Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 299: The media storm is beginning to appear, and the wind of Tang Dynasty in China is blowin

Once some things are missed, it is bound to regret for life.

"Oh shit, is this overpriced chink's show really that good? Why do so many newspapers have his front page headlines? Are all Hollywood stars dead?"

Next to the subway, Gore Johnson, who got up early to go to work and was waiting for the train, almost went crazy, because he looked in front of the newspaper vending machine, and suddenly found that most of the large media were paying close attention to a China People, almost all of them have printed on their front pages such as: "China's Tang Dynasty shocked the audience, magic and horror go hand in hand!" these bold bold headlines, and there are several photos.

Well, that headline is the big bold headline on the front page of The New York Times.

Then, the Los Angeles Times headlined, "Incomparable perfection, an indescribable solo show!"

"USA Today" is: "Have seen his performance, you will call him a performance terminator!"


Fuck, how capable is a Chinese boy?He was able to make the front page headlines of these newspapers with the largest mailing volume in the United States?

The train had already entered the station, and Gore Johnson didn't have time to continue to choose. He simply took out his coins and bought a copy of "New York Times". Then he hurriedly boarded the subway with his purse in his hands, and found a seat. After coming down, he held his leather bag and began to read formally.

"Aww, it's unbelievable that China Tang perfectly imitated MJ and Whitney Houston, is this a joke? MJ's singing is accompanied by screams, and Whitney's voice is so... so beautiful, How can a man imitate it?"

"It's unbelievable. This report should be false, right? The drink bottle was cut off with cards? This must be a magic effect, otherwise, could he have killed people with cards?"

"My God! Is his fist a jackhammer? It exploded a brand new basketball? This is the first time in history!"


Gore Johnson looked around in pain, and saw that most people were flipping through a newspaper, and they were sighing while reading, which made him unable to concentrate on reading the newspaper at all.

"Guys, are you all crazy? How can a card cut a plastic bottle? How can a human hand explode a basketball with a fist? This tm can be seen to be fake!"

Gore closed the newspaper very depressed, and immediately questioned the exclamation voices around him.

"Fake? Hehehe..."

A middle-aged man glanced at him, then turned around with a faint smile, pointed his own penis at him, and continued to read his newspaper.

Fuck, this is Hong Guoguo's disdain and disregard!

Gore was stunned for a moment, but then he was extremely angry, and immediately looked at another guy who was continuing to read the newspaper and clicked his tongue, "Dude, don't you think these reports are fake? Who can use a card to cut off a normal person?" A plastic bottle? Has anyone ever exploded a basketball with their fists? O’Neal, a big shark, can’t do it either!”

"Dude, you're right!"

Gore smiled slightly, thinking that he had finally found a confidant, "So buddy, do you think so too?"

"No, because in my opinion, China Tang is not a normal person, he is an amazing and great performing artist!"

Fuck, shit, this is Hong Guoguo's molested deity!

Gore's smile froze, and his eyes widened instantly.

"Man, I think you can read the report first!"

A gentle white young man grinned and said, "China Tang's performance will be released on DVD, and there are 2 spectators who witnessed it with their own eyes. It is impossible for these reports to be fake!"

He paused and said again: "And what do you think a Chinese has to buy so many large media at the same time to speak well for him?"

I wipe, yes!

Gore slapped his head and suddenly realized: "A media is likely to be bought and used as an advertisement! However, it is really impossible for several newspapers with the top ten circulation in the United States to say good things about him! Even if I'm afraid it will cost tens of millions of dollars, right?"

"Hehe, it's not just newspapers across America! Dude, look at this!"

The young man smiled and showed Gore the headline of the newspaper he was holding, "How is it? Now you won't doubt it anymore? This is The Times!"

"God, how is this possible?"

Gore grabbed the newspaper and quickly scanned it twice, completely stunned.

"The American performance that China Tang can't surpass, is perfect and shocking from the beginning to the end!"

This is the headline of The Times, printed directly on the headlines of the entertainment and sports sections.

Fuck, this is the most influential newspaper in the English-speaking world. Although its circulation is much lower than that of the New York Times and the Los Angeles Times, with an average circulation of less than 100 million copies, it reports Everything about it will attract strong attention from major media around the world, such as reprinting and quoting!

