Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 281: Madison, New York - Crazy Chinese Tang Night

Performances, especially special performances, must not be done slowly like boiling frogs in warm water, but should be used in a vigorous and violent way to directly arouse the enthusiasm and passion of the audience. .

"Bang bang bang, bang bang bang..."

In the darkness, when the entire audience was waiting patiently and excitedly, suddenly, a piece of music that was full of passion and one couldn't help but want to swing along with it suddenly sounded, and then, there was a burst of music in everyone's ears. If there is a murmur that seems to be nothing: < different,

about this girl.



In the dark arena just now, a light suddenly lit up at this time, and under this light, a tall man wearing a baseball cap and big sunglasses was dancing gorgeously to the sound of passionate music.

At the same time, everyone can see that his mouth is opening and closing, and the crooning sound is obviously also talking about him.

"Wow wow wow..."

Seeing him dancing a sexy and gorgeous dance to the beat of the music, shouts burst out from the audience, especially the female audience, almost everyone couldn't help standing up and shouting loudly. screamed.

The male audience was also quite excited, because many audiences who like rock and dance music have already heard the origin of the prelude to this music. "Dangerous"! "A white young man who likes MJ very much said to his companion.

"Wow! I can tell that Tang is performing MJ's "Dangerous"! Is this trying to completely imitate him?" An American entertainment reporter asked in surprise.

"This is one of Michael Jackson's classic dance songs! Is Brother Xiaosa going to blow up the atmosphere as soon as he comes up?" This is one of the few fans who followed from China.


The performer on the stage didn't pay too much attention to the audience's reaction, because he was completely immersed in the performance at this time, only dancing and singing softly.

Even though the audience kept screaming and clapping, everyone was shaking the light sticks in their hands, and their bodies were still swaying to the sound of the music.

shes so dangerous.


Wearing a portable headset and singing loudly while dancing is actually not difficult, and many singers can do it.

However, what if this is an imitation, and it is an all-round imitation, and the object of the imitation is well-known, what about MJ who makes strange noises from time to time?

The reporters in the media area couldn't believe that the scene in front of them was real. Even though there were so many imitators of Michael Jackson that they couldn't be counted, many of them were shocking.

However, the other imitators are at best imitating his attire and dancing!Who dares to imitate other people's dances like China Tang, who is performing on the stage, and even imitates MJ's most distinctive and difficult to imitate voice and singing style?

This is simply a monster!Who has ever seen someone who can imitate MJ, the "King of Pop", so much?

"That's right, I can see it very clearly, and I'm listening to him singing very carefully. He's definitely not lip-syncing!"

A reporter added excitedly: "Just now he sang a wrong place. I am very familiar with this song. I have listened to MJ's original version at least 50 times. He did make a small mistake just now. It is enough to prove that he did not use lip-syncing at all, but really imitated MJ in all aspects."

"My God! I can assure you that China Tang's ability to imitate is absolutely invincible in the world!"

The reporters were all shocked and took pictures again and again, as if they were going to use up all the dozens of boxes of film they were carrying.

"If MJ is on the scene, I believe he will be very happy at this time, because before China Tang, no one in the world can imitate him so perfectly. Obviously, China Tang must also be one of his fans One, otherwise, it would be impossible for him to perform so wonderfully and be so familiar with MJ's habit of screaming."

Some reporters sighed, it's a pity that Michael Jackson didn't come to the scene, otherwise, they might really see the "King of Pop" Your Excellency, what kind of expression he would show when facing such a monster like China Tang and action!

The reporters were frantically taking pictures and making associations, while the ordinary audience was trembling and going crazy.

Who is the superstar with the most fans in the United States?

Who is the superstar with the most fans in the world?

There is only one answer, and that is the superstar among the superstars and the Uranus among the Uranus—Michael Jackson.

As a superstar who has been popular all over the world for a long time, all the genuine records have sold hundreds of millions of copies, and he ranks No. In a semi-reclusive state, however, in the American folk, his name is still worshiped by countless people, and his music works are still lingering in the ears of countless people.

