Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 16: Young man, sing me Dongfanghong

When June is coming to an end and July is about to enter, even if I get up early, I still feel a little hot.Especially if you have to walk more than ten miles to reach the countryside with two bags on your back, it will be even hotter.

"I feel that my current image must be very stupid b!" Walking on the concrete road in the countryside, looking at a motorcycle that just ran past, a certain person with shoes is about 1.75 tall, and a little muscle can already be seen vaguely The muscular man Tang Xiaosa's children's shoes suddenly "talked to himself".

"That's better than being treated as crazy!" A black-bellied system responded lightly.

Hearing these words, Brother Xiao Sa, who had a bad complexion, suddenly became even more ugly, and he couldn't help but think of what *** said the night before yesterday.

"Do you know that people in the whole brigade (whole village) are calling you crazy now?"

Grandma didn't play cards in the teahouse before it was dark, and she returned home with a dark complexion. When she saw Tang Xiaosa, who was ready to leave home, sitting and drinking tea in the sunbathing in front of the door, she immediately groaned. He reprimanded loudly: "What did you say you were doing all day? It's okay to run up the slope and yell and scream, and beat that big cypress tree with your hands and feet. Your hands and feet are hard, aren't you? Why don't you beat it?" Stone? You have completely embarrassed our Tang family."

"..." Tang Xiaosa sat on the chair dumbly, didn't understand what she meant at all, and just looked at her in a daze: "...you, what are you talking about?"

"Still pretending to be stupid?"

Seeing brother Xiaosa's expression, grandma became even more angry, "Just say you're ashamed and throw it at your own house, but you've thrown it into the ears of the whole brigade. I just went to the teahouse to play cards , Old man Wang stopped me and asked me if I had a grandson named Tang Xiaosa? I said yes, what’s the matter? He told me, do you know that your grandson is crazy? He runs to the mountains every morning Yelling, running and jumping, it’s not a big deal, the key is that he still hit the big cypress tree with his hands and feet! The cypress tree is so hard, and it’s still so big, don’t you think his hands don’t hurt? "

Grandma said so much in one breath and felt that her voice was a little uncomfortable, so she stopped, looked at Tang Xiaosa who was embarrassed, depressed and dumbfounded, and continued: "Old man Wang asked me again: Have you ever thought about it?" Give him a cure? Even if he is insane at such a young age, it is probably not very serious, maybe he can still be cured!"

Grandma finished talking about "Old Man Wang" and started talking about "Zhang Dapao"—"Zhang Dapao also interjected, Aunt Li, you should take care of that lunatic, I think he is very strong, Dabaishu's The leather is all dented, if you hurt someone, your family will be responsible."

"Don't, don't say it!" Seeing that grandma wanted to talk about other people's evaluation of her "crazy" self, Tang Xiaosa immediately stopped in pain and speechless.Then, with a wry smile, he took a deep breath and said seriously to the grandmother who was dissatisfied with being stopped from talking: "Grandmother, I made a decision in the afternoon, and I planned to go out in the afternoon the day after tomorrow, and I packed up my clothes. Look now It passed me around like this, so I decided to leave the next morning."

"Didn't you say you were going to play for a week this morning? Why are you leaving suddenly now?" Grandma wanted to reprimand him for a while, but now that Brother Xiaosa was about to get out of the way, she immediately filled her stomach with anger. Throwing it aside, I even wondered if it was because I scolded him just now that I didn't want to stay in my hometown anymore.

"It's like this. I'm going to work in Shanghai. It's a time when there are fewer people and it's better to take a car before the summer vacation." Tang Xiaosa didn't say that he was planning to become a star, because after today's situation, he didn't want to make trouble for the time being. up.It's better to wait until you become famous, and then call and tell your family!

Grandma saw that he was serious about what he said, and that he was really embarrassing in the village, so she stopped talking, nodded and said: "It's a serious matter to go out to work to make money, and I won't stop you. Then you must work hard , pay attention to your own safety anytime, anywhere, and don’t spend money recklessly if you have money..."

When I officially went out this morning, my grandma was worried and wanted to ask his grandpa to give it to me, but Tang Xiaosa obviously couldn't accept this kind of thing, so he immediately ran out with his two packages, and then followed the The road took a big stride and turned around an awkward mouth at the head of the village, and disappeared from the sight of grandma's tearful eyes.

"I left in such a "surreptitious" way, I am afraid that from now on, people in the village will firmly believe that I was sent to a mental hospital for treatment." The black-faced brother Xiao Sa was very depressed. Mental illness" day, and it was so loud.

"Okay, you'd better leave quickly. Now is the time when there are the most people going to the market. If there is no one left after the market is over, you will have no income of RMB." More than 10 miles, it will take about an hour at your speed."

Don't tell anyone that Tang Xiaosa knows that time is a little tight. He studied in the countryside in junior high school. Before the road was opened, he had walked this road no less than a hundred times.Naturally understand how much time it takes.So he immediately accelerated his speed and walked straight.

There is a poem describing the road to Bashu: the road to Shu is difficult, and it is difficult to go to the blue sky.Although An~ County is not within the scope of this difficulty, there are so many rolling hills.During the journey, Tang Xiaosa had to go around one bend after another, climbing up the mountain on one side and then down the other side, this kind of process was so boring that it was painful.It wasn't until he had seen the middle school in the village that he finally set foot on the concrete road again, and walked into the main street that seemed to have not changed much for several years along with motorcycles and pedestrians.

