The Spirit of the Five Elements alone is not enough for a fire spirit to come out, after all what Feng Shitian is going to do now is to refine weapons.

And everyone also felt strange, why didn't Feng Shitian take out all kinds of metals, metals are needed for refining tools, this is common sense that even three-year-old children know.

Does that mean that there is no metal on Feng Shitian's body at all?

Even people who don't refine weapons know that the level of a weapon refiner is directly related to the type of metal they can use.

The higher the level of the craftsman, the more metals they can use when refining the crafts, because they can manipulate more different types of metals into one.

Zhuang Junnan on the other side raised his footsteps at this time and was about to walk towards Feng Shitian. Feng Shitian didn't have metal, but he had it on his body, and the craftsmen around him also had it on their body, as long as Feng Shitian If Tian opens his mouth, then he absolutely believes that all the craftsmen will definitely scramble to get out the metal that they have treasured in the interspatial ring.

But at this time Wen Renyue stopped Zhuang Junnan: "No need to go, my precious apprentice must have her thoughts."

"Uh!" Zhuang Junnan was stunned for a moment, he looked at Wen Renyue, but found that the latter's face was serious, he didn't seem to be making himself happy, besides, relying on Wen Renyue's concern for Feng Shitian , then this old man can't ignore Feng Shitian. Could it be that there is really a lot of metal on Feng Shitian's body?

Zhuang Junnan hadn't finished thinking about it, but Feng Shitian called out again in a low voice: "Lord Jin, come out!"

"Wow Kaka master, your local tyrant gold has made its debut!" With a burst of laughter, a fist-sized golden sphere like a fire spirit also flew out of Feng Shitian's body.

"This is..." Everyone's eyes were completely rounded, oh my god, my god, what did they see.

No matter how unwilling everyone is to believe it, but now they all have to believe that this is the golden spirit of the five elements.

"Hey, Xiaohuo, look, look, the master still likes me very much, the moment he called you out with his front feet, he called me out with his back feet, hehe, hehe, what's up, what's up!" , as soon as he came out, he had to frighten.

Xiao Huo directly turned his head to the side, which means, who is this guy? His face was also lost together.

"Okay, Tyrant Gold, I need Rainbow Fine Gold, Rock Iron, Fantasy Copper, Wood Stone Manganese, Qingling Chrome, Dark Iron, Black Steel..."

Feng Shitian opened his mouth and said that there are seventeen or eighteen kinds of metals.

"My God!" Others don't have much idea about the names of these metals, but Zhuang Junnan, Shi Lin, and those craftsmen all have strong ideas. You must know what Feng Shitian said now. Except for black iron, these metals are extremely rare and rare metals. In fact, they have only heard of the names, but they have never seen what these metals look like.

Shi Lin's face was now completely covered by a surprised expression, did this girl come here to scare him?

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