Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 223: Astronomical Issuance Right

"Hey, you got up so early? Why don't you spend more time with others?"

At around 7 o'clock in the morning, the megacity of Shanghai is at the peak of the rush hour for work. A guy with wet underwear has already woken up early and washed his underwear. After a lot of tossing.

After regaining some energy, he returned to the room covered in sweat with a white sweat towel on, and saw his manager was sitting by the table.

Originally, he wanted to say "Morning Brother Yan", but Gao Yan, a shameless guy, opened his mouth first and asked a very embarrassing topic for him.

Brother Xiao Sa's expression immediately changed, and he said angrily: "Stay with me! Damn, I've always been a gentleman, okay? How could I do the kind of thing you imagined, taking advantage of others' danger? "

"Hehe, come on, can a man not understand a man?"

Gao Yan didn't seem to see his black face, blinked his eyes with a smile, and sighed: "You young people are in good health! After a night of exhaustion, you still have the energy to get up early, and you don't forget to continue doing fitness exercises. No way, my belly is getting bigger and bigger every day, and I feel tired even walking!"

"I~ said, I really don't have one!"

Brother Xiaosa was so angry that he was about to collapse. He tore off the towel hanging around his neck, pulled it vigorously, and said angrily, "After you left, I stayed in her room for less than 10 minutes. Feed her a glass of pure water, and then run out quickly!"

As he was talking, he suddenly pointed to the messy blanket on the bed and said, "If you don't believe me, you can just touch the blanket and you'll know. There must be a little warmth inside. I woke up last night. I have never done anything shameless!"

Although Brother Xiao Sa acted very sincerely and innocently, but that must be believed!

Gao Yan didn't touch the blanket at all, and didn't even turn his head. He just said with a smile: "Hehe, you really haven't done anything, I believe you!"

Fuck, do you believe me?What are you laughing at?And why are your shoulders shaking?

Brother Xiao Sa couldn't see his face, but he saw Gao Yan's shoulders trembling slightly, as if holding back a smile.

It's so obvious that he doesn't believe his own explanation, he just listens to it as a joke, is it right?

"Damn, brother, this is yellow mud falling on the crotch, it's not shit, it's shit!"

Brother Xiaosha shook his head in pain and sorrow, and couldn't help complaining: "If I really did it, am I afraid that you will know? Manly man, if you don't do it, you don't do it. If you do it, then you will definitely admit it." , don’t make fun of me anymore, are you interested?”

"Haha, don't you regret it? Don't tell me, you haven't even kissed!" Gao Yan turned his head and winked and joked.

Nima, can I tell you that I only touched it twice, and through the fabric?

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you!"

Brother Xiaosa rubbed his eyes angrily, then glanced at the computer, and suddenly said: "Oh, yes, you seem to have something to say to me last night, tell me now!"

"That's right, didn't you want me to find a suitable recording studio?"

Gao Yan moved the chair in a different direction, facing Brother Xiaosa, and said seriously: "I went to nearly 10 studios yesterday, but found a problem, that is, all the recording studios that are willing to rent out are basically small, and the equipment is very small. It’s also bad, it’s fine to record for self-entertainment, but if it’s used to record an album, I can’t imagine that you will be scolded to death by music critics.”

"Is it all that bad?"

"What do you think?"

Damn, how can I fix it?

Although Brother Xiao Sa had already prepared himself mentally, he still seemed very depressed when he heard Gao Yan's description, because the high-end recording studios are basically owned by record companies, and they are generally not open to the public!

In other words, he either had to go to a small recording studio to record, or he had to ask someone, find a regular record company, and ask for a permission to use someone else's recording studio.

"Actually, I think we seem to have entered a misunderstanding now!"

Gao Yan looked at Brother Xiaosa, and said solemnly: "I haven't paid attention to the release of records before, I don't know, but after reading some materials these days, I realized that it is really not easy to release records. Things, especially large-scale IPOs across the country and across Asia!"

Brother Xiao Sa sat down on the edge of the bed, "Tell me in detail!"

"First of all, you have to spend money to buy the album version number, which is like a birth certificate. With the version number, a record can be sold on the shelves of regular sales places, such as Xinhua Bookstore. People who buy it must be genuine, without a version number. , don't try to put it on the shelf!"

Gao Yan glanced at Brother Xiaosa as he spoke, and saw him nodding his head to express his understanding, so he said again: "Secondly, even if the record has a birth certificate, and you have recorded the master tape yourself, we must at least find a regular publishing house Helping with burning discs, contacting shelves, arranging book signings, fan meetings, and other distribution matters, we can’t find a large audio-visual store by ourselves and contact various promotional activities, right?”

