The group of beasts came rumbling, and after a while they rumbled away under Feng Shitian's command, leaving only a pile of unrecognizable minced meat in the middle of the playground.

But the lion and scorpion beast and the king of the thunderbird beast stayed by Feng Shitian's side, refusing to leave no matter what.

These two guys can be said to be the highest-level spirit beasts in the entire beast garden, and they have already given birth to spiritual wisdom. Therefore, the two of them can feel that there is something in Feng Shitian's body that makes them unconsciously. There are things that are reluctant to leave her.

And even though they didn't know the reason, they could feel that it would be beneficial if they stayed by Feng Shitian's side all the time.

"I said, you two guys, are you really planning to follow me?" Feng Shitian glanced at the king of the lion, scorpion and thunderbird with some worry, saying that these two big guys, in this kind of public eyes It's really too eye-catching to squeeze in beside her.

The two beasts couldn't speak human words yet, so they nodded their heads immediately, and these two guys actually took the initiative to make a blood contract with Feng Shitian at the same time.

All the students were stunned, thinking that they wanted a contract beast, and wished they could ask grandpa or grandma to catch one first, and then pay a lot of money to hire a beast trainer to help them tame the spirit beast. Contractual.

After all, spirit beasts have an arrogance that belongs exclusively to spirit beasts.

It can be said that spirit beasts, especially high-level spirit beasts, disdain human contracts at all, because in their eyes, it is an insult to beasts. Therefore, if spirit beasts are not domesticated, then they are regarded as dead. , They will not bow their heads and agree to make a contract with humans.

But if you look at Feng Shitian again, two spirit beasts who are not weak will take the initiative to make a contract with her, and judging by the expression on her face, she is actually a little unhappy.

There is no way, people who don’t raise animals don’t know, these two guys have a lot of appetite at first sight, you must know that there are already five beasts living in Feng Shitian’s Heavenly Dragon Ring, one old man, Although Heisha is still sleeping, those four guys are about to wipe out the inventory in Tianlong Ring, and now there are two more big guys. It seems that starting tomorrow, I have to buy some food again The things were sent to Tianlong Ring.

Alas, thinking about it gives me a headache, Feng Shitian suddenly realized that he is really still a poor person, even now, he has not escaped poverty.

But suddenly, the conversation between Dao Bai Li Xiao and Yao Lan Jing Tian came.

"Old Dao, the two of us have won a lot this time!" This was Yaolan's shocking voice.

"Yes, old demon!" Dao Baili nodded with a smile: "Yes, except for the two of us, no one else should have won this time!"

As for the two people calling each other Lao Dao and Lao Yao, Feng Shitian didn't care at all, she went directly to Yao Lan Jingtian and Dao Bai Lixiao: "Oh, you actually used my duel Come to gamble, then all the gambling money will be confiscated, hand it over!"

Robbery, I have seen robbery, this is really the first time I have seen such a naked way of robbery.

However, Dao Bai Lixiao and Yao Lan Jingtian pointed at the person who set up the bet at the same time: "He has the money! He also set up the bet!"

So the next thing is easy!

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