Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 231: Leaving in anger, that's just my brother's design

A good thing can turn into a bad thing, and a bad thing can be a good thing——Said Brother Xiaosha.


"Chisa, look at these comments, it's only been three hours, but the news about you taunting reporters in the middle of the press conference and leaving angrily has spread all over the Internet!"

In the hotel room, Gao Yan was not even in the mood to eat lunch. He pointed to the screen of his laptop and said worriedly: "The Internet is upside down now, and many people are paying attention to the scandal between you and Sun Li. Many people said that you were playing a big game, because the reporter touched your private mind, so you ignored the face of hundreds of reporters and Yi Company, and just went your own way and left."

"Hehe, let them say what they want to say!"

Sitting by the window, someone who seemed to be looking at the street scene was actually thinking, and his face was full of ridicule, and he responded with a casual chuckle.

As the saying goes, if you don't do anything wrong, you are not afraid of ghosts knocking on your door!

Others don't know whether he and Sun Li are in love or even have an affair, but doesn't he know it himself?

It is precisely because he is so clear and clear that when faced with all kinds of doubts, he actually seems very relaxed, and he doesn't take the outside voices seriously at all.

So here comes the question, since he didn't take the tabloid reporter's so-called scandal seriously at all, why did he act so angry and furious at the press conference?

Moreover, he not only mocked the reporters, but also left the venue angrily, leaving Ding Sanshi alone at the press conference, which turned the originally grand press conference into a joke.


Gao Yan was obviously confused by his relaxed attitude, called him, and said in a daze, "Why are you so relaxed? Look at these comments, they are basically all negative comments about you. !"

"Hehe, brother Yan, do you know what is called a bitter trick?"

Facing someone outside the house, he turned around with a chuckle, and sat leisurely on the chair, looking at the somewhat anxious Gao Yan, with the corners of his mouth upturned to reveal a smile.


Gao Yan was obviously even more confused. He couldn't figure out why someone would get involved in the tricks of the dead. Does it have anything to do with the tricks of the dead? .

Moreover, his expression showed that he was really relaxed, because this leisurely and contented expression was not at all like the fake relaxed intentionally performed to make him feel relieved.

So why is he so indifferent?

Do you have a plan in mind, or do you have wisdom in your hands?

"Oh, brother Yan! Don't you think my temper comes too fast and too violent?"

Brother Xiaosa reminded: "Or, in your impression, is my temper really that big? Will I really be made angry by a few tabloid reporters with a few random words?"

"Then... huh? You mean..."

Gao Yan was confused at first, then shocked, and finally his eyes widened in disbelief, and his mouth opened wide without any image.

At this moment, his expression was as horrified as if he had seen a ghost, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

His right index finger pointed at someone who was smiling triumphantly, but couldn't stop nodding. His mouth was wide open, but he couldn't say a word.

"Haha, you are right, I am just acting!"

When the high pressure opened and closed his lips, and the excitement calmed down a little, someone finally laughed and revealed his true calculations.

"Huh~ Then why are you doing this?"

Gao Yan took a few deep breaths, and then said tremblingly: "Do you know how bad this scene will be today? You were provoked by two little reporters casually, and then ordered the organizer to Disregarding the arrangement and leaving halfway, this first of all left an impression on others of being unbearable, not broad-minded, and not having a strong psychological quality!"

The more he spoke, the more excited he became, and louder and louder: "Then, you mocked the reporters wantonly, which invisibly offended those uncrowned kings. How can you be regarded as a colleague, right? Even if you are right, they will still look at you much more closely. In the future, if you behave a little bit badly, they will definitely blacken you, just to make you continue to be furious , just want you to be angry every day, and scandals of scolding reporters and even beating reporters will break out every day!"

Speaking of this, Gao Yan's excitement has completely disappeared. He shook his head and said: "People with too stubborn a temper are really not suitable for being in the entertainment industry! Who in this industry has not encountered scandals? Just explain it directly, even if It’s true, but it’s okay to refuse to admit it! How can you just leave the scene as soon as you get angry? You...fuck, you, what are you laughing at?”

Brother Xiaosa has been listening to Gao Yan's words with a smile, and nodded from time to time, expressing that he agrees with his views and opinions, but as Gao Yan's words became more and more serious, his smile became more and more serious. In the end, he even hugged his stomach, trembling and laughing uncontrollably.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

When Gao Yan said "What are you laughing at?", someone who had just closed his mouth and chuckled at first, finally burst out laughing. While laughing, he slapped the armrest of the chair exaggeratedly, as if meeting someone in history. Like the funniest jokes.