Therefore, for Michael Jackson, for his classic works, these audiences are basically not familiar with them. Even if they don't worship MJ, they have probably seen his dancing and singing on TV.

Therefore, when everyone saw and heard the song "Dangerous" performed by MJ himself, they were really shocked, and almost no one could sit still.

And what's even more amazing is that China Tang's imitation is a live imitation, and it's almost a perfect imitation. This is a way of performance that is countless times more difficult than the original singer's performance!

This is so amazing, how can he be so evil?

So at this time, there is really no need to say more about the atmosphere of the audience, whether it is the "poor audience" in the last row who can only watch the big screen, or the "rich people" sitting on the sidelines, or even those who come to watch the show. Stars, almost no one was seated. Nearly 2 people stood up involuntarily, including NBA superstars like Kobe, and Hollywood directors like Spike Lee.

"It's amazing! How did you train it? Isn't his voice afraid of being damaged?"

Spike Lee, a great black director, was really amazed, because even though he was well-informed, he had never seen such a miraculous imitation art!

If this Nima closes his eyes, he will definitely think that this is MJ coming in person, right?Who would have thought that this was a Chinese "scam"?

Kobe shook his body with the rhythm of the passionate music, and couldn't help sighing: "This guy really deserves to be the 'King of Video'! He just showed his talent casually, and even I was willing to dance with it .”

Kobe is not far away is a tall giant, he is still a famous figure in the world - Yao Ming, the Great Wall of China.

At this time, Yao Ming had also stood up a long time ago, but instead of swaying his body to the melody like other stars, he seemed very comfortable and couldn't stop nodding, his fingers were also snapping lightly, with a big face A bright smile appeared on his face.

After all, no matter what, the young man who is currently performing in the stadium and caused a collective sensation among the American audience is also Chinese!As one of the most well-known Chinese superstars in the world, and a compatriot who has done well in the United States, he must of course feel gratified for Tang Xiaosa's successful appearance.

"The first show was so exciting, it's not in vain that I flew to New York to support you!" Yao Ming nodded in satisfaction, and continued to snap his fingers following the rhythm.

He will never be as unrestrained as the Americans, and he will never be able to howl and jump around like the "Warcraft" Howard. Now this state is actually very rare for Yao Ming, who has always been quiet.

Since only Brother Xiao Sa, who is performing, is illuminated by a beam of light, the audience can't see what the people around them are doing.And this also gave some viewers who are usually conservative, but still have a passionate side in their hearts, a chance to be unrestrained, such as Ivanka Trump.

Shaking her delicate body to the beat, snapping her fingers that she would not normally dare to hit, but this time she can hit as much as she wants, swinging her head, waving her hands, and humming along...

Ivanka Trump, a supermodel and "the richest single beauty in the world", who usually faces the world with a lady and a smile, looks very high at this time.

Although she wears high heels as high as 7 centimeters, although she can't dance with Michael Jackson, she can dance disco when she is single, and she can also wave her arms wildly like other audiences and scream loudly, no one can see it anyway Meet her without worrying about being in the papers.

"Ahhh... Chinese Tang is amazing!" A girl screamed loudly in the back row, "I love you to death! You can do anything!"

Ivanka was slightly taken aback, her beautiful eyes stared at the tall man who was still fully engaged in the performance under the lights, she smiled and screamed loudly: "I love you to death, you are omnipotent!"

After shouting, Ivanka paused for a moment, but she didn't find anything wrong. Instead, she had a feeling of releasing the depression in her heart, and the whole person seemed to be much more relaxed.

After finding this way to release her mood without worrying about being discovered, Ivanka immediately yelled again, and the more she yelled, the happier she became, and the more relaxed she became.

"God, Ivanka really has a crush on China Tang? And she still woos loudly!"

A man sitting in the back row next to Ivanka was heartbroken. He was still thinking about how to ask this super beauty with both wealth and beauty and few scandals to have a cup of coffee and get to know each other!

As a result, the heart was broken.

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