Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 359: Speechless Brother Chisa, the D version is out,

No fans will worry, but fans are too crazy, which is obviously a headache. .

Just like Brother Xiaosa, because Julie and another beautiful blonde girl took the lead, as a result, other female fans who were originally "ladies" around Brother Xiaosa were immediately inspired to fight* *'——You have to hug Brother Xiaosa one by one.

Fans are the biggest, what they say, that is what they say!

Amidst the laughter, screams, and booing of the audience, Brother Xiaosa forced a smile and hugged every fan one by one, even male fans got this benefit.

Your sister, brother never likes to hug men!

A certain person's heart is bleeding, but facing the countless cameras on the scene, and at least millions of eager eyes in front of the computer, he can only show his acting skills and pretend that he doesn't feel uncomfortable at all , but also showed a very happy expression.

Nima, it's okay for male fans to hug me, and it's okay for female fans to kiss me on the cheek once in a while, but, you are a man!Why do you want to kiss me too?

ok!Being kissed on the cheek by a few male fans won't get pregnant, so I can bear it.

But why are you getting angry?

Why do you still kiss me when you get angry and have bad breath?Don't you know, brother almost vomited it?

A certain person was sadly accepting the closeness of the fans, while the reporters at the scene were chatting about certain topics with their colleagues while snapping photos.

A male reporter said in a low voice: "After the fans gave gifts, he sang another song, and the press conference should basically be declared over! I don't know how many thousands of copies can be sold on the first day of listing today? Presumably The shipment figures are sure to scare people to death!"

"Just kidding, in this society, do you think he can go against the sky? If you don't believe me, just watch it. Don't look at the pre-sale of his album. The title song is really good, but the total sales volume is only 450 million at best. Left and right nailed it! Because at the latest in the afternoon, there are countless d-version stations on the Internet that can download mp3, who still buys CDs to play?"

This is a middle-aged reporter in his 30s, with an expression of "I've seen it through a long time ago".

"Cut, even if it's a D version, judging from the current momentum, Tang Xiaosa's album will have at least 500 million copies! I don't believe that there will be 180 million retail sales in Asia, and there will be 0 million retail sales. ah!"

"Hehe, don't you believe it. For example, do you think Jay Chou has fewer fans? He still has a lot of fans, but how many of his albums are bought? It's because there are really not many retail investors. Besides, everyone else has gone to Du Niang to download free mp3s, who buys physical records?"


There may not be many similar scenes at this press conference, but if they are spread across the country, I don't know how many there are.

Because at this time, there is still a short while before the official release of Brother Xiaosa's album, many people have already started to wait in line at their nearby record stores, bookstores and other places, especially those fans who pre-ordered the album, they He even held on to the receipt in his hand, ready to rush into the store at any moment, pick up the record and run away.

At this time, the Internet is even more lively. Several authorized genuine trial listening stations, such as Yiting and Jiutian, have already gathered more than n fans at this time. They keep refreshing the page, just to be able to Listen first.

Of course, the consequence of their doing this is that these music stations are stuck to death, and there is no way to refresh them, and the stations almost collapsed.

In fact, the netizens who choose to refresh at this time have not reached the peak period at all!

At the same time, some people who like to listen to the radio, especially fans of some famous music frequency programs, also locked on the radio station they are familiar with at 12:[-] noon. Hit new songs.

This kind of on-demand broadcast is not only a kind of pre-emptive listening and appreciation, but also helps idols hit the charts, striving to jump directly to the top of the new song charts from the very beginning.

Fans with computers are watching Yi Live's album launch, while fans without computers just ran to line up to get the record as soon as possible, and listen to it first.

And there are quite a lot of people like this. Often there are dozens of people lined up at the entrance of a record store, and, as time goes by, the number of this line is getting bigger and bigger, because some people who join in the fun join in. came in.

Originally, it seemed pretty good to experience this feeling of snapping up records once in a while.

Fans took action, and some website managers who depended on illegal downloads for their business acted even more quickly. After using various means, various download links have appeared on the Internet.

Yes, the d version is out.

Because early this morning, the supply of records has reached the hands of various record retailers across the country. If the dealer gives an album in advance, then the D version will be flooded.

