"Jingtian is the man I chose. I love him, just purely as a person, not because of any additional things about him, such as identity, status, or money~"

"If the young master is what he wants, then I will be ready to be the young master's wife by his side. But if what he likes is the kind of unrestrained wandering around the world, then I will accompany him to the world. , Use our feet to measure how long, how wide, and how big this land is!"

"If he likes to be in a high position, then I, Feng Shitian, would like to use my strength to add a pair of wings to him, and stand on that high position with him, overlooking all living beings."

"If he is just a beggar in the city, then I am willing to become a beggar woman, holding hands with him, begging from house to house!"

It has to be said that at this moment, everyone became quiet. Everyone looked at Feng Shitian in surprise and listened to her voice. I was deeply shocked that this young girl, this woman in the red dress, would actually say such a thing.

All along they really thought that Che Li Qingyan should like their young master, but now they realize that Che Li Qingyan's liking for the young master is really too superficial, what she likes is only the identity of the young master That's all.

However, this Feng Shitian was different.

At this moment, Yaolan Jingtian's heart was also shaken, he looked at Feng Shitian obsessively, but the heart in his chest was beating violently at this moment, and a kind of ecstasy had already filled his whole body.

He never thought that Feng Shitian would say such a thing in front of so many people, ah, his Shitian, his Shitian, he loves his Shitian so much, This woman is really worthy of his love and protection for the rest of his life. It is so beautiful to be a couple for the rest of his life. As long as it is what she wants, he will definitely give it to her.

The old man Yaolan Qingding also looked at Feng Shitian in astonishment. After a while, the old man smiled, a kind of happy smile. He had to admit that this girl named Feng Shitian really had a chance to become a member of the Yaolan clan. The strength of character of the future mistress, and the vision of his eldest grandson are really good. He deserves to get the true biography of his grandfather, um, it is his true biography!

But Yaolan Jingluo hooked Honghong's shoulders at this time, and then said depressedly: "Honghong, you said that I am definitely more handsome and handsome than my brother, but, but you A woman who is said to be such a good sister-in-law of Master Mao will actually look at my brother first!"

Tilting her head and thinking for a while, Yaolan Jingluo came up with an answer: "Well, it must be because the person the master's sister-in-law met first was my brother, alas, the person you said was not me because Mao met first Well, if that's the case, now the person who is indifferent to all kinds of pain is my brother!"

"Bah!" Yaolan Jingluo hadn't finished speaking, so an object fell from the sky and hit him on the head very accurately.

But fortunately, other people around didn't notice this wonderful thing.

Yaolan Jingluo looked intently at the culprit, but saw a boot lying quietly on the ground.

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