Poison Concubine Playing Evil King: Miss Beast Controlling

Chapter 1584 was written in the chapter before today's update

For the broken update again, Duoduo is sorry but sorry, because of the thyroid problem, the last time I went to Yinchuan, the endocrinology expert did not give any conclusions, so this problem seems to be a big problem after I come back. The burden is usually on Duoduo's heart, so he went to Beijing again. After a definite inspection in Beijing, everything can be relieved, and he only needs to wait three months before doing T3. T4 test, and then a B-ultrasound of the thyroid gland, if all the values ​​​​have not changed, it means that there is nothing wrong!

Resuming the update today, I can feel at ease, so this article should not be interrupted before it is finished!

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