Poison Concubine Playing Evil King: Miss Beast Controlling

Chapter 756 Let's see who is handsome

So in just a short while, Yaolan Jingluo went directly from the Realm of Breaking Realm to the Realm of Enlightenment.

But Yaolan Jingtian has become a strong man in the sky-reaching realm.

When the two brothers opened their eyes again, Feng Shi realized that, it turned out that the old man of the Yaolan clan is only at the Tongtian Realm now.

So Feng Shitian understood why Yaolan Jingluo said that before.

When my grandson left the family, he was still normal, but he had only seen him for a few days, and when he came back, he was on par with him in terms of realm. I believe that no matter who knows this fact, he will be greatly surprised.

But you should still pray for a while, Mr. Yaolan's heart is very healthy, otherwise, I really can't bear it.

Besides, those Black Cloud Guards all looked at their young master and second son with envious eyes.

At the same time, they became more determined in their hearts, they must be loyal to the young master, and then make more contributions to the young master, so that the young master will definitely give himself the second boundary breaking pill.

After all, they have all tasted the sweetness of the Breaking Realm Pill now, it is a good thing, a good thing that people can't stop.

Besides, those Shen Lei Tianma beasts also woke up one by one at this time, so these guys have evolved one by one.

Those one hundred black Shenlei Tianma beasts turned into a blue color at this time, and there was a murderous aura that continued to emanate from them, and the bodies of these guys became stronger, and their strength was here. When I was a person, I went up two steps directly.

And what makes those Black Cloud Guards the most happy is their own Shen Lei Tianma, not only has it evolved, but each of them can be transformed into a human form, and they can also chat with their masters.

This feeling was something they had never thought of before.

It has to be said that in this way, the relationship between these Black Cloud Guards and their Shen Lei Tianma Beast is even better.

As for Hong Hong, when this guy woke up, he still had red horse hair all over his body, but at this moment, above his horse's head, there was a group of black lightning stripes floating impressively.

But before Yaolan Jingrao took a closer look, Hong Hong flicked her neck directly, and then transformed into a young man half or six points similar to Yaolan Jingrao, with the same enchanting face, Also a red robe.

I have to say, looking at it now, Hong Hong seems to be more like Yaolan Jingluo's brother than Yaolan Jingtian. Damn, even the temperament of her body is the same, and the incongruous smile on her face is also exactly the same.

Alas, if there is such a master, there will be such a beast.

As for Yinyue, after this guy woke up, he immediately found that his body had changed. Although the horse hair on Yinyue's body was still silver, it had turned into a bright silver color, shining in the sun. , It's as if this product is basically a horse piled up with silver.

Moreover, on Yinyue's four hooves, there is an extra golden thunder pattern, and like Hong Hong, this guy also has an extra golden thunder and lightning pattern on his forehead.

"Hey, Yinyue, change yourself quickly and show me who is handsome!" Hong Hong folded her arms and looked at Yinyue with interest.

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