Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 383: Interview with Southern Metropolis Entertainment Weekly

In an apartment suite on the 35th floor of Guangdong Asia International Hotel, wearing a light yellow twill collarless sweater, paired with a pair of frosted white jeans and a pair of white noble bird casual shoes, he is looking at the He smiled brightly at a camera and raised three fingers calmly. .


The cameraman quickly pressed the shutter, and while taking pictures, he also carefully moved the position, trying his best to take a more perfect picture of someone in the viewfinder.

Opposite Brother Xiaosha who was posing, sat a pampered middle-aged man. He was wearing gold-rimmed glasses and a suit. Although his hair was not much, it was combed neatly. He looked younger than someone else. More like a star, because he pays more attention to his own image!

"Okay, Tang Sheng, the photos have been taken, and you can conduct a text interview! I will choose a few of the best ones for you to choose."

I don’t know how many photos were taken, the photographer finally put down the camera with satisfaction, and then ignored them, sat on the side and started to connect to the computer to watch, ready to choose the most satisfactory part, and then take it Let Brother Xiaosa choose by himself, and the chosen one is the cover of this weekly magazine.

"Mr. Tang, thank you for your cooperation!"

As soon as Brother Xiaosa lowered his arms, the middle-aged man opposite immediately thanked him, and then said sincerely: "Thank you again for accepting our exclusive interview with Southern Metropolis Entertainment Weekly. At this very important moment, this interview is really important to us. Very important meaning!"

"Hehe, don't be so polite!"

Brother Xiao Sa waved his hands and said with a smile: "You are the only weekly entertainment news magazine in China, and you are also the most gossip publication with a very wide coverage. If I don't give this face, what will you do if you black me in the future?"

"Uh, this..."

The middle-aged man immediately became tongue-tied, blushing and wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it at all. He could only face the handsome brother with a dry smile, rubbed his nose and said, "Mr. Tang, what about us?" In the last issue, the relationship between you and Ms. Liu Yifei... oh no, it was a scandal..."

He originally wanted to talk about a relationship, but he was glared at by Brother Xiaosha, so the middle-aged man immediately changed his tune and continued cautiously: "I can only say that your scandal is the headline. Sorry, because there is really no way, the whole circle is paying attention to this matter, and countless ordinary people in the country are even more interested. We want to maintain a detached position, so naturally we have no choice but to follow up, so..."

"So you released a series of so-called photos that can be used as evidence to prove that Ms. Liu Yifei and I really have a so-called love relationship!"

Before the middle-aged man finished speaking, Brother Xiaosa answered with a light smile. He squinted his eyes slightly, unable to let others see his eyes clearly.

In this way, no one knows whether he is angry or what.

"I'm sorry Mr. Tang..."

"never mind!"

The middle-aged man was about to apologize again, but Brother Xiao Sa unexpectedly did not pursue it, but said rather solemnly: "Mr. Chen, I hope there will be no next time for this incident. After all, everyone's relationship is the same. Symbiosis, we stars cannot do without the various promotions of your entertainment media, and you basically rely on our stars for food, there is no need for everyone to make the relationship stiff, right?"

"That's right, that's right!"

Chen Zhaohua nodded again and again, and said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Tang, you are very right. There is no any antagonistic relationship between us and you. How about this? I can give you a guarantee!"

As he was speaking, he leaned forward slightly, and Brother Xiaosa also subconsciously moved a little closer, and then he heard him say: "I promise, as long as I am still in the position of editor-in-chief, then as long as it is about you If there are any bad or false reports, I will call you and ask for your opinion before finalizing the draft. In this way, as long as you have evidence, we can help you solve some of the troubles, and we will definitely not write indiscriminately. your business!"

"Okay, then I will first thank Editor-in-Chief Chen for his generosity!"

Brother Xiaosa chuckled lightly and nodded slightly. To get such a result is obviously already the best ending. As for Shenma apologizing and compensating for losses, he never thought about it at all, because it is impossible.

Besides, not to mention that he and Liu Yifei have established a relationship in the first place, even if he didn't, he can't do anything. Anyway, in a word, if he can have a relationship with the goddess, even if it's fake, that's not bad!

