Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 33: Turnaround, recording "Happy Bachelor"

ps: Continue to ask for votes, buddies plan to hit the top ten newcomers this week, please support!

It is said that in the entertainment industry, there have been many incidents where a certain actor or singer has been labeled by the world as a certain actor or singer of a certain genre because of a certain popular TV series or because he sings a certain type of song example of.

The most obvious example of this is Zhao Wei, who became popular in Asia in one fell swoop because of her role as the little swallow in "My Fair Princess".Since she was shown on TV in 99, she quickly gained a great reputation among the common people all over the country. Later, when even 80-year-old old men and women saw her appearing on TV, they would immediately say: "Ah, this is a little girl. Swallow, right? Why isn’t it Grid?”

Therefore, it can be seen from this that once a star is stereotyped by the audience, it will be a "terrible" thing.Zhao Wei has been working hard for 8 or 9 years, during which time she took on countless new roles and plays, but the vast majority of audiences still regard her as that innocent and cute little swallow who is out of harmony with the world.

This is a kind of helplessness, but also a kind of sadness.No matter how hard you try, you can't wash away the marks that everyone "imposed" on you.Therefore, this will also cause investors, directors, producers, etc. who have casting rights to choose other people instead of the "innocent" Zhao Wei.

Well, if someone is also labeled by everyone because of a certain performance, and this label is not the type of ridicule such as "imitation emperor" or "imitation god".Then Brother Xiao Sa will smile wryly at most and then ignore it, because he is still an original singer, not an "imitator" who can only use other people's songs to make a name for himself.

Imitation is not terrible, but it is terrible that when he releases an album in the future, everyone is unwilling to buy it, because everyone will think that "this little Tang is actually better at imitation, and the original one is not suitable?" Therefore, his career as a singer is probably It takes a lot of effort to get back on track.

It's hard to turn over if one is not done well!Brother Xiao Sa's head was about to explode. He leaned back on the chair and thought for a while, then suddenly his face changed, and he became agitated in an instant: "If you want to break the current passive situation, unless..."

He immediately asked in his heart about the increasingly silent system: "I want to ask, can I record a single in the system, then you can help me synthesize an MV, and finally send it to Potato Station superior?"

That's right, the most urgent task now is to use the time period when everyone's attention and enthusiasm are high and the nickname "Imitation King" has not been widely spread, to attract everyone's attention to his original songs.In this way, maybe a "bad thing" can be turned into a good thing, and maybe it will make him truly famous in one fell swoop?

But it depends on whether the winner system continues to work hard?But obviously, the power of the system does not need to be explained. As soon as Brother Xiaosha finished his request, the system said directly: "This system can meet any needs for recording, shooting, publishing, etc., but players will spend 0 system points this time. ..."

"It's okay, just deduct it." Brother Xiaosa felt sorry for the hard-won points, but he obviously cared more about his own positioning.So he said generously: "Then can I come in now and start?"

Because he entered the system as if he fell asleep, without any other abnormalities.Moreover, one day outside is equal to 100 days inside the system, so he felt relieved to directly enter the system and start working as soon as possible.

As for this problem that was not a problem, the system obviously would not interfere with it, and it directly "taken" brother Xiaosa into the system training center again.And with a wave of "it" and Brother Xiaosa, they are located in a recording studio.

"Fork, so many devices?" A country bumpkin who had never seen the world was almost blinded by the various devices in front of him.I saw a room of about 100 square meters filled with transparent glass on all sides, filled with all kinds of professional and expensive tuning equipment at first glance, and then he saw that he would need to use it later. Condenser microphone and large earphones.

"In fact, this system doesn't need to be so troublesome. It can directly synthesize your voice and accompaniment, and then directly continue to synthesize with the mv. It can be published on the website in at most 5 minutes." The system said calmly.

"What? There is such a simple thing?" Brother Xiaosa expressed his joy, and quickly said: "Then do it like this! Brother, the time is very tight now!"

Nonsense, if you upload it a second earlier, you will lose a lot of "imitation emperor" labels. This is a good thing, is it there?

