

She stared at Feng Chenhong coldly.

Feng Chenhong laughed for a while, but under Feng Shitian's cold gaze, he finally restrained his laughter, and then looked at Feng Shitian.

The girl's eyebrows are picturesque, but there is a bit of heroism between her eyebrows, which makes people feel bright at the first glance.

And at this moment, the red skirt on the girl's body was gently swaying, drawing red illusory arcs around her, standing there like a red flower from the other shore.

Bana? !

Feng Chenhong's pupils suddenly shrank, and he suddenly realized that the significance of this girl to the Fengchen family might be far more important than what he had imagined.

When the Fengchen family got the news of the blooming of the Bianhua before, it was a shock, but no matter how hard the Fengchen family searched, they couldn't find the person who made the Bianhua bloom.

But at this moment, he actually felt the feeling of flowers blooming on the other side in this girl.

Suddenly, even Feng Chenhong's breathing became short of breath.

"Feng Shitian met Patriarch Feng Chen!" Feng Shitian's cold voice sounded.

All of a sudden, the entire hall of the Fengchen family was completely quiet, especially those members of the Fengchen family, all of them looked at Feng Shitian strangely, they never thought that just now, Their patriarch even praised this girl to the guests, saying that she is from the Fengchen family.

But now if you listen to what this young girl said, she never admitted that she is from the Fengchen family.

"Shi Tian, ​​you are also a member of our Fengchen family!" Feng Chenhong looked at this girl with a cold face, he could see that this girl had a strong and unyielding character.

"Patriarch Feng Chen, please don't say that!" Feng Shitian's face did not show any emotional fluctuations: "Shi Tian came here just to ask Patriarch Feng Chen, do you know that my father Feng Liutong, my mother Any news about Lin Qingzhu?"

After hearing the names Feng Liutong and Lin Qingzhu, Feng Chenhong's expression changed.

After being silent for a while, Feng Chenhong slowly opened his mouth and said: "Your parents are not in the clan right now because of something, you can stay in the clan with peace of mind, and when they come back, you will see them naturally!"

Feng Shitian looked at Feng Chenhong whose eyes were twinkling, and there was some coldness in her eyes, she already understood that this Feng Chenhong was not telling the truth to herself, so Feng Shitian continued to ask: "Then, may I ask?" Patriarch Feng Chen, where did my parents go, what's the matter with them, and when will they come back?"

After three questions in a row, Feng Chenhong slowly shook his head: "God Shi, our Fengchen family has never restricted the freedom of our clansmen, so I really don't know where your parents have gone, what to do?" What, when will you come back!"

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