Poison Concubine Playing Evil King: Miss Beast Controlling

Chapter 446 After talking for a long time, I finally got to the point

"No, I'm my elder sister!" Feng Shitian said firmly, adding together her age in previous lives, this Feng Qing should call herself an aunt, but now she still wants to call such a little girl her elder sister , how is that possible.

"Okay, if you like being an older sister, you can be an older sister, but I remember that a person who is an older sister should take good care of her younger sister!" Feng Qing's eyes flickered.

"Hehe, what I said before will still work!" Feng Shitian said with a smile.

"..." So Feng Qing was speechless, knowing that this unscrupulous guy would definitely threaten her, but there was no way, who made herself too good-for-nothing, so she had to bear his threat.

And at this moment, even Feng Qing heard footsteps, and it seemed that those people were already very close.

In a short time, four or five young people in their 20s came out.

It's just that these four or five young people didn't expect to meet two women in this big forest, and they were still young women, and they were all startled at the moment.

At this time, Feng Shitian and Feng Qing also saw clearly that the other party was four men and one woman. When these five people saw the two women, they were startled at first, and then filled with surprise.

"Miss, excuse me, I wonder if we can take a rest here!" The young man headed by the other party walked over with a smile and asked politely.

Feng Qing didn't speak, but turned to look at Feng Shitian.

"Whatever!" Feng Shitian nodded lightly.

"Then thank you, young lady!" The man in the lead greeted Feng Shitian with his buttocks.

Next, the man opened up the chatterbox, chatting with Feng Shitian and Feng Qing if he had nothing to say.

Among them, Feng Shitian also knew that this man was called Zhao Mengyang, and the companions beside him were named Meng Han, who were cousins ​​with Zhao Mengyang and the only woman in the five teams.

The other three men were named Qian Xueming, Sun Yiming, and Li Mingyu.

However, for most of this chat, it was Zhao Mengyang who was talking, while Feng Shitian and Feng Qing were listening. As for Meng Han, Qian Xueming, Sun Yiming, and Li Mingyu, they were also sitting While listening quietly, Feng Shitian could see that the four of them looked at Zhao Mengyang with a hint of anxiety and urging.

At that moment, Feng Shitian frowned secretly in his heart. This Zhao Mengyang has been talking from east to west, and from south to north for such a long time. The person who heard it was already dry-mouthed. I really don't know when this man will be able to get to the point.

Well, finally Zhao Mengyang brought the topic to the main topic: "Those two ladies, it's the first time for us to experience here, so we are not familiar with the way, and we got lost accidentally, I don't know the two ladies Can you take us out, don't worry, as long as we go out, we will definitely thank the two ladies."

What Zhao Mengyang said was sincere.

But Feng Shitian and Feng Qing smiled bitterly with the corners of their mouths pulled.

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