"But for the sake of recording songs for you in the future, this system will adopt the same method as recording songs in reality." The system will not admit that it is teasing someone, and said solemnly.

Brother Xiaosa: ...

So, the person who was molested could only endure depression and helplessness, honestly stood in front of the microphone with headphones on, carefully watched and tried singing the song provided by the system, which is said to be a super classic song The song "Happy Bachelor".

That's right, this song with the name **~Si is the reward given by the system last night, and it is also a sharp weapon used by Xiao Sa to "turn over".

don't know why

There is an unspeakable loneliness now

You seem to be happy without me

Having a house and a car and becoming someone else's wife


There is no need to doubt Brother Xiaosa's singing skills now, and his piano has reached the proficient level, so of course reading music is also very simple.So he just spent half an hour trying to sing it a few times, and quickly realized the taste of this song "**~Silk", and also understood the points that need to be paid attention to when singing this song.

"Okay, let's start!" After confirming again that there is no problem, someone can't wait to give an ok gesture to the system that is sitting outside wearing monitor headphones and acting as the producer.

"I don't know why..."

"The tone is too high, try again~"

"I don't know why, now..."

"The sound of breathing is too obvious, try again~"


Facts have proved that recording is definitely not as simple as imagined, and a certain abnormal system has extremely high requirements for someone. It did not allow someone who was originally full of confidence to sing a song completely, and repeated it from time to time. Come, do it again, do it again.

Originally, most of the recordings of other singers used a segmented method, such as recording sentence by sentence. It's not too bad, and it can still be synthesized and modified with software when post-production is completed.

But the system didn't do that. Its demands on Brother Xiao Sa were simply perverted. Even if there was a slight noise of breathing when the song was about to finish, he still directly asked to start all over again.And a certain "hillies" who had already sang angry didn't know that there was a way to record in segments, so he had to start from scratch again and again.

If it is outside, a singer who has been here more than 30 times in a row will definitely be scolded by the sound engineer or producer, and shouted in despair to take a rest first and then come back.But the system wouldn't do that. He kept looking at someone who was gritting his teeth and doing futile work over and over again with a blank expression, and then he would yell "start again" somewhere.

This situation continued until about 60 times, Brother Xiaosa's clear voice was already a little bit tired and indifferent, but what is strange is that this time he actually sang all the way to the end.

"This is...?" Someone looked stupidly at the system outside the recording room, why didn't they call out?

"You didn't put in the emotion at the beginning, and you were always outside the emotion that the song wants to express." The system gave a thumbs up, then turned off the device, and said directly in the ear: "What this song wants to express is a It’s a kind of free and easy feeling, but you are very solemn at the beginning, and then you are very impatient, and you don’t fall into the artistic conception of the song at all.”

"Damn it, why didn't you just say it straight?" Brother Xiaosha suddenly realized, and then became angry and furious, are you fucking kidding me?If you say it sooner, it will be done sooner?

"Each song has an emotion, such as happiness, depression, nostalgia, and silence." The system said calmly without any apology: "Before a singer gets a song, he must first understand what the song wants to express. What is it, and then we can start recording."

"Fuck you!" Brother Xiaosa is not stupid anymore, of course he understands that what the system said is correct, he has no experience in this field before, and he is just trying to express himself with singing skills, rather than understanding the artistic conception in the song.So it is inevitable that I will suffer today.

"The song has been completed, what mv do you want now?" The system asked with a master tape in its hand, "Is it a temporary filming of your performance, or is it edited and processed on other existing videos?"

"Just kidding, of course it's me!" Brother Xiaosa immediately replied, and after thinking for a while, he said, "You can take pictures of me in a free and easy way, just take pictures of me walking alone on the road under the sun, and then Adding a video clip of a beautiful woman is like a real story anyway.”

"Understood, then let's see how this MV is!" The system waved its hand, and a display screen appeared in front of Brother Xiaosa, and then bursts of sirens sounded next to his ears, and the camera gradually zoomed in, but I saw a figure slowly appearing on a wide, steaming, invisible road, and around this person, the cars coming and going quickly accelerated, so this person also appeared , it is the handsome brother carrying a guitar and a backpack.


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