Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 206: A lot of Penguin news, bid farewell to the past

"Chisa, the trick you just did was really shameless. How can a person be so shameless? Isn't it a joke to ask someone to find out the informant?"

Before going to bed, Gao Yanru said to Brother Xiaosa.

"I care about him so much, if I don't give them a little color, I'm afraid they will think I'm easy to bully in the future."

Brother Xiao Sa smiled and rubbed his nose, then waved his hand and said, "Rest, tomorrow morning you have to go and see those recording studios to talk about renting!"

Gao Yan nodded and said: "Although I bought a computer, remember not to use it too late. Resting early will help maintain your skin. I'm leaving!"

After sending away the slightly tired Gao Yan, Brother Xiaosa just closed the door, and immediately jumped to the side of a pure black laptop, then quickly started it up, and quickly connected to the wireless network in the hotel.

He first boarded the Penguin, and then entered his own "official". After seeing it, he was shocked, because there were only more than 150 million official member fans, and now he was about to break through 0 million, only 182. one.

Your sister, this speed is really unbelievable!Hundreds of thousands of people increased in one day!

Brother Xiaosa didn't bother to check the flashing penguin news anymore, he calmed down, clicked refresh, and then looked at the number of members: 00101.

Fuck, that's right, almost 300 people have been added in one second?

Someone laughed so hard that his mouth was about to crack, and excitedly said to himself: "If we continue to develop in this state, won't my buddy soon surpass 300 million official fans? They are willing to come and register as members, which means everyone I like it very much, otherwise, who would be willing to spend a few minutes to register as a member?"

"If you are willing to register as a member, that means that they are basically your loyal fans, so can you say that?"

He logged into Zhang Qiang's administrator account reserved for himself, and then directly posted a message: If I release an album, will everyone buy it?If I make a movie, are you all willing to go to the movie theater to support it? "

After posting the news, he completed the review by himself, and then added it to the top. Last night, Xiao Sa smiled and refreshed all of this, and then the first row of the home page became: The leader said.

It was almost 11 o'clock at this time, and someone didn't want to wait foolishly to refresh again and again, his eyes fell on the flashing penguin message.

This number was a few years ago, and it was the number given to him by his cousin at that time, because he didn't know how to apply at that time, and the date of application was in 02, and the people added on it were basically classmates in the class, only a few This number was added by someone else, and then added as a friend by him.

Putting the mouse on the penguin icon, Brother Xiaosa's eyes flickered, because he had too many messages. It seemed that every student sent several messages, and even more messages were sent in succession. There are hundreds of them.

Pursing his lips, he double-clicked the icon, and then... crashed.

Fuck, just a little information and it crashes?

Brother Xiaosa shook the mouse in disbelief, but it was useless, because the mouse seemed to be malfunctioning, and the entire desktop was full of chat windows, and it was impossible to know how many windows were open at the same time.

Speechlessly, he patted the computer. He really wanted to press restart, but thinking that restarting the computer frequently was not good for the computer, he was reluctant to do it again.

In the midst of the struggle, the computer unexpectedly returned to normal, and a large number of chat windows appeared on the computer desktop at the same time.

And the one at the top of the list is the class monitor known as "Wang Baochang", a Wang Baoxiang who had a bad relationship with him at the beginning and has now been admitted to Xi'an Jiaotong University.

Your sister, I'll see what you bastard can say.

Brother Xiaosa pulled the message to the top, and then——

"Tang Xiaosa, I actually saw someone with the same name and surname as you in a newspaper in Yuzhou, and he's also a wandering singer!"

"Tang Xiaosa, compared with this Tang Xiaosa, the difference between you and this Tang Xiaosa is simply too far, he is very versatile!"

"Why don't you speak, I know you must be online."

"You would never have imagined that this Tang Xiaosa has become a star, and he is also from our An~ county. Are you sad?"

"Fuck, are you there?"

"Speak, talk, don't pretend to be dead!"


It’s like at least one message a day, this Wang Baoxiang is definitely a model of idleness, Brother Xiaosa is angry and funny and directly pulls the news to the end——

"Tang Xiaosa, are you the Brother Xiaosa from "Happy Camp"? How could you change so much? Talk!"

"Brother Xiaosa, you old man, be upright and speak out, our whole class is proud of you!"

"Brother Xiaosa, whether you admit it or not, let me tell you, I have already told the reporter about your real situation, and Teacher Liu and Teacher Chen, including the whole class, have basically been interviewed by the reporter. , we can be sure that you are the handsome brother who sang "Happy Bachelor", you are awesome, and it is time for you to be awesome, I wish you more and more stable walking, goodbye."