The township is now a street, a settlement formed purely along the direction of National Highway 319, so the closer it is to the center of the street, the more crowded and noisy it becomes, the sirens of cars, the honking of cattle and sheep, the crying and laughing of children, The loud voices of the adults, the cries of street vendors...these all kinds of voices come together, almost making people tremble all over, which is very uncomfortable.

Brother Xiao Sa's face was very ugly, he stood and looked around for a while, then asked speechlessly: "I really want to sing here? Are you sure that someone can hear you when it's so loud?"

The system replied in the affirmative: "Yes, you must impress them with your affectionate voice."

After a moment of silence, Brother Xiaosa nodded stiffly, and casually opened the guitar bag he was carrying, took out the guitar, and placed the guitar bag 1 meter in front of him.When all this was done, he suppressed his increasingly tense heartbeat and took a few deep breaths, and swept the strings with his right hand heavily——ding ding ding...

In such a noisy environment, he could not use all his energy to play the guitar, so he could only choose a song "Birch Forest" that is easy to sing and has a relatively high singing voice.

The quiet village is covered with white snow

Pigeon flying under the cloudy sky

The two names are engraved on the birch tree

They swore to love each other for the rest of their lives


Tang Xiaosa sang very loudly, or he was yelling loudly, because if he didn't do this, let alone let others listen to the song, his guitar sound might not be able to travel very far. Do you even think about giving rewards? ?He didn't open his eyes, just "singing" loudly with his neck stuck, and the guitar in his hand was also skillfully accompaniment.Therefore, he didn't find that when he started singing, he immediately attracted the attention of everyone within ten meters around him.

In fact, as early as the moment he opened the guitar bag and took out the instrument, he had already attracted the pedestrians around him, but Brother Xiaosa was so nervous that he didn't look around much at all.

And at the moment when he started singing, the peddler, the parent who spanked the child, the butcher who was negotiating the sale of cattle and sheep...everyone fell silent at once, and at the same time they turned around and found the man with his eyes closed. Tang Xiaosa was singing hard.

"Where did this young man come from?" A middle-aged woman who was watching with vegetables couldn't help asking, looking at Brother Xiaosa's increasingly attractive face.

As if awakened suddenly, the people who had been quiet began to move in an instant, but the content of the conversation this time was almost surprisingly consistent: "Where did this young man (big brother, young man) come from?"

Of course, no one knows the answer to this question. First of all, Tang Xiaosa is not from the street; I can't believe it.A taller and more handsome Tang Xiaosa, now even his former classmates might not be able to recognize him.

sweetheart, don't worry about me

Waiting for my return in that birch forest

the sky is still cloudy

There are still pigeons flying


Brother Xiao Sa didn't care what the people around him thought of him or judged him, he still sang loudly with his eyes closed.This is really singing, not the roar that was used in the beginning.If we say that at the beginning, he did not let go because of nervousness, shyness and other reasons.So now, when he is really immersed in the artistic conception and emotion of this song, he no longer has the slightest nervousness and shyness. He is just singing a story now, a story about peace, nostalgia and a little sadness.

The sweetheart died in the distant battlefield

She silently came to the birch forest

waiting there every day


No matter how long the song is, there is an end. When Tang Xiaosa finished singing, the guitar in his hand quickly reached the end stage, so he closed his mouth and opened his eyes—after about 5 seconds of silence

"Clap clap clap..."

"Good singing, one more!"

"That's right, it's really good, better than the singers on TV~"


I don't know who led the applause, and I don't know who was the first to yell for another one. Anyway, when Tang Xiaosa recovered from the applause and cheers, almost everyone in the audience rang out "Come again!" One, one more" shouted, and even the 80-year-old man and the 2-year-old child who was still in his mother's arms were also shouting: "One more, one more~"

This is the singer's happiest moment, right?Brother Xiaosa was so excited that his eye circles turned red, he suddenly bowed deeply to the crowd who were getting more and more crowded and shouting louder.After standing at attention, he didn't say anything, and the people who were a little surprised at being bowed by him were quiet for a while, and immediately said loudly: "Fathers, old folks, everyone, good morning, I am young singer Xiao Tang, and this time I will hold this kind of ceremony here. In fact, there are unavoidable difficulties in singing activities."

He paused for a moment, then watched the crowd slowly quiet down and was listening to him, and then continued: "I plan to start from our Shuanglong Township and walk all the way through Yuzhou, Hubei Province, Hunan Province, and Xijiang Province , Huangshan Province, Jiangsu Province, and Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces, and finally arrived in the Magic City..." When he said this, his tone suddenly became low: "But because my parents are unwilling to support me in such an adventure, I have to take I set off by myself with this musical instrument, and now I only have a few dollars left, so I hope that all uncles, aunts, brothers and sisters can help me with a little money..."

To be honest, people in rural areas take money very seriously, especially in this current society, if you don’t save some money, what will happen if someone in the family gets sick?What if the son and daughter are admitted to college and get married?In short, it is really not easy for anyone who wants to get some money out of their fingers.

So, after saying the above-mentioned slightly fabricated words, Tang Xiaosa lowered his head a little nervously, fiddled with the guitar again out of sight and out of mind, and prepared to sing two more songs...

"Young man, sing me "Dongfanghong", and I'll give you 50 yuan~" A somewhat old voice suddenly rang in Tang Xiaosa's ears. The kind old woman who was completely white was looking at herself with a smile at the moment.


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