Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 332: Brother Xiaosa's Shooting Diary

"Chisa, how did it feel to make a movie for the first time? Did you get hurt?"

After a busy day, at around 8 o'clock in the evening, Chen Musheng finally gave the order to call it a day. The other members of the crew were all talking and laughing and dispersed, and the somewhat tired Xiaosha was also escorted by Li Minghao and the security guards. Back at the hotel, reporters and fans were not given a chance to get in touch with him at all. .

Just after taking a shower, he was about to take out the bottle of medicinal wine that Zhao Zhenwu gave him to wipe his body, but Gao Yan, his manager, called, with a touch of concern in his tone.

"How should I put it! I'm a little tired, a little hurt, and a little bored!"

Brother Xiaosa looked at the bruises and redness on his arms and legs lightly, and said nonchalantly.

Gao Yan was silent for a while, and then said in a low voice: "Chisa, it was revealed on the Internet that you injured a secondary actor. Is this true or not?"

I wiped it, it was exposed so quickly?Nima really can't underestimate the methods of Hong Kong journalists!

Brother Xiaosa sat upright in surprise, and quickly asked: "Brother Yan, what did you say? I just got back from work, and I haven't even had dinner yet!"

"It's not a big deal, it's just that you accidentally injured a secondary actor, and then some people said that this movie is really full of disasters! In the past, you hurt the leading actor, but now you even hurt the secondary actor."

Gao Yan's tone was very relaxed, just stating a fact.

And after listening to his words, brother Xiaosha felt relieved, he let out a breath, and said with a smile: "Hehe, I thought some bastards would say that I hit someone on purpose! They didn't make up a story this time ah?"

"Haha, if they make up something, someone has to believe it!"

Gao Yan laughed loudly, "Besides, you are not a young actor that they can make up slander at will, if they want to make up such unreliable rumors about you, then they should be prepared to be sued! "

Yo, so domineering?

Hearing Gao Yan's manager's awesome declaration, someone smiled knowingly, and said with some emotion: "But to be honest, before I made a movie, I really didn't know that making a movie would be so difficult. The camera will be ng three or four times casually, even as many as ten times, and the director is furious, reprimanded bloody, it is really many times stricter than filming MVs and commercials!"

Just kidding, isn't this obvious?Investing in tens of millions of things is much more refined than investing in hundreds of thousands of things!

Gao Yan thought so in his heart, and asked in his mouth: "Then how is your performance? Didn't you get a title like 'ng little prince'?"

Just kidding, no matter how I say it, I have already made preparations!

Brother Xiaosa was very dissatisfied with the title of 'ng little prince', he rolled his eyes and said: "I admit, I am indeed a novice, and I did make some mistakes that novices would make, but I corrected it very quickly! Except for the first The accident in a filming scene was more serious, and everything else was within the scope of the director's tolerance, Chen Musheng praised me from time to time for my surname, and the name of the room group is even more amazing!"

"Fuck, are you so awesome?"

"Nonsense, can I still lie? You are not a reporter!"

Hearing what he said, Gao Yan immediately felt relieved, and asked tentatively, "Then how much do you expect to be able to shoot in this half month? Will it delay your record promotion trip?"

"I still have a lot of scenes, at least I have to shoot for more than a month!"

There is no need to go through detailed calculations at all, Brother Xiao Sa made a little estimate of today's progress comparison, he immediately came to a conclusion, and said with his mouth, "Let's not care about that much, anyway, the day before the official release of the record, I will definitely Returning to Shanghai, let’s catch up on the progress now! In case Director Chen calls every day as if urging his life!”

"It seems that this is the only way!"

Gao Yan, the manager, was also helpless, he sighed, and suddenly said: "By the way, Xiao Sa, you can write a shooting diary!"

"Shooting diary? What is this thing?"

Someone scratched his chin in confusion, I understand the diary, but what is the shooting diary?Is it the one written in the record?

"It means that you write your daily shooting experience on the blog, and then let fans know your work progress and performance at any time!"

Gao Yan said quickly: "The essence of this thing is actually a diary, but what you write is about the shooting, you can write about your mood, and write about interesting things during the shooting!"

"Oh I see!"

After listening to the manager's explanation, someone finally understands what a shooting diary is. It's just a diary in disguise!It's just that its content only involves filming, not the details of life.

"Then do you write or not?"

"Brother Yan, I'm already a little tired after filming for a day, I'm really not in the mood to write!"

"Come on, you just need to write a few words every day, and I don't ask you to write many words. I don't believe that you don't have such a little energy."