"Could it be that I was really stupid and missed a wonderful performance?"

Gore Johnson held the newspaper in a daze for a while, and finally decided to read what the "New York Times" said first!


At the same time, France's Le Monde, Britain's Sun, Germany's Bild, Japan's Yomiuri Shimbun, China's Global Times, Southern Metropolis Daily, Yuzhou Evening News... and hundreds of other newspapers, they also published Brother Xiao Sa's grand performance in New York, USA last night.

Although the description methods of these reports are different, some give short messages and some give long speeches, but these reports all have one thing in common, that is—novelty and shock.

Yes, no matter how the media arranges the page, it may be big or small, but they must admit that Brother Xiao Sa's performance is very shocking, and they all praise it as wonderful and perfect.

To be honest, large media in the United States and even the world are paying close attention to a Chinese performing arts star. This kind of scene is really too rare. Fang Chenglong has never done it, and Zhou Runfa has never done it... Only the "King of Kung Fu" Bruce Lee When he passed away, there was only such a grand scene at that time!

However, if you want to talk about real enthusiasm, you still have to look at the Internet, because Brother Xiaosa's fans are basically young people, and these young people happen to be basically civilians.

For example, a group of pictures of Brother Xiaosha are hung on the homepage of Yahoo America. The first one is that he and Ivanka Trump are "embracing" and the two are kissing. The title is: Envy, China Tang captured Iran Vanka, they kissed on the spot!

The second photo shows Brother Xiaosa holding a poker between his right fingers, and a few severed plastic bottles fell on the floor, and a sentence was added: Magical, Chinese Tang Fei shot playing cards and cut off beverage bottles.

In the third photo, Brother Xiaosa's right wrist is completely immersed in the basketball, with a smile on his face, and the slogan is: Shocked, China Tang exploded the basketball with his fist!

The fourth photo shows Brother Xiao Sa performing One Finger Zen. The whole person is completely supported by two extremely curved index fingers, and the title is as attractive as ever: "Horror, Chinese Tang's fingers that can pierce steel plates!"

It is no exaggeration to say that anyone who sees these photos on the front page has no way of running away. They are all attracted by the photos, and then scream and sigh while looking at them.

Scarlett: "Damn it, damn it, why didn't I buy a ticket? Why did I find it ugly?"

David: "My God! Why didn't I go to such a wonderful performance? Even if it costs $00, I should find a way to get a second-hand ticket!"

Robert: "What the hell! Why would I sell the tickets? I'm afraid it will be difficult to see such a wonderful performance in the future!"


The role of the Yahoo homepage is really great, and the topic itself is very fresh and shocking, so there are a lot of netizens who leave messages and replies. It took less than an hour for the message to go online, but the number of hits exceeded 1. Also more than 10 people.

What?You say this data is very small?

Fuck, you know it's still morning!Youben didn't have many people online, and it was already super rare to be able to break 10 hits and 1 messages within an hour.

If this momentum continues, if there are no accidents, within a day today, the number of hits on this related news report will definitely exceed 500 million, and the number of messages will definitely exceed hundreds of thousands. one of the hot topics.

In addition to Yahoo, the news about Brother Xiaosa's performance has also become hot news on the three major popular websites like aol (America Online), Facebook, and msn. Thousands of people are clicking to watch or leaving comments.

Especially on 'Facebook', the favorite social networking site for young people, the news about the "China Tang Shocking Performance" is endless, because there are many audiences who attended the performance, and they uploaded photos as soon as they went back, and also I wrote my own viewing experience, which created a powerful topic storm.

Affected by this positive factor, the "China Tang" site, which is similar to a fan forum, created by a fan of Judy, also became a hot site in the first place, with many people visiting almost every minute, and even applying for an account join in.

However, due to economic problems, the server group of the website is not large. As a result, as the number of visitors increased, the website crashed many times, making many people unable to continue to visit. This really made Judy painful and happy!

But many people know that this is just the beginning, because as more and more people know the details of China Tang's performance, at that time, his topic will definitely be higher, and the popularity will last at least a month about. (To be continued.)

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