This Feng Shitian can't stay any longer, this is what Feng Chen Lan'er thinks, if this woman dares to seduce Bai Yu, then she is her enemy, since she is an enemy, then this woman must die!

The long nails on Feng Chen Lan'er's fingers were broken, but she didn't feel any pain.

Just when Feng Chen Lan'er was about to say something more, a servant of the Feng Chen family ran in hastily.

"Patriarch, there is a person who claims to be the son of Feng Liutong and Lin Qingzhu, and wants to see the Patriarch!"


Everyone in the hall was stunned when they heard this.

Feng Shitian was startled at first, but she quickly revealed a surprised smile, and she spoke first: "Where is he?"

Since he is the son of his father and mother, then the person who came was his younger brother, but for some reason, a frail figure of a young man flashed in Feng Shitian's mind.

"He, he's at the gate!" Looking at Feng Shitian's eager expression, the servant replied in a daze.

So Feng Shitian no longer looked at the people around who were insignificant to her, and with a single movement, he had already left the hall of Fengchen's family.

"Feng Shitian, give me back the colorful phoenix!" Feng Chen Lan'er jumped and shouted loudly.

Feng Chenhong stood up at this time: "Go, let's go and have a look together!"

He didn't expect that Feng Liutong and Lin Qingzhu were still alive in that place, and they even gave birth to a son.

And this kid will have a bad day, so he just happened to be in time for a day like today.

"Cousin!" Huang Qiu'er felt sweeter than eating honey when her cousin obeyed her wishes just now.

But Yan Shaoming didn't look at her, just walked past her coldly.

And Mu Chen also directly ignored Huang Qiu'er. For Mu Chen, he is also dissatisfied in various ways. Of course, there is also that self-righteous Feng Chen Lan'er who actually dragged himself into the water.

Now hearing Feng Chenhong's words, all the people in the hall went out one by one.

Feng Shitian's footsteps are the fastest, and now she can't wait to meet her younger brother, since that child is here, he will definitely tell herself everything about her parents.

Outside the gate of the Fengchen family, a young man in white was waiting there quietly. He felt a little uneasy. He still held some hope for the Fengchen family. He didn't know if the Fengchen family would help him rescue him. Parents come.

But suddenly the boy's gaze froze, and he actually saw a red figure of a young girl appearing in his sight.

Sister Shi Tian...

The boy's first reaction was that he had misread it, but he rubbed his eyes and looked carefully again. That's right, that's right, the girl in the red skirt is his sister Shi Tian, ​​but, how could sister Shi Tian where?

Could it be that sister Shi Tian's surname is Feng?

Wait, if Sister Shitian's surname is Feng, then she should be called Feng Shitian.

Feng Shitian, Feng Shitian, this, this, this, isn't this the name of his sister that father and mother most often mention?

Xiangtian's nose is sore, how can I be so stupid, obviously I heard Sister Shitian say her name is Shitian before, and I feel a bit familiar, but why didn't Mao himself ask Sister Shitian's last name at that time?

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