Of course, Yan Shaoming also saw the change in the expression on Muli's face, the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching, anyone could hear the perfunctory words in Feng Shitian's mouth, but this Muchen still looked very happy He looks so terrified.


Thinking of this, Yan Shaoming took another deep look at Feng Shitian. Mu Chen was his good friend since he was a child. Although at first glance, the two of them seemed to be at odds, but that was just the two of them expressing their love for each other. It's just a form of friendship.

In fact, the two of them are life-long friends who can be entrusted with their lives.

And with their personalities, there are not many people who can really be regarded as good friends by them.

In their own words, friends do not seek many, but only refinement.

So Yan Shaoming and Mu Chen also know each other very well. Yan Shaoming knows that although Mu Chen looks like a butterfly, he is very attractive to women, but he is not a sentimental person. He can be with women Flirtatious, but there are few women who can walk into his eyes, let alone a woman who can walk into his heart.

From this aspect, the two of them can be regarded as the same kind of people.

It's just that the two manifestations are just opposite.

But if a woman can make Mu Chen's eyes sparkle, then it means that this woman has really attracted him a little bit.

Even that Huang Qiu'er, for so many years, was the same, not only did not walk into my eyes, but also did not walk into Mu Li's eyes.

But this Feng Shitian, who just woke up from a lethargic sleep, actually aroused Mu Li's interest.

"Of course it's true!" Seeing Mu Chen's appearance, Feng Shitian hurriedly nodded seriously, and added another sentence: "It's more real than pearls!"

In fact, Feng Shitian was also kind. Facing Mu Chen's shining eyes, she could feel the latter's eager anticipation. To be honest, she really didn't want to disappoint this man.

"Shitian, Shitian, you are so kind, you are such a beautiful woman, I like you so much!" Sure enough, when Mu Chen heard Feng Shitian's words, the starlight in his eyes became brighter, and while While talking, he actually opened his arms, looking at the meaning, he wanted to give Feng Shitian a big hug.

But his hug was not successful, because at this moment, a big hand stretched out and grabbed his collar, then lifted his body directly, and threw him into the tent. on the clearing.

"Oops!" The butt came into close contact with the ground heavily, and even Mu Chen couldn't help but let out a cry of pain, but immediately he jumped up again while rubbing his butt, and then glared at Yan Shaoming behind him: "Yan Shaoming , you bastard, how dare you throw me!"

"Hmph!" Yan Shaoming glared at Mu Chen with a cold face, who made this pervert want to hug the phoenix and release the sky, then he deserved to be thrown.

When Mu Chen saw Yan Shaoming, he didn't want to pay attention to himself at all. He put his hands on his hips and jumped up: "Yan Shaoming, you kid is ignoring me again, I tell you, I tell you, if you dare to ignore me again, Then believe it or not, I will give you a love potion!"

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