Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 361: The D version cannot be downloaded, the regretful video store owner

"Fuck, guys, does anyone have a link to download it? I searched all over the Internet and couldn't find a place where I can download it! Isn't this really weird?"

"I ~ said, obviously it can be downloaded! I have downloaded it, it is impossible!"

"What's the matter? Why can't Tang Xiaosa's new song be downloaded? I've tried every website, but none of them are true. What the hell is going on?"

"Guys, come on! Hurry up and upload the video and mp3 format! My buddies are waiting impatiently."


When someone finished singing "Thank You" and officially ended the album release conference, and was "fighting wits and courage" with reporters from dozens of media at the subsequent press conference, on the Internet, on the radio, and in reality, The storm about the record "Xiao Sa Xing" has finally officially begun to blow.

First of all, it is on the Internet, because there are too many ordinary fans waiting to audition Brother Xiaosa's "Blue and White Porcelain". As a result, when the time came and the audition officially started, due to too many visitors, the announced Licensed audiovisual stations, without exception, are all stuck to death.

Among them, there are even two sites where the server simply crashed, and the netizens couldn't refresh it no matter how they refreshed.

And the time when this incident happened was the moment when the audition started, that is to say, the two stations had no room to resist at all, and they were dumped as soon as they showed up.

Well, a total of 5 audio-visual sites were authorized, but two of them were immediately abolished. Now, the remaining three sites will be even more difficult immediately, because all the redundant netizens have joined in!

Ordinary fans are still thinking about 'queuing up for an audition', because this is also a kind of support.However, ordinary netizens who just like to listen to music directly searched for the free download method of the album "Xiao Sa Xing" on Du Niang.

As the saying goes, the early bird catches the worm, and some quick-witted netizens really downloaded it early. Well, there are very few of them, after all, Xinso records have thrown countless "network mines"!Many of the links are fake or outright baiting.

In this way, although there are a large number of d-version mp3s on the Internet two hours in advance, and even the full version of the video can be downloaded for free, but very few people have actually found them.

More people are really tired of looking for it, so they just don't look for it, because according to the usual practice, after a day at most, there will definitely be a lot of download links on the Internet, and all of them are real and reliable, there is no need for stupid Try one by one.

It is because of this reason that there are a lot of related pages just by searching on Du Niang, and there are also many people with various ideas uploading the mp3 sound source and the complete mv one after another, but really enjoy There are very few netizens for this 'benefit', and more people can only go to the trial listening station to enjoy what is called a "card".

Then, when the time was close to 12:[-] noon, due to the blatant attack of the "Successor System", there was no longer any station on the entire network that could download any track of "Smart Walk" normally, and even on the video station, the mvs of all the tracks were unavailable. It can no longer be played, and the entire network seems to have been swept away, and all illegal links have been cut off.

At this time, those netizens who listened to "Blue and White Porcelain" and felt that they really liked this song suddenly realized that there seemed to be no place where they could download it for free on the entire Internet, and the trial listening could only be done on the few websites announced , don't even think about adding a desktop player.

Undoubtedly, such a situation immediately aroused the enthusiasm of netizens. Tianya Forum, Tieba, Maopu..., on all similar websites, countless "link seeking" posts soon appeared, and everyone posted one after another asking for free links. shared.

All of a sudden, various question posts, begging posts, and technical guidance posts popped up like mushrooms after a spring rain, and they could be easily seen anywhere.

In addition to the Internet, music radio stations across the country are also bustling at this time, because "Blue and White Porcelain" has started to hit the charts.

"Good afternoon, listeners. I am your old friend Ah Xin. Thank you for listening to fm191.1's "Popular Songs Chart" program on time. For the top three singles on the list, please enjoy the latest title song "Blue and White Porcelain" brought by Tang Xiaosa. This is the title song of "Xiao Sa Xing" released at noon today. The pre-sale volume of this album is as high as more than 10 copies worldwide , let us experience together how Tang Xiaosa perfectly interprets this Chinese style song!"


The charting of new songs is not carried out on a certain radio station alone. If the record company is strong, they can promote a certain single (the title song) to hundreds of music broadcasting stations across the country, so that it can be released in the shortest possible time. Spread to the ears of music lovers all over the country.

Then, if a listener likes a certain song very much, he can call or send a text message to order it. The more times he orders it, the more audiences there will be in theory. The score value of the song will finally appear in the leaderboard of the next day.