"Are you laughing?...Don't laugh...Fuck, is it that funny?...Haha..."

Gao Yan with an embarrassing face tried to interrupt someone's wild laughter several times in a row, but the effect was very poor. On the contrary, the more he wanted to interrupt, the happier Brother Xiaosa laughed, and finally burst into tears .

At this time, Gao Yan himself was also amused, especially when he saw someone laughing in pain while holding his stomach while wiping his tears, he couldn't help laughing out loud.


For a moment, the whole room was full of laughter, as if there was a "laughing contest". Both of them had loud voices, and they both laughed quite crazy, and they couldn't stop at all.

"Oh...haha...my stomach is full...haha..."

"You...you laugh...haha...what are you laughing...haha..."


This kind of crazy laughter lasted at least 1 minute without ending. In the end, a certain person couldn't stand the situation of laughing so much that his stomach hurt so much that he simply punched the floor hard.

With a loud "boom", the ceramic floor, which should be of good quality, was directly smashed by him. It was so badly broken that it was almost deformed. It was impossible to repair it, and it could only be replaced.

The force was mutual, the floor was almost self-mutilated by him, and his hand was naturally impossible to be unscathed, the metacarpal bone on the back of the hand swelled up almost instantly, and some places even broke the skin and ooze blood.

"Uh, you..."

Clutching his stomach, Gao Yan with a face of pain froze all of a sudden, and looked at someone who was grinning and shaking his left arm with a changed expression.

"Damn it, it really hurts!"

Brother Xiao Sa hummed and shook his hands, forced a smile and said, "Fortunately, it's not the right hand, otherwise the next autograph meeting won't be possible!"

"You... I said why are you so stupid?"

Gao Yan was speechless and asked the sky, he shook his head and said: "You laugh hard, don't you think you can hit yourself twice, or pinch your own nipples? There is no need to do that!"

After he finished speaking, he sighed and said, "That's all right now, it will take at least a week for your left hand to heal, and you will have to pay for the floor of the hotel later, the gain outweighs the loss!"

"Hiss...forget it, don't mention it, just bring me some red potion!"

Brother Xiao Sa smiled wryly and looked at the back of his left hand. In just half a minute, the back of his hand was already swollen, and the bleeding was not small, because a large piece of skin was broken.

Gao Yan said, "It's what you deserve," and went downstairs to the front desk to bring up the medicine box. Then, while debridement with iodine, he said curiously, "Can you tell me now? Why did you ask for it just now?" Did you leave the scene in a fit of anger on purpose?”

Brother Xiao Sa gritted his teeth and said, "What kind of person do you say, his words are most convincing?"

"People with high positions and authority, people with high morals, and people with good reputation!" Gao Yan replied quickly.

Brother Xiao Sa smiled: "That's right! That's why I deliberately designed such a play, I just want people to think that I am the kind of person who never lies! "

Gao Yan, who was twisting the cap of the Baiyao bottle, gave a pause, "Your goal is indeed good, but is it related to your design?"

"Hehe!" Someone chuckled: "There was no contact at first, but now there is!"

He shook his arm, signaled Gao Yan to take the medicine quickly, and said quite proudly: "Now everyone is suspecting that Sun Li and I are really in love, so I am so furious, but if it turns out, I Is there no relationship with Sun Li at all? Then what will everyone think of me?...Damn, be careful! I touched a wound!"

His scream brought Gao Yan who was in shock back to his senses. He looked down and saw that the small spoon in his hand was pressed against the back of someone's red and swollen hand.

"Hehe, I didn't pay attention, the main reason is that what you said is too amazing!"

Gao Yan explained with a smile, and then said while taking the medicine: "You mean, you want to use this scandal to lay a foundation, a foundation that you can't stand slander and never tell lies? To give ordinary people Leave the impression among fans that journalists' reports are always fake?"

"That's right!" Brother Xiaosa nodded and said, "Gossip is nothing more than a trivial matter, isn't it just a photo of Sun Li leaving this hotel taken by a paparazzi? Photos, what am I afraid of?"

"I suddenly discovered a problem!" Gao Yan said, looking very serious.

Brother Xiaosa was aroused by his appearance, and asked nervously, "What's the problem? Is there a loophole?"

"You kid is getting more and more deceitful!"

After Gao Yan finished speaking, he carried the medicine box and ran out laughing.

"Am I cheating?"

Someone first gave Gao Yan a middle finger, but then he smiled silently with his chin clenched. (To be continued.)

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