"Hey, why is the moon colored tonight!" The man didn't react for a while, but turned his head to greet the other night watchmen with a smile on his face: "Hey, take a look quickly, the sky The moon is actually red, hehe, I have lived for so many years, and this is the first time I have seen a red moon!"

"Nonsense, where is the red moon..." Those people said while looking up at the sky.

"Hey, it's really a red moon!"

"No, no, that's not a red moon at all, it's a blood moon, a blood moon!"

Someone finally recognized it at this time, so the word "blood moon" was called out. When the second blood moon was called out, the already flustered voice changed its tone.

"It's not good, it's not good, blood moon, blood moon!"

"There's a blood moon, there's a blood moon, it's a big deal!"


So these night watch guys kept shouting at the top of their voices.

Although these people have never seen the blood moon, they have heard a lot of legends about the blood moon.

As for the legend of the blood moon, to put it bluntly, it is basically a legend of blood. Of course, in this legend, besides the blood moon, it is the blood moon wolf king.

"What's the matter, what's the matter, what's your name?"

"What happened?"

"What month?"


So from the tents one by one, figures emerged one after another.

"Look, look, blood moon, blood moon..." These night watchmen were almost speechless.

"Ah, it's really a blood moon!" Su Nianqing raised his head and glanced at the blood moon in the sky. At this time, the blood color had become very thick, and it seemed that the moon was so thick that it was about to drip blood.

No matter how calm Su Nianqing's mind was at this moment, his expression couldn't help but change at this moment.

"Brother, it's really a blood moon!" Su Nianbo and Su Nianbi stood tightly on both sides of Su Lingqing, with 12 serious expressions on their faces.

"It's really a blood moon. I still remember that the last time I saw a blood moon was a hundred years ago!" Mr. Damu also came out at this time.

"Mr. Damu!" Hearing Mr. Damu's words, Su Nianqing forced a smile: "Since Mr. Damu has seen the last blood moon, then I don't know Mr. Damu..."

Before Su Nianqing finished speaking, he was interrupted by Mr. Damu with a wave of his hand: "Although I saw the blood moon last time, I didn't enter the desert of death at that time, I was just at the transfer station!"

Then, Mr. Damu spread his hands again: "And you should also know that the Blood Moon Wolf King, under the Blood Moon, the Blood Moon Wolf King is an existence that cannot be killed at all. If you want to kill the Blood Moon Wolf King, then you should You have to wait until the blood moon passes, and every time a blood moon appears, it will last for seven full days, and within these seven days, it is enough for us to perish!"

"..." After listening to Mr. Damu's words, everyone fell silent, yes, seven days, seven days, how could they last seven days under the attack of the Blood Moon Wolf King?

"But the Blood Moon Wolf King hasn't come yet, let's leave here now!"

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