It can be said that in China, in general, new songs are charted on the radio, and the ranking of the charts is determined by the combined results of the number of on-demand and the number of broadcasts.

Of course, there are some relatively large charts, such as the charting activities of Hong Kong Commercial Radio and Xincheng Radio, which are based on online voting. If you want to be among the best on the new song charts of these two radio stations, you need the enthusiasm of loyal fans Involved.

Due to the strong relationship with Xinso Records, the song "Blue and White Porcelain" landed on the new song recommendation lists of hundreds of radio stations from the very beginning, most of which were in the mainland, while countries such as Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, and Malaysia, etc. It is to choose two radio stations to make the list respectively.

If the charts are good, someone may be able to get a bunch of various music awards next year.

Now that the Internet and radio stations are so lively, there is no need to mention the real video store.


You know my dreams, you know my pain, you know we feel the same

No matter how strong the wind is, it can't stop the brave impulse

Fly forward hard, no matter how tired you are, how beautiful the light is after the dark night


Among the beautiful singers, a young man rushed into the audio-visual store, listened to it, and said happily: "Boss! Is this song written by Tang Xiaosha? Haha, it really sounds good! Give me a paperback version." !"

"There is no more little brother! All are sold out, come back tomorrow!" The boss waved his hand, his face looking a little depressed.

"Just kidding, it's only been an hour and a half now, how could it be sold out?"

The young man didn't believe it at all, and turned his head to look around in the store.

This audio-visual store is the largest one around him, if there is no stock here, let alone other small stores.

The boss smiled bitterly and said, "It's really all sold out! I never thought it would sell out so fast! You are the fifth one who doesn't believe it."

The young man frowned and said, "Boss, how much have you bought? Why don't you buy more records that you know are selling well?"

"Hehe, I made a mistake! I didn't expect it to be sold out in a while (0 copies, this amount is the sales volume I prepared for a week!"

The boss replied helplessly, with a rather ugly expression on his face.

He is indeed very uncomfortable, because of the miscalculation, he has lost a lot of money!

Nima, I just sold Jay Chou's "Still Fantasy" in September, the most I sold was only 9 copies in one day, and other times I sold 75 or 3 copies a day at most.

Originally, according to his estimation, based on Tang Xiaosa's current popularity, since most of his fans have pre-ordered, there are probably very few retail investors, so he only took (0 copies back and planned to sell them for a week.

Unexpectedly, his records were so classic and so attractive that they were all sold out in less than two hours.

"Sold out in over an hour (0 copies?"

The young man looked at the boss in astonishment, and subconsciously asked, "Why is it selling so well? Could it be that the shipments of the pre-ordered version are included?"

The boss shook his head and said, "The pre-ordered versions are counted separately. If they are added together, my shipments here are in the thousands!"

"Damn it, brother Xiaosa is really crazy now!"

The young man opened his mouth, looked at the boss suddenly flatteringly, and said in a low voice: "Well, big brother! How about you transfer the CD that is playing to me? I don't care that you have disassembled it, just I want to buy it early and listen to it, the price is still quite a penny, okay?"

The boss looked at him with a big smile, but shook his head positively from side to side, and said regretfully, "I'm sorry little brother, this CD is for me to attract customers, and I can't resell it no matter what."

After he finished speaking, seeing the young man was very disappointed, he couldn't help persuading him: "That's all right, I just placed an urgent order for 500 pieces, and the goods will arrive in three days at the latest, or you can pay a deposit, and I will arrive I'll keep the record for you when it's time!"

"Forget it, if I want to make a reservation, I have already made a reservation!"

The young man shook his head, turned around and walked out of the video store, planning to check out the other two stores in the county.

At this moment, a few more people entered the store excitedly, and before they had a look at the layout of the store, they shouted one after another: "Boss, do you still have Tang Xiaosa's "Xiao Sa Xing"? We want 5 copies." Lite version!"

The young man looked back, only to see a hint of regret flashing across the boss's face, and he was also muttering something depressingly. It was obvious that he was regretting that he had bought too little.

"What the hell, it seems that I should go back and continue looking for free mp3 downloads! When the original version comes back, the cucumber dishes may be cold!"

The young man chuckled, and stopped going to the other two video stores, because he knew that most of the record stores must have made a mistake this time. No one would have thought that Tang Xiaosa, a newcomer, would be so attractive , his works are so classic. (To be continued.)

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