Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 348: Neglected European and American fans and big moves

Artists have borders, but art has no borders. .

In the same way, as long as you see a good-looking performance and adore the performer, then this kind of adoration is regardless of skin color or race.

Such as Michael Jackson, such as Michael Jordan.

Brother Xiao Sa is not as great as them yet, but he has "captured" the admiration of a large group of Europeans and Americans.

"China Tang" was originally just a term used by some European and American media to refer to someone, because he does not have an English name yet, and his full name is too awkward for Europeans and Americans, so China Tang became his proper name.

Then, when the beautiful Ms. Julie founded the fan forum, she simply used the English domain name "China Tang". As a result, ahem, a certain person didn't have an English name, but now his English name is spread opened.

To be honest, as an idol, Brother Xiao Sa is really not qualified, at least, his mentality is very problematic.

If it is other Asian stars, if they also have a fan forum that gathers n many European and American fans, then there is no doubt that those stars will definitely go for a stroll, not to mention how much benefits they give these fans, But it can also increase the lingering surname of some fans, can't it?

After all, it is really not easy for Asian stars to gain European and American fans!Since they finally got hundreds of thousands, they can't be allowed to lose!

It turned out that a certain person was lucky, he went there once, and sent a sentence, "Guys, everyone, I am China Tang, thank you for your support and likes, I will work hard to do better in the future", and then, there is no more.

Now, after nearly a month, he finally boarded this fan forum again, and the first thing he saw was the number of registrations at the top of the forum: 546546.

"Damn it, why did it go up instead?"

Someone who was just casually glanced at him, but couldn't help being stunned for a moment, this damn is unscientific!

Brother, this idol has never shown up. If you don’t pay attention to everyone so much, it’s good if you don’t leave on a large scale. How come the number of registrations has increased by nearly [-]?

That's right, a month ago, the number of registered fans on his forum was only 36, but now it has become 54.6, which is really incredible!

Where do these people come from?Did you just join in after watching my "Youtubi" video?

With this question in mind, he pulled the page and slowly looked from top to bottom:

"We are all a group of people who love Chinese Tang. We come from all over the world. Please don't be cautious, just chat about anything!"

"Friends, cheers, please remember this day, at 11:18 pm on November 3th, the video hits of the idol China Tang finally exceeded 54 billion times, he is the veritable king of video, future history His great achievements will definitely be remembered!"

"Guys, please remember the November (issue, the long-awaited "Madison Nights" dvd version is available for sale, Amazon, Wal-Mart, sarealed and other retail stores, will be available, December 11th , the video tape will land in many countries and regions around the world. At that time, no matter what your native language is, you can buy video tapes with subtitles in your native language. This is available in English, German, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, It consists of 12 versions including Italian and Japanese, all friends please do your best to promote it!"

"Dear friends, a friend from China told me that China Tang's first album has been pre-ordered globally for 4 days. This is a real global pre-order. I have already placed an order at the record store in Manhattan, New York. If you like Chinese Tang and think Chinese records are interesting, please go to the large record store where you are and place an order! I firmly believe that even if the language is different, the charm of idols will still shine brightly!"

The above four paragraphs are the pinned posts on the homepage of this forum. Not only is the position conspicuous, but the text description is also very inspiring. At least, Brother Xiaosa felt a kind of excitement and emotion after reading it.

The fans are really cute, no matter which country or nationality they are from, their starting point and support are exactly the same.

Rubbing his sore nose, someone thanked these lovely fans in his heart, and then he clicked into the second message curiously.

To be honest, he hasn't been paying attention to YouTube recently, and he didn't even realize that his video hits exceeded the 10 billion mark, which is the first in the world!

Of course, the afternoon of November 11th in North America was already the morning of the 18th in China. At that time, his album pre-orders were in full swing. I am afraid that the media reporters across the country did not notice it!

"Youtube officially announced that China Tang's performance video has exceeded 10 billion views. This is the most viewed video in the world and the first video in the world to break through the 10 billion mark. They decided to award China Tang" "King of Video" and will invite him to the United States for an award presentation. The prize is a gold dv model worth 10 US dollars."

Someone blinked and blinked, and it took a while to swallow the word "I rely on".