"Yes, it makes sense, is there any more?"

"Finally, if your album wants to be on the chart, it can only be recommended by the record company or the distribution company. The organizer of the chart does not accept individual applications from singers. That is to say, no matter how good you sing, no matter how much everyone likes you, people will Your name won’t appear on the charts, so when it comes to the awards ceremony, you won’t be able to win many music awards, such as the China Song Chart, Sprite Original Music Chart, etc.”

Brother Xiaosa was a little dumbfounded, he really didn't know this!

He originally thought that as long as he burned the record, he could sell it to fans. How could he expect that there are so many programs?

Nima, isn't this forcing me to sign with a powerful distribution company?

Gao Yan said again: "You know Jay Chou and Wang Fei. Now they are responsible for the content production of their records, and they just sell the distribution rights to the distribution company. , the overseas ones used to be Sony Records, but now Warner is in charge."

"You mean, I want to follow his example and find a distribution company in China, and then find another company outside the mainland to be in charge?"

"I think this is the best way!"

Gao Yan nodded bluntly and said: "If we do this, we don't need to worry about the recording studio at all, and we don't need to think about how to burn CDs, how to distribute goods, how to carry out promotional activities, etc. You can completely do everything after shooting the MV. Never mind, you only get busy when it’s officially on the shelves.”

Damn, my head is getting a little big!

Brother Xiao Sa supported his forehead and thought for a while, then asked: "Then what does this publishing copyright mean? I can just authorize the publishing company? How to calculate the account split?"

Gao Yan suddenly laughed, snapped his fingers exaggeratedly and said: "This is exactly what I was going to tell you last night, because several record companies with strong distribution capabilities contacted me, and they were willing to pay a high price to get it. Exclusive distribution rights for your records, the kind of global distribution."

"Oh? Then why didn't you say it earlier?"

Brother Xiaosa stood up suddenly, a little pleasantly surprised, but also a little bit complaining, and said: "Which companies are there? How strong is the distribution ability? Let's talk about it!"

Gao Yan opened a small notebook, and read according to it: "Xinso Music, Busheng Music Culture, Yuedong Meika Audio-Visual Culture, Tiankai Records, Shanghai Audio-Visual Company..."

"Forget it, forget it, don't read it yet!"

The names that Gao Yan read out directly made someone's head dizzy, and he couldn't figure out what these companies were doing, let alone who was stronger and who was more sincere.

Therefore, he quickly interrupted Gao Yan's introduction, and said directly: "Brother Yan, just tell me directly, what are the conditions of these record companies, and what are the benefits offered by these record companies? Several conditions are the best."

That's right, regardless of whether these companies are big or not, the key is to see how much they are willing to pay and how much they want to get!

"Well, my opinion is that only three are sincere, but Xinso Music is the most sincere!"

Gao Yan smiled and said: "Leaving aside the strength of this company, the key is that they are willing to give you a guarantee fee of 100 million directly, that is to say, as long as you agree to hand over the exclusive distribution rights to them, even if your record If you can’t sell even one, at least you won’t lose money!”

"I'll go, can my pursuit be so low?"

Brother Xiaosa shook his head dumbfoundingly: "It doesn't count, I don't believe that with my current fame and strength, my record will not sell more than 300 million copies!"

Gao Yan nodded with a smile: "I don't believe it either, and this 100 million is too little! Last year's Super Girl runner-up, Zhou Bichang, you know? She signed the album publishing rights with Tiankai Records a few months ago. The guaranteed deposit for publishing copyright is already a sky-high price among newcomers, and you have to double it at least to get it!"

"How dare you call it a sky-high price for such a little as 100 million? What did they say?"

"This issue has not been discussed yet, but I will definitely insist on taking the 300 million deposit!"

Gao Yan said: "However, this problem may be very difficult! The domestic copyright fee is 3~3.5 yuan per record, that is to say, you have to convince them that your record can easily sell more than 100 million copies. , this is really hard to talk about!"

Brother Xiao Sa looked very calm, and said: "You can refund more and make up less! I won't cheat them!"

"Hehe, who did you hear said that the insurance deposit would be refunded?"

Gao Yan waved his hand and said, "Let me tell you, this deposit will not be refunded, even if a record is not sold, they can only consider themselves unlucky and will never ask you for a deposit, because this is the current One of the unspoken rules of the record market."

Brother Xiaosa opened his mouth in astonishment, but after thinking about it, he realized that it was normal, because the current record market is indeed in a downturn, and many big-name singers can only sell between 10 and 50 copies. When a very charismatic and promising singer appears, those publishing companies will naturally flock to him, and you will fight for it. (To be continued.)

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