Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 13: Tang Xiaosa is crazy, did you know that?

In the countryside in the countryside, there are usually gossips, or various gossips and scandals about family stories or melon fields.Anyway, now most of the young and middle-aged men have gone out to earn money and work. Apart from the elderly and children, the most left in the family are the middle-aged women who stayed behind for various reasons.

The middle-aged woman is also called Obasan, and these people are no longer shy or embarrassing.As long as they get together, they will soon each say some gossip about the people in each village that they have heard to make others question or laugh.Anyway, it’s a hot day, just like beating a child on a rainy day is also idle!

But now, their topic had fallen on Tang Xiaosa, who had been at home for almost a week after coming back from town because she failed the college entrance examination.

"You know the young man named Tang Xiaosa in Tang Guoxian's family, right?"

In the only teahouse in the village, a short and fat middle-aged Obasan asked the other obasans around him who were idle and had nothing to do with the expression and tone of an underground party leader.

Who does the older generation of rural people not know?If you go back in time to a year ago, everyone would rather hold a kerosene torch and walk ten miles across several villages in order to watch a movie.It is also this kind of thing that made people in the early years basically have a very wide social network, unlike today's young people, who watch TV with their hands on holidays, and do not know a few people in the village. look familiar.

Therefore, when the short and fat woman asked, another Obasan answered immediately: "Nonsense, isn't it the short and thin young man who heard that studying is useless? What's the matter?"

Well, rural people judge whether a young man who is still studying has development potential, mainly by whether his grades are good or not, and whether he has filial piety is also a major indicator.Brother Xiaosa has never received any awards or honors since he was a child, which is why these women look down on him.

"You don't know, don't I live behind his house?" The short and fat woman shook her head and said in a very heavy tone: "It was fine before, but in the past few days when I just woke up every morning, I could hear a The dead ghost ran to the mountain of my house and yelled "Ah, Oooh!", not to mention the shrill and loud voice, and almost scared me into the latrine on the first morning."

Sure enough, as soon as this remark came out, there was a burst of questioning: "Huh? Haha, who is that yelling?"

"Did you encounter something unclean?"

"Could it be that Tang is playing tricks?"


There were only a few people around at first, but as the loud voices of Obasan were attracted, a few uncles and uncles who had nothing to do immediately followed around.Isn't this idle anyway?

The short and fat woman was obviously a bit crazy, and when she saw more people, she immediately became more excited, and then said loudly: "Don't make noise." The people around said "Oh" and quickly fell silent, so she Then he continued: "I listened to it for three days in a row, every day at around 6 o'clock in the morning, the shouting voice was exactly the same ah ah oh oh, sometimes it was like a thunderstorm "buzzing" shouting, it made my heart tremble Numb!"

"Your man has gone out. Of course I'm afraid that the child will be alone before the summer vacation." A bystander echoed with sympathy and understanding.

Another Obasan also came up with an idea: "Then what do you do? Just endure it like this?"

"Just kidding, can I bear it?" The short and fat woman roared with anger on her face: "So this morning, I got up just after dawn, and then went straight to the hospital with two kitchen knives and a flashlight. Waiting on the mountain."

"Okay! You're still amazing~" A usually timid woman admired loudly.

"Haha, you are indeed Zhang Dapao~ only you can do it." The middle-aged and elderly men also expressed their admiration.


"Which bastard calls my old lady Zhang Dapao again, and my old lady will fight you hard~" the short fat woman shouted.She obviously doesn't like the nickname "Zhang Dapao", because in the village only those shrews who can't be provoked are given the nickname "Dapao".This is a typical personal attack" Ah!

"Okay, hurry up and continue talking, what the hell are you doing with the knife?" Everyone didn't get serious with her, after all, if a shrew really provokes her, it will cause gossip, and no one wants to Be the protagonist of other people's jokes.So I had to urge "Zhang Dapao" to continue talking quickly.

"What's the rush, what's the rush?" Zhang Dapao curled her lips in displeasure. At this moment, she finally felt like "all the stars are holding the moon", so she snorted proudly before continuing: "I just climbed Going up the mountain, you all know that the sun is still out and the wind is blowing and it is a bit cold, I am going to take a rest to cool off before going to that person, but--" At this point, a look of shock and fear appeared on Zhang Dapao's face Looking, she swallowed her saliva: "But you would never have imagined that when I looked up, I saw a shirtless young man with only a pair of boxers and bare feet walking around the 5-acre land on the mountain." The edge of "Sun Soil" is running in circles, and while running fast, it is still making the sound of "humming hahaha"..."

"What do I think? People are exercising!" An old man with gray hair sneered and said with disdain: "When I lived with my son in Yuzhou, I could see many things every day. Young people run in neighborhoods and parks with towels on, and they call it weight loss.”

"What a fuss!" The others immediately laughed too, and several of them left at once.

"Old man Wang, don't look down on people!" Zhang Dapao was in a hurry. She had managed to show off so much, how could a bad old man ruin it, and she said anxiously: "Who doesn't know about running? The key is that the young man finished running He didn’t pay any attention to me, and stood under a big cypress tree on the side of the soil slope. Oh, you don’t know, he just punched and kicked the cypress tree with "huh, ha, ah!" That scene was terrifying, the bark of the cypress tree They were all crushed and kept shaking. That young man seemed to be crazy..." While speaking, her short and fat body was shaking, as if she was really frightened.

"Then is he really crazy?" A group of people around asked the same question.It's like watching a movie, and it's still a martial arts movie.

"How would I know? I turned around and ran away." Zhang Dapao admitted his timidity aggrievedly: "Didn't it mean that if you were really beaten by a lunatic, you would have to deserve it? I don't want to be hospitalized and take medicine."

When a large group of people look at me and I look at you, they don’t know what to do.Because the reason Zhang Dapao said is really reasonable, no one wants to argue with the lunatic.No matter how shrew is, she is afraid of madmen.

"Okay, okay, just ask Li Wenjun later? She must know if her own grandson is crazy." It was the old man Wang who broke the silence: "Li Wenjun now comes here every day to play 8 yuan (a A local poker game), and I’ll ask him later.”

"Okay, let's go and ask her together. If she is really crazy, we will advise her to be treated. Don't accidentally hurt someone." A large group of people nodded in agreement, and then some people sighed, "Poor baby!" Ah, how can you be crazy at such a young age?" and so on.

There is an exaggerated saying in the countryside that if you fart at the head of the village, the whole village can smell the stench.Now, when Zhang Dapao told the news that Tang Xiaosa had gone crazy, it only took an hour for most people in the village to know about it.

"Tang Xiaosa is crazy, do you know?" This sentence immediately became the most popular sentence in the whole village that day, far surpassing "Have you eaten yet" or "Where are you going?"


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