Hearing Kong Xu's words, Kong Fan was startled, but soon, his face was covered with joy, he looked at his grandfather in surprise and joy, and said: "Grandpa, what, you There is news about Baihu and Xuanwu, great, I will tell my father now, he will be very happy!"

While speaking, Kong Fan wanted to walk towards the main hall.

"Fan'er, wait first!" Kong Xu called to his grandson: "Don't worry, everything will be discussed after your father finishes discussing the matter!"

Hearing what his grandfather said, Kong Fan didn't say anything more immediately.

Because he has always listened to his grandfather's words, since his grandfather said so, then naturally there is a reason for him.

The grandparent and grandson chatted happily, and it took about two hours before Kong Jun walked out of the hall.

"Father, you are here, why didn't you tell me in advance!" Seeing his father, Kong Jun was also very happy.

But Kong Xu straight to the point: "Jun'er, Fan'er, the thing is like this..."

At that moment, Kong Xu explained everything about his deal with Feng Shitian in detail.

Finally he sighed, and said: "So now as long as I take Qinglong to find Feng Shitian, then I can get the elixir for Rongrong's treatment, and at the same time, I can also get the white tiger and Xuanwu beasts!"

"Father!" Kong Jun said, "How is that Feng Shitian's strength?"

Hearing this question, Kong Xu laughed loudly: "I don't need to pay attention to a little Feng Shitian!"

"In that case, let Fan'er go with her father!" Kong Jun immediately made a decision.

"Okay~" Kong Xu nodded directly when his son asked his grandson to go with him. After all, he also knew that his grandson still needed some necessary experience.

Kong Fan was very happy when he heard that his grandfather would take him with him.

The three people, grandparent and grandson, soon finished their discussion, so Kong Xu, Kong Jun, and Kong Fan headed towards the Locking Dragon Pillar that trapped Qinglong.

The reason why the Four Sacred Sects are confident in obtaining the Four Sacred Beasts is because they have four holy artifacts that can trap the Four Sacred Beasts. The Guiwu Pond that traps Xuanwu, and the Zhenhu Terrace that is specially used to trap the white tiger.

In the dark basement, a huge cyan stone pillar was flickering with green awns, and a cyan dragon about the size of the cyan stone pillar was being locked on it by a cyan stone chain.

"Roar, roar, roar..." When the cyan dragon saw the three grandparents of the Kong family coming here, incomparable anger flashed in the huge dragon's eyes, he opened his mouth wide, Let out one angry roar after another.

"Hmph, Qinglong, are you still not convinced?" Kong Jun had come to Qinglong at this time, his voice was full of complacency.

"Hmph, shameless human!" Qinglong glanced at Kong Jun contemptuously. You must know that the reason why Qinglong was arrested was because he met Kong Jun at that time, and he also hit it off with Kong Jun very much, so this one person and one dragon are very close. They were called friends, but they never thought that this Kong Jun had bad intentions at all.

So now every time Qinglong sees Kong Jun, he can't wait to swallow him alive.

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