"Zhang San, what's wrong with you?" Feng Shitian quickly sensed that something was wrong with Zhang San, so she hurriedly asked.

"Master, something is not good!" Zhang San said with a dignified expression, "In the desert of death, once a blood moon appears, it will cause the mutation of the Sand Wolf King, and the first blood moon will appear between the eyebrows of the Sand Wolf King." Three eyes, and that eye is also called Blood Moon. At this time, the wolf king is called Blood Moon Wolf King, and his strength has also increased greatly. Under his leadership, the attack power of the sand wolf pack has also doubled. And every time the Blood Moon Wolf King appears, the entire Death Desert will become a real Death Desert."

"Oh, Blood Moon Wolf King, the name is quite interesting!" Feng Shitian stroked his chin with a smile.

"Master, I think we should leave here as soon as possible!" Zhang San said seriously.

"Well, it's good to leave, but..." Feng Shitian frowned slightly.

"Master, can it be said that the master wants to save those people?" Zhang San asked with some surprise. You must know that based on Zhang San's understanding of Feng Shitian, he didn't think that his master, Feng Shitian, would be a So kind that he would risk his life to save others.

Sure enough, after listening to Zhang San's words, Feng Shitian immediately shook his head and repeatedly denied: "Of course not, those people have nothing to do with me! I'm just curious about the Blood Moon Wolf King!"

Zhang San nodded, and he just said, his master is definitely a person with a cold nature, how could he suddenly show kindness.

But Zhang San thought of another identity of Feng Shitian, and then he asked tentatively: "Master, do you mean that you want to tame the Blood Moon Wolf King?"

"Well, if possible, let's domesticate it, if not, then we two will run for our lives!"

While talking, Feng Shitian tossed two pills to Zhang San: "Take a look at these two pills, they are written on the bottle, one is Transformation Pill, and the other is Flying Pill, it will be a big deal at that time. The two of us just fly away!"

After Zhang San took the elixir, he nodded his head, with a look of forgetting to die: "Then Zhang San will sacrifice his life to accompany the master today!"

"Uh!" Feng Shitian blinked his eyes a few times, and then made a small correction for Zhang San: "Well, Zhang San, your master, will never do that kind of casually giving away the little girl." It's a matter of fate, so don't worry, I won't kill your master, and likewise, you won't die either!"

Although Feng Shitian's words are full of confidence, Zhang San is not very optimistic. The Blood Moon Wolf King only appeared 100 years ago, and at that time, everyone who saw the Blood Moon Wolf King had already died , the last supreme powerhouse, desperately all his strength died with the Blood Moon Wolf King, so the Death Desert once again regained its temporary calm.

"Blood Moon Wolf King?" Feng Shitian is still muttering about the Blood Moon Wolf King: "Zhang San, do you know that I have always had wolf-like spirit beasts as my contract beasts! Because I I like wolves very much, I really like them!"

The corners of Zhang San's mouth twitched a few times, saying that now he really wanted to say something, master, master, then you can choose other wolves, why must you choose the blood moon wolf king?

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