Of course, the most important thing is that it's really not surprising that celebrities spread gossip. As the saying goes, there are many people who are popular. As long as they are popular, it is simply impossible for anyone not to spread gossip a few times.

So, to be able to get a promise from Chen Zhaohua, the editor-in-chief of "Southern Metropolis Entertainment Weekly", this is actually an extra gain, um, although Brother Xiaosha doesn't really care much about this promise.

"Then Mr. Tang, look..."

"Okay, let's start!" Brother Xiaosa nodded, indicating that he can get to the point.

Immediately, Chen Zhaohua pressed the tape recorder, and at the same time held a pen in his hand, opened a notebook, and said seriously: "The first question is, your album "Smart Walk" officially broke through the global 3000 mark yesterday morning. The epic sales of 3 copies, in addition to the pre-ordered 90 copies, can basically be regarded as an average of [-] sales per day. May I ask, what do you think of this event that shocked the global music scene?"

Brother Xiaosa laughed and said happily: "I can only say that this is the ultimate manifestation of the effect of high quality + anti-d version!"

"Can you be more specific?"

Someone nodded and said: "The high quality is undeniable. Every song on this album of mine can be used as the title song. Among them, there are several songs that are considered classics by fans. With this quality, I believe it can definitely increase everyone's desire to buy, right?"

Chen Zhaohua couldn't help nodding, and said with admiration: "It's true, all your songs are very nice, as long as people who like to listen to songs, I believe they can't help but buy them!"

"After talking about quality, another important point is the anti-d version I said!"

Someone coughed lightly, took over the conversation, and said solemnly: "Here, I have to first thank Xinso Records and some of my lovely fans!"

He paused for a while, and then quickly continued: "It is precisely because of their full support to help me maintain Internet copyrights, vigorously crack down on all illegal links on the Internet, and even directly attack some d-version sites. Many fans who didn't want to buy records, or who have never bought the habit, can only choose to buy, so the sales of the album have naturally increased!"

Chen Zhaohua said: "You mean to say that it is precisely because the online D version has been blocked to the greatest extent that your record sales have reached such a good result?"

"Yes, on the premise that the quality is very good, reducing the online version can indeed greatly increase the sales of genuine copies!" Brother Xiaosa said affirmatively.

Chen Zhaohua nodded, raised his head after finishing writing, and said, "Then Mr. Tang, what do you want to say about the current deteriorating record market? Do you think your crazy sales this time can influence other What inspirations did the singers and record companies make?"

It can be seen from this question that the significance of weekly magazines is indeed different from that of newspapers.

If the media that conduct the exclusive interviews are newspapers or TV stations, then their reporters must jump to another topic, such as winning awards!For example, how enthusiastic the fans are!

Anyway, in a word, except for weekly magazines that require in-depth content, the general media will not ask these "macro" questions at all. They only like to ask some sharp, but very exciting and attractive topics.

Faced with this problem, Brother Xiaosa didn't just say it casually, but thought for a while before saying: "I think, with the progress of the times, especially the popularization of the Internet, the sales of physical records will definitely show a downward trend in the future. Yes, even in the future, even the d-version discs will not be sold, because dvds will basically be eliminated compared to the convenient Internet method, so, I think all singers will have a hard time, and releasing records will have a big impact. risk of loss.”

Chen Zhaohua said: "Is your statement a bit exaggerated? Just like yourself, it is likely to hit the global sales of 4000 million copies! Don't you think such a terrifying sales data is not convincing?"

"Haha, this is just my family's opinion!"

Brother Xiao Sa laughed and waved his hands, he didn't explain at all as Chen Zhaohua imagined, because it's really unnecessary!

Can he say that the reason why my brother has such a terrible sales volume is because I have the support of the system, can any real source of online music be exhausted?

Can he say that the reason why my brother sells so fast is because I have too many loyal fans, so I can fully explode?

He couldn't say, not at all.

So, he spread his hands, and directly answered the second question under Chen Zhaohua's disappointed gaze: "I don't know if my record sales can really bring some inspiration to the music circle, but I know that real music After people see my achievements, they will definitely improve their way of doing things, that is, to pay more attention to the quality of the record, and at the same time to attack the d version more strongly. In this way, I believe that the Chinese music scene will definitely continue for a few more years, no It will enter the winter period too soon!" (To be continued.)

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