Following the gloomy voice of the giant cloud's face, seven extremely brilliant rays of light burst out from one of the giant clouds' hands, and the rays of light directly broke through the giant cloud's hand.

"Ah!" The giant face of the cloud snorted miserably at this moment, but at this moment, the giant hand of the cloud was directly scorched and riddled with holes by the continuously flowing colorful starlight!

The orange starlight flashed brightly, and the giant face of the cloud gritted its teeth tightly: "The light of Tianshu, the orange light of thought!"

The red starlight is in full swing, reflecting the world red.Yun Cai's huge face said coldly: "The light of Tianxuan, the red light of killing!"

The yellow starlight suddenly emerges and arrives first.The giant face of the cloud squeezed out a few words from between the teeth: "The light of the sky! The yellow light of the demon!"

The silver light flashed, holy and pure.The giant cloud face said coldly: "The light of heaven! The silver light of wisdom!"

The white light is like the water in the river, rising and falling.The eyes of Yun Cai's giant face froze: "The light of Yuheng, the white light of the sun!"

The black light whizzed over, carrying a thick darkness, as if it wanted to devour everything here.The giant face of the cloud seems to be contaminated by this black light at this moment, and it looks as black as ink, turning into a dark cloud in an instant: "The light of the sun, the black light of the yin!"

The green light is as pure as emerald, as moist as morning dew, and the inside feels more vibrant.The giant face of the cloud is even more gloomy: "The light of the fluctuating light, the green light of life!"

"The light of the Big Dipper and the lights of the seven colors are all together. Well, who is this woman and where did she come from?" Yun Cai's giant face was no longer calm at this time, his voice was full of a extreme fear.

At this time, Feng Wu sneered and looked at the panic-stricken giant face of the cloud, but secretly prayed to her master, Feng Shitian, to quickly awaken successfully. Now only the first breath in Feng Shitian's body has successfully awakened. Only then can they survive the catastrophe in front of them!

"Crack!" There was a soft sound, and a tiny crack appeared on the surface of the blood-colored ball where Feng Shitian was held by the giant hand of the cloud that was riddled with holes.

"Kacha, Kacha, Kacha..." Then there was another crisp sound, and within a short while, the surface of the blood-colored ball, like a spider's web, was quickly covered with fine lines.

The eyes on Yun Yun's giant face were completely raised, and the shock was definitely not faked: "Impossible, no, it is impossible for Beidou to complete the awakening in such a short time!"

While talking, those two cloud giant hands turned over directly, looking like they wanted to throw away two hot potatoes.

Feng Xiangtian's body was directly thrown out by the giant cloud hand, directly drawing a perfect parabola in mid-air. .At that moment, Feng Wu's figure jumped up high, and grabbed Feng Xiangtian's body.

"Sister, sister..." The awakening of the ancient Khan Hou blood in Feng Xiangtian's body was unexpectedly interrupted by the giant hand of the cloud. At this moment, Feng Xiangtian only felt that there was something in his body It was a mess, and the whole body hurt like it was being cut.

But even so, he still gritted his teeth tightly, staring at Feng Wu with round eyes: "Leave me alone, save my sister!"

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