You must know that in Fengtian Continent, it is said that there are few beast trainers, but there are even fewer pill masters than beast trainers.

But there are fewer refiners than alchemists.

There is no other reason, it is because the animal trainer and the alchemist can be both male and female.

But a craftsman not only needs talent, but also because it is a labor of strength after all, so since the day he became a craftsman, he has been a man of all colors, and he is also a strong man.

Just imagine, how could a slender woman, or a thin man, be able to lift a sledgehammer the size of a watermelon.

And you have to swing it like a wind?

That is simply impossible, so, because of this limitation, the number of craftsmen is really surprisingly small.

That's why these two big men were so surprised when they heard Feng Shitian said that she was going to be certified as a craftsman.

"That's right, it's me, I'm here to get certified as a craftsman!" Feng Shitian said with a smile.

"That, that... easy!" The two big men looked at me and I looked at you. Although they didn't believe in their hearts, Feng Shitian could really pass the certification of the craftsman, but they had already said so, then Even the two of us can't turn people away.

So two big men, one took the lead and ran towards the building of the Artifact Refiner's Guild, while the other followed Feng Shitian, leading them five people and two beasts towards the building.

Besides, the strong man who ran in to report the news first ran all the way to the third floor, without even bothering to knock on the door, and directly crashed into the president's office.

"Bah, bah, bah!" Looking at the door of his office, he was knocked in by a strong man, and sawdust splashed everywhere. Sitting behind the desk, the big man who was as strong as a black bear had a series of blood vessels on his temples. Jumped three times.

What the hell, this is my first wooden door that was smashed. I just like this kind of carved wooden door, but I can't afford it. Let me change a new door every two days. Money is not like this yes.

"Master President!" The strong man rushed in, but he didn't even look at the broken wooden door. In other words, they have long been accustomed to such things.

"Damn it, I'll make an iron gate with refined iron and diamond dust tomorrow and install it on it. Let me see if you bastards will knock on the door again!" The burly man like a black bear roared loudly.

"The president is wise, you should have done this a long time ago. This wooden door is too hard to keep knocking on. I just knocked lightly, and it flew in!" The strong man said innocently.

"Okay, okay, talk if you have something to say, fart if you have something to say, don't just stand there and talk useless!" The big man like a black bear said with a headache.

What the hell, can't this group of boys think for themselves? Look at the old horse from the Pill Master Guild and the old Xiao from the Beast Trainer Guild. They all use exquisitely carved wooden doors. Tiemen, don't let the two of them laugh their teeth out.

These bastards don't let me worry or look at them for a day. I used to be whiter than now, but now I let this group of bastards become so angry that they have turned black.

"What, Mr. Chairman, someone has come to be certified as a craftsman!" Only then did the brawny man remember his purpose for coming.

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