Why is every Jay Chou album released a few days in advance?

Why can I always see Jay Chou angrily scolding the d-version every year, and even turned it into a 'repertoire'?

It's very simple, it's precisely because of the release of Xinso records, they have to send the source of goods to the provincial agent a few days in advance, and the provincial agent will send it to the second-level agent a few days in advance.

If the second-level agent can still guarantee that the contents of the record will not be leaked, then when the second-level agent sends the record to the final distributor, there is no way to stop the black hands of the d-version group!

Xiao Sa brother is not bad this time, because Xinsuo obviously fully absorbed the experience and lessons of releasing Jay Chou's "Still Fantasy" in September, they have been strictly controlling the supply until 9 days ago, and then (No. ~) The numbers were distributed to the general distributors in each province, and the 3th was distributed to the second-level agents, and at 30 o'clock this morning, the second-level agents distributed the supply to the distributors.

The sale officially started at 12:6 noon, and the supply of goods was delivered to the first-line dealers at [-]:[-] in the morning. This is the ultimate achievement of Xinso Records, which has braved public outrage and spent a lot of manpower and material resources.

However, as the saying goes, the height of the Tao is one foot, and the height of the devil is ten feet higher. The d-version group is simply stronger than the most powerful fly. They still produced the sound sources nearly 2 hours in advance, and they still produced all the sound sources of the entire album.

Of course, as a record company, Xinso is not without means.

Not only does it exist, but it is even more powerful, because they understand very well that the root of all d-versions is on the two search sites Du Niang and Google. Without their links, it is impossible for ordinary people to find d-version addresses on a large scale , let alone download 'free' mp3's.

Therefore, Xinsuo's method is to find hackers to attack the d-version site so that it cannot be opened normally, and on the other hand, to publish a large number of false, including "Tang Xiaosa album download", ""Blue and White Porcelain" download", 'Download the full version of "Xiao Sa Xing"... Wait, there are messy audio sources for this kind of similar online news.

Don't you 'Du Niang' like to support the d version?Isn't there Baidu mp3 download?

Then I will give you a fish in troubled waters, directly publish a large number of false Internet news, and release a large number of fake audio sources that are "selling dog meat with sheep's tricks". It must make people who want to download mp3 illegally dumbfounded.

Think about it, you excitedly open the Baidu link, but what you see is a page that cannot be played;

You downloaded "Blue and White Porcelain" with excitement, and prepared to listen to it carefully, but in the end, what was played in it was a fragment of a drama, what's more, it was simply a large piece of noise;

In this case, at least for a while, how many people can find the real D-version sound source?It is impossible not to be so angry that he yells.

In fact, at this time, there were really many guys who were fooled. They clicked on n stations on Du Niang's search page, but none of them could play normally.

Even if it is played, the content inside is a bunch of shit, and it has nothing to do with Brother Xiaosa's record.

In this speechless situation, some of them flinched, and simply stopped trying to find "free audio sources", and decided to go to the authorized trial listening station and wait for the trial listening.

There are also some people who "do not change their surnames". Instead, they got involved with this situation and decided to find a d-version site that can be downloaded for free no matter what.

According to the words of many people who are used to using the d version: "I don't believe it, brother, can you really make it possible for your Tang Xiaosha's record to be free of pirated mp3s?"

But these people didn't expect that they really came true.

Because at this time, just as someone hugged fans from all over the world and was about to accept everyone's gifts and blessings, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind, a voice that almost made him jump up——

"Gamers, please note that your music works have been downloaded by dozens of illegal music source sites, and the growth rate of this service is extremely fast, and the number of downloads is extremely high. This behavior will have a profound impact on your album sales. .According to the estimation of this system, if you can't stop it in time, you will no longer be able to deal with it after two hours at the latest. Illegal links are ubiquitous, please..."

Fuck, isn't this speed too fast?I haven't finished the press conference yet!

A certain person was stunned for a moment, then shocked, almost gritted his teeth, and was shocked by the ability of those guys who made the d version.

But soon he replied sadly in his heart: "This scene has been expected a long time ago, and no one can handle it! Unless the entire Internet is shut down in an instant." (To be continued.)

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