This is the end of the message, and the time is 1 month ago.

Seeing the last message, someone shook his head and showed a smile. This Wang Baoxiang liked to target him at the beginning. Although he never beat him, various threats and obstacles happened frequently.

For example, when he asked to borrow a basketball, Wang Baoxiang, who is also a sports committee member, directly refused: "Why do you play basketball with your physique? Why don't you read more books if you have this time, and forget about getting a better college.

For example, if you doze off in class, it doesn’t matter how others sleep, but Wang Baoxiang will definitely stare at him, as long as he dares to sleep, ok, after class, he will go to the office and be reprimanded by the head teacher!

Because the bastard Wang Baoxiang sued him again.

All these are too numerous to count. This guy almost always uses Tang Xiaosa to make a sense of presence. The other tall and thick poor students make trouble, and Wang Baoxiang dare not put a fart on it, because he himself is not tall or strong. , Afraid of being blocked when going home from school.

So, for Wang Baoxiang, Brother Xiaosa couldn't wait for it, even many times, he almost wanted to fight him desperately, but when he thought of his high school diploma, he endured it.

But now, when he saw Wang Baoxiang's message, especially the soft words at the end, most of his hatred dissipated, leaving only the kind of aggrieved and disgusted at the beginning.

He closed Wang Baoxiang's chat window, and then looked at the second one, which turned out to be a message from Zhou Xiaowu who was sitting at the same table with him.

Doesn't this bastard know how to do it?Why are you also chatting now, and have sent so many messages to my brother?

Brother Xiao Sa read a few of his messages curiously, and suddenly burst out laughing.

"I love you chic, just like a mouse loves rice! I love you so much, should you give me some money? I heard that you have earned almost tens of millions from endorsements, so just give me tens of thousands of dollars Let's go! I'm going to rent a shop in the county to do some small business."

"Damn it, why haven't you talked? Don't pretend, I've seen your online records. Although talking about money hurts feelings between brothers, but in the beginning, I always bought things for you and ran errands. You old man can be merciful and lend me tens of thousands, of course, it would be even better if you give it to me directly, I promise you won't feel that you look down on me."

"Chisa, my store has opened. It specializes in stewed meat. The business is still going well. I don't blame you if you don't borrow money, but can you lend me your image? You, the pride of the whole county, will support you." , my business must be very good!"

"Damn, it seems that there is really nothing worthy of your nostalgia in the third and sixth classes of high school! It has never been online."

This is the last message, dated half a month ago.

"Is there really anything worth remembering in Class [-], Grade [-]?"

Brother Xiaosa scratched his eyebrows in confusion, and he began to recall some things from the past.

There is no good friend in the class, no class flower that he has a crush on, no like-minded buddies, no teacher that he respects and is grateful for, it seems that apart from the three years in high school, it seems that there is really not much to miss in the three years of high school something!

If there was anything to miss, it must be that he was looking forward to the end of get out of class, and then looking forward to the classmate from the class next door who would pass by the window.

Thinking of this, he felt a little sad, because three years is not a short period, and it is also the most poetic season for boys and girls!But for him, looking back, what he got was almost blank.

Grinning in frustration, he closed all the messages, and after thinking about it, he directly exited the Penguin, not wanting to talk to anyone anymore.

There is no close friend, no sex in the dream, there is only a little hatred at the beginning, who once bullied him or a classmate who was not friendly, under such circumstances, do you have anything to talk about?

Saying goodbye to the past and looking forward to the future, Brother Xiaosha closed his eyes and exhaled softly, then he opened his eyes, clicked on the Baidu page, wrote in the search bar: Shanghai Recording Studio for rent, and clicked back car keys.

There are really not many private recording studios these days. Many recording studios are the products of small-scale hobbies. There is no such thing as professional and high-end. Anyway, as long as they are passable, they are already very good.

Therefore, although there were a lot of information about renting recording studios on the page, he immediately jumped away when he saw the evaluation of small scale and average quality.

After all, what he wants to do is to record a publication-level CD, not the type of self-entertainment. If the quality of the recording studio is not good and the equipment is not advanced enough, even if it is given to him for free, he will not be able to use it at all. I don't like it.

After flipping through several pages of related information, Brother Xiaosa has never found a recording studio that he is slightly satisfied with, and the reviews also say that the real high-end goods cost millions, and a record company’s recording studio is even worth hundreds of millions. , where is an enthusiast who can afford to play alone?

Seeing this kind of evaluation, someone's heart is cold, Nima, do you still have to go to the record company to ask for help?

At this time, his heart suddenly moved, and a thought came to him spontaneously. (To be continued.)

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