Besides, when Huang Tian heard Yao Lan's shocking words, there was a look of surprise in his eyes, but he quickly calmed down: "Young master, now that Mu Yi is dead, and Mu Ye is also dead, I'm afraid young master Those who return to the Mu family in Yaolan Realm will not let the young master go!"

In fact, Huang Tian is also very strange, it is said that any mother would not love her own son, but Yaolan Jingtian's mother can love Mu Ye, but she will definitely not love her two biological sons.

And whenever Mu Meilan looked at the two brothers Yaolan Jingtian and Yaolan Jingluo, she could feel a strong hatred from her eyes, yes, it was hatred.

If this happens because Mu Meilan is the daughter-in-law who was robbed by Yao Lanhong, then it is also due to love.

But the truth of the matter was given to Yaolan Hongyi by Mu Meilan's Ganzi family on the ground, so no matter how you think about it, it feels strange.

Of course, I don't know the reason, the two brothers, Yaolan Jingtian and Yaolan Jingluo, have never called Mu Meilan mother since they were young, and there is no feeling between the three of them. .

If it is said that this is because the old man Yaolan Qingding brought the two children with him to raise him since he was a child, and because they had too little contact with their parents, then it is reasonable.

But there was no contact between the two brothers and Yaolan Hongyi, but the father and son got along pretty well.

So I have to say, the things in it are really intriguing.

"Hmph, so what if you don't let them go?" Yaolan said coldly, for the Mu family, he had already felt that he would have a battle with them sooner or later, and the result of this battle would be to destroy the Mu family. He was completely killed in the Yaolan Realm, or he, Yaolan Shocking, and the two brothers Yaolan Jingluo were killed by the Mu family together.

Yao Lan Jing Rao also sneered at this time and said: "Hmph, I have long wanted to kill those Mu family bastards viciously!"

Huang Tian twitched the corner of his mouth fiercely, this kid has scolded his own mother now.

But looking at the faces of Yaolan Jingtian and Yaolan Jingluo, there is no such consciousness at all.

"Yeah, yeah, I think so too, this time I will go back with you, this kind of thing, I must not be left out!" Huang Feng said with enthusiasm at this time.

"Well, well, that's right, that's right, brothers who fight tigers, father and son soldiers, we are going to fight tigers now, so we have to go shoulder to shoulder with brothers!" Yaolan Jingluo immediately hooked up with Huang Feng again up.

"Jing Tian, ​​I want to refine some more pills!" At this time, Feng Shitian, who had been silent all this time, spoke.

At this moment, the eyes of both Shen Lei Tianma Beast and the Black Cloud Guards were lit up at this moment, especially those Black Cloud Guards, who were depressed in their hearts, but now they are not as good as their mounts Damn, it means that people are not as good as horses, do you think this is a very painful thing?

Alas, they are actually about to be abandoned by the young master's wife. Once the mount is too much stronger than the master, then, wouldn't it be bitterness, and it is still a bitterness!

But Feng Shitian's words immediately rekindled their hope.

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