Ming Jia and Ming Yi stared at their young master dumbfounded, and asked if they could rush over and ask if the one in front of him was a parallel importer, or they were just delusional.

You must know that the young master of their family never takes a single glance at women, even that Miss Qiu, who grew up with the young master in the mansion since she was a child, but the young master, is even Didn't even look at it, poor Miss Qiu, who made a foolish mistake.

Even this time, Miss Qiu eagerly chased after him, but as for his own son, now he wants to take a woman home again, wouldn't that hurt Miss Qiu's heart.

But these words, the two of them only dared to think about it in their hearts, the two of them dared not say it out loud.

The girl in his arms is very light, holding her feels like holding a feather.

Yan Shaoming couldn't help but look down at the girl in his arms while walking.

Yan Shaoming is not from this continent, he comes from a higher plane, this time he was ordered to come to this lower plane, looking for someone, as long as that person is found, then he will leave.

But he didn't expect that if he didn't find that thing, he would find a girl, er, and a Sleeping Beauty.

"Cousin!" At this moment, following a delicate voice, a charming woman in a long yellow dress held up her skirt and greeted her with a cheerful smile.

The movement of Yan Shaoming's feet did not stop, he changed the angle of his steps slightly, and then walked past the woman, let alone stopped, he didn't even pause.

"Cousin, who is she?" Women are definitely sensitive animals. When Huang Qiuer saw the woman in Yan Shaoming's arms, the smile on her face froze.

But Yan Shaoming didn't think of answering any of her questions at all, or the man didn't listen to her at all.

"Ming Jia, Ming Yi, who is that woman?" Huang Qiu'er only felt that her heart had sunk at this moment.

"Miss Qiu, that was saved by the young master just now!" Mingjia looked at his young master's back, thought for a while, and explained something for Huang Qiu'er.

"Saved?" Huang Qiu'er frowned tightly.

She knows better than anyone else what kind of temperament her cousin is. She still remembers one time when she tugged on her cousin's sleeve, but her cousin actually took off the long gown directly and asked Ming Yi to take it and burn it.

Although I was very sad that time, but from the bottom of my heart, I still felt that my cousin treated me differently from other women, because if it was not me who touched Yan Shaoming but another woman, then Yan Shaoming would definitely kill that woman of.

But now Yan Shaoming can actually hold a woman in his arms, and he can use such intimate movements towards a woman, what does this mean, what does this mean.

Then all of a sudden, Miss Qiu's bright face was clouded, this answer was not what she wanted.

The slender jade hands were held tightly by Miss Qiu, the long nails pierced her palm, and blood dripped down the grass along the fingers, red, green, the reflection of the two colors is so beautiful glaring.

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