I don't know anything about such an important matter, and there are no related reports in China. Even the American media didn't come to interview me. It's really unreasonable!

After all, according to the fact that the American media will strongly report the death of a dog, his video has more than 10 billion hits, which should definitely be a sensation!Why didn't these guys come to follow up?

Could it be that this is fake news?

"Well, I'll check it out on YouTube later. Foreigners seem to like to play tricks on people. Let's see if it's true! If there is such a thing, I'll announce it on my blog!"

He made up his mind quickly, then exited the page, then clicked through to the third post, the one announcing the upcoming sale of DVDs of his performances.

To be honest, he and Gao Yan didn't seem to pay much attention to this follow-up action. Although it is said that the greater the sales of DVD discs, the more money they will get, but after all, this is not as fast as selling tickets and making money. The time is also very long, such as editing, subtitles, recording, and release. This thing is almost the same as his release of an album, and the cycle is really not short.

And now, he finally knows that the dvd disc of his performance will go on sale in November (U.S. time), and then on December 11th, it will be available all over the world (except mainland China).

This play is not insignificant!It is basically released globally!

"I don't know how many copies can be sold? There should be hope for millions, right? After all, this is a high-definition performance video distributed all over the world."

Brother Xiao Sa made some calculations, but unfortunately, he didn't know how many copies he could sell, only that it should be relatively easy to exceed one million.

Putting aside other thoughts in his mind, he looked at the comments under the post, hey, there are more than 7 comments?

"Thank God I finally got it! I thought it would be next year!"

"Okay guys, I live in a small town, but it's ok, I'll drive to town and buy it, hopefully it won't be too expensive because my credit card always maxes out early at the end of the month!"

"There is no doubt that this is really good news. My friends and I can't wait to own one, because we are all curious about what kind of show China Tang performed and why he can win most of the world's media. What about the unanimous admiration?"


Brother Xiaosa laughed, and after skipping and reading about 10 or so messages, he was completely relieved.

Because these fans are saying how much they and their friends and neighbors hope to see the CD come out sooner. Although it seems to have calmed down.

However, there are also many people who remember how watchable China Tang's performances are, which will surely make his CDs a hit!

After closing this page, he finally clicked on the post that he valued the most at present, which was the post about his album pre-order.

"Damn it, why did we know so late? I don't want to miss China Tang's first record. I will persuade my friends to pre-order it together. Well, of course, if they don't buy it, I will also pre-order one!"

"God, I saw it, I saw the news, but it's a pity that his records are all in Chinese, I'm afraid I can only treasure them after I buy them!"

"Guys, I've also placed an order, but what I'm looking forward to is, will China Tang come to the United States to promote it? Will there be a signing event? I mean if we buy a lot!"


Originally, someone was smiling, after all, the fans are so awesome!

However, when he saw the reply asking him to go to the United States for publicity and signing, Na immediately rolled his eyes bitterly.

A pure Chinese record, if this thing goes to the United States for publicity, darling, no matter how you think about it, it will feel ridiculous!

I'm afraid the money from selling the album is not enough for him to hold the signing event!

Besides, how many Americans can understand Chinese songs?This record of his is not a dance music type, and when the time comes, he will not be comfortable performing and the fans will not be comfortable watching it, so it will be troublesome.

So, he immediately decided not to read these replies, exited the page and returned to the home page, after thinking about it, he opened a new post and wrote:

"My friends, I am China Tang. I am very happy for everything you have done for me. I sincerely thank you!"

"Although I seldom come here because of my busy schedule, I still remember everyone's thoughts and actions. With you, I feel that I am the happiest person in the world, because every moment, I have A group of friends of different colors and nationalities are praying and blessing for me."

"This record may not be appreciated by people due to differences in language and culture, but it doesn't matter. Music has no borders, especially good music. If you can listen patiently, you may be able to feel this record. It's beautiful!"

"Okay, I'm still shooting an action movie. Its name is "invisi**letarget". This is a very exciting action movie about men. Friends who like to watch movies must remember that when the time comes, Maybe you can see it in America!"

After posting this post, which was both a thank you and an advertisement, he thought about it for a while, then closed the fan forum and opened the youtube page instead. (To be continued.)

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