Brother Xiaosa: "..."

In the end, a certain person still didn't resist his agent's suggestion, especially when the record was about to be pre-sold, he was actually happy to increase his promotional efforts a little bit, so in the end he agreed and decided to start from today start writing.

After hanging up Gao Yan's phone call, he sat in front of his laptop and pondered for a while, then immediately began to type up a draft:

Today is a very tiring day, but at the same time a very fulfilling day.Because I tasted the feeling of filming for the first time, and I finally understood that being an actor can be so tiring!

From 7:8 am to [-]:[-] pm, this is my first day of work. I only take a short break while waiting for the scene, and I am busy at other times.

As a rookie, I feel that my performance is not bad, because today I averaged 4 times at most, which is beyond my expectation (laughs). Director Chen also praised me for having the surname Wu, um, I hope he Not to comfort me, because I already took it seriously (laughs)!

I have experienced many firsts today, the first "Ike God" and "ng" in the actor's career, the first "blatant" beating, the first time being kicked, the first time being spit on by the director , most importantly, I finally understand the taste of filming and fighting scenes.

One word: tired, two words: very tired.

Really, filming and playing scenes is so hard. I used to think that playing scenes was very easy, because I thought that as long as I was good at it, everything would be ok, but I didn’t expect that I almost had an accident when I was filming a fighting scene for the first time. , because I nearly sent a dude to the hospital, it was horrible!

Repeating ng again and again, ordinary performances like dialogue are okay, but once action scenes are repeated, it means that we will add several scratches on our bodies, and once we sweat, it will really hurt !

Fortunately, our efficiency today seems to be pretty good. Although various accidents occur frequently, we will be ng from time to time, and we can’t get up anytime soon, but we still completed the scheduled tasks today with quality and quantity. Well, it’s just One was busy until 9 o'clock in the evening, and ate a boxed lunch in the middle, which was obviously uncomfortable.

Well, that's all for today, the scars on my body haven't been painted with medicinal wine yet!Tomorrow, I will strive for less ng, even if I can't do it once, but it shouldn't be too much to pursue an average of 3 ng, right?

"Tsk tsk, as expected, I haven't written a handbook for three days!"

After finishing writing this diary and reading it through by himself, a certain person blushed and shook his head.

Maybe it's because I haven't written a composition for a long time!Obviously there are a lot of things that can be written, but he just can't write them, so he can only finish it in a hurry, feeling a bit routine.

After thinking for a while, he said to himself: "Forget it, let Li Minghao revise and polish it! Doesn't he usually like to write these things? It just so happens that he also stayed at the shooting site for a day, and everything is in order. I can see it clearly, I can even omit the dictation!"

After thinking about it, he immediately picked up his mobile phone and called Li Minghao over, and then told him his request, and then directly ignored the little assistant's bitter face, and sat on the side, grinning and smearing on himself. Drinking medicinal wine.

"Boss, will you write every day from now on?"

"Hiss... of course!"

"Then can I write briefly?"

"Oh, hello...it's okay..."

"Haha, then do you think it's okay for me to write like this?"


"cough cough"

Li Minghao cleared his throat, and read aloud: "I am very happy today, because I finally started filming, but at the same time I am also very tired, because filming is not easy. Without preparation, the filming scene almost missed Hurt a dude, do better tomorrow!"

"……keep going!"

Brother Xiaosa waited for a while but didn't hear Li Minghao continue to read, so he urged.


"Fuck, how could it be gone?"

A certain person put down the medicinal wine bottle in his hand in excitement, looked at the innocent assistant with a surprised face, and almost spit out a mouthful of booger: "Are you going to write those two sentences? Isn't it too simple?" ?”

"I asked if you could write it briefly, and you said yes!"

Li Minghao spread his arms innocently: "Isn't what I wrote very qualified? I have explained everything clearly!"

your sister!No wonder there are word count requirements for writing essays when reading!If there is no word count requirement, then you may have to abbreviate it into the four words "I am very happy"?Because this is also a complete sentence!

Thinking of this, Brother Xiaosa gritted his teeth fiercely, raised his index finger and said, "You want to take advantage of the loopholes, well, you write me more than 1000 words, no skimping!"

"Huh? Boss, Brother Xiaosa, I was just joking!"

Li Minghao's face darkened and he hurriedly begged for mercy, but someone ignored him, snorted and continued to wipe the medicinal wine with his head sullen. When Li Minghao honestly admitted that he was crazy, he grinned and showed a hint of a smile. (To be continued.)

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