The shaking of the ground made everyone's bodies shake a few times, but they stabilized quickly. Everyone looked in the direction of the billowing smoke and dust in puzzlement.

The dust and smoke billowed, and soon everyone could hear the low roar of the beast.

Fang Fang was stunned, she suddenly remembered, that direction, isn't that direction the direction of the zoo?

"No, it's the spirit beast from the animal garden that ran out!" Fang Fang turned pale with shock.

Although everyone in Tianlong Academy knows that the strength of each spirit beast in the beast garden is not very strong, if they are allowed to face each of them alone, then it will definitely not be a problem.

But the problem now is, listening to that ring, it is definitely not a spirit beast, but a group, a large wave of spirit beasts.

Just to ask, if a tiger meets a wolf, then the tiger will not be afraid, but if a tiger meets a pack of wolves, then if it does not run away, it is definitely a stupid tiger.


I don't know who, and yelled first.

Looking at the panicked students, Yaolan Jingtian touched his chin, why did he think that this should be done by Feng Shitian?

Dao Bai Li Xiao didn't move, he and Yao Lan Jing Tian looked at each other, they thought of going together.

"Hey!" Just as the students were about to leave one by one, there was a burst of birdsong in the sky.

Then I saw a group of black thunderbirds flying out of the dust and smoke.

The dark thunderbird, like a black cloud at this moment, flew towards everyone covering the sky and covering the earth.

Moreover, those countless Thunderbirds actually had a clear division of labor, and soon separated into two groups, then flew out to both sides, and then directly surrounded the students who were fleeing in all directions.

"Crackling..." Hearing the continuous sound of thunder above his head, all the students felt that their scalps were a little numb.

By the way, they don't dare to run anymore now, if this group of thunderbirds get angry and strike themselves collectively with lightning, then what should they do?

"That's not right!" A student here murmured. He had been a beastman and had also hunted thunderbirds: "There shouldn't be so many thunderbirds in our zoo!"

"The college's beast garden is so big that it completely occupies a forest. Up to now, in the college, except for the master dean who can't see the end of the dragon, who else has really walked through the whole thing? Those thunders you saw Birds and beasts are just peripheral!"

Hearing his words, someone immediately retorted.

The thunderbirds and beasts saw that no one dared to run away anymore, so they gathered together again in mid-air, circling low.

And looking at their eager eyes, they are clearly saying, if you have the ability, you run away again, and see who will be struck by lightning at that time.

Well, now it is true that no one dares to escape anymore.

At this time, everyone also saw that a group of spirit beasts, large and small, ran out from the billowing dust. It was a long-haired girl in a red dress who was also flying.

The girl's eyes were picturesque, but there was a raging anger that couldn't be concealed.

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