Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 418: Cold scene?The sound is shocking!

Just when domestic audiences were speculating whether Jay Chou and Hou Peichen were going to get back together, so they seemed absent-minded, suddenly, the emcee of the scene, that is, the famous American talk show host Barry Ann, suddenly shouted Said: "ok, guys, the next one to appear is a superman, yes, you heard me right, I'm not drunk, because the whole world knows how omnipotent and amazing he is, you guys Have you guessed who this is?"

Superman?Who is called Superman?Who dares to deserve such a title?

When he called out like this, the whole scene fell silent in an instant. Everyone stood on tiptoe and stretched their necks, all looking towards the red carpet. .

Everyone has to be curious, because the fans present have almost never heard of anyone whose nickname is Superman, and it is similar in movies and cartoons.

However, not all of them are blank. For example, those fans who are wearing "Tang" characters, at this time, they can't help but cover their mouths, and immediately look at the red carpet excitedly. of.

Just kidding, didn't you hear what Barryan said?Omnipotent and amazing!It is really impossible for anyone to be able to bear these two evaluations at the same time. Even Michael Jackson at his peak, he is very versatile in singing and dancing. In other entertainment careers, he is actually very ignorant.

However, there is one person who deserves this evaluation, and that is the idol China Tang.

Magic, basketball, dance, musical instruments, imitation, kung fu, he knows everything and is proficient in everything.

Yes, upon hearing these two comments, Tang Xiaosa's American fans immediately became excited, and immediately got ready to cheer and applaud, because the idol is about to come out!

"Guys, get all the signs ready, China Tang is coming soon, it's his first Grammy tour, we have to surprise him! And let the other bastards know, we China Tang How united the fan club is."

This is the bald man, who is also Julie's college classmate, and also one of the vice presidents of the China Tang North American Support Association.

"Oh God! Who [***] took my whole box of streamer spray cans? Who? I [***] specially prepared a surprise for Tang, how could you do this? At least Give me a can? Get it out, oh shit! Everything sucks!"

This is a handsome white man with long hair, but at this moment, he is holding his head and screaming in pain, because he can't find a box of ribbon spray cans, which he managed to get to the scene.

After all, since 911/[-], the United States has raised its vigilance against all large-scale events. Anything that may lead to terrorist incidents must be stopped. For example, no liquids are allowed at parties.

"Guys, why don't we take a guess, is Tang walking the red carpet alone? Other male singers are all in pairs, or in a team, but al-liu (Liu Yifei) brought them here?"

This is a young girl with freckles on her face, but a super hot figure, her bust is at least 35e, so there is no shortage of men around her, and several guys are secretly looking at her now, uh , looking at her breasts.

"Damn it, it's just a gossip, you didn't see al-liu (Liu Yifei), her body is like a bamboo pole, I have seen many photos of her carefully, but please forgive my frankness, her breasts I really like I didn’t see any good-looking ones, it’s far worse than mine!”

This is still a girl, but this girl is much more beautiful and hotter. Even without makeup, she is still prettier than many female stars, and her figure is so good that even without makeup The freckled girl is 35e, but there must be 34d, she is definitely a perfect super beautiful girl.

No way, many female fans always dream that one day they can marry their idol. Even if they can't marry him, they still long to spend a night with a perfect man like their idol. After all, idols are perfect. Under the mentality of worship, female fans can really do anything.

So now, when she heard the freckled girl's words, this super pretty girl immediately refuted angrily. She would definitely not accept that China Tang, an idol, chose a girlfriend early, even if it was a rumored girlfriend.


Tang Xiaosa's fans are making noise and anticipation here, but the reporters are not just making noise, but as soon as they react, they rush forward one by one. Some tall, mighty cameramen , They didn't even use a tripod, but simply raised the camera above their heads, and then pointed the lens at the black Lincoln RV that was slowly driving over.

Just kidding, other fans don't know who Brian is talking about, but they know it clearly, because even from the experience of entertainment reporters, there is only one person in the world who can be called "omnipotent" evaluate.

At least, so far, there has not been another Chinese Tang, even if the production and broadcast of "America's Got Talent" which caused a great sensation in the world, they are in the "America's Got Talent". If you meet the magical Chinese Tang in many projects, you will definitely lose.

Because their skills are more professional and more mysterious, such as magic and imitation, the magic masters and imitation masters on the talent show are directly thrown away by a few streets.

Just when the scene was a little chaotic, Barryan, the red carpet emcee, spoke again.

Holding a delicate microphone, he laughed loudly and said, "Yes friends, that's right, some smart guys have already guessed who he is, he was the one who shocked the world with a performance at the Maddie Xu Garden Center The purses were full; then his first record sold nearly 4000 million copies worldwide within one month; then his performance videos also sold nearly 500 million copies within a month; Recognized by youtubers as the great 'King of Videos'..."

Ba Rui'an is indeed a talking show host who plays tricks. He vomited out all Tang Xiaosa's past achievements in one breath, without even taking a breath in the middle, let alone hiccupping.

Such a performance made his introduction just finished, and the Lincoln RV had just parked next to the red carpet.

Then, when the car door was pushed open, and his feet, which had been wearing black leather shoes, stepped on the red carpet, Barryan shouted loudly again: "Come on guys, he is—China Tang!"

Chinese Tang?

Just hearing this name, most of the fans at the scene, as well as most of the Americans who were watching the live broadcast in front of the TV, were all taken aback.

Because no matter what, even if a certain person’s video has been watched by hundreds of millions of people in Europe and America, even if many people have heard of his name, but compared to Christina Aguilera, Riha He still seems too unfamiliar to big stars in the United States such as Na, Shakira, and Beyoncé.

Because at the end of the day, he only has video, oh, and a show that made a big splash, and I've never done any publicity stateside, and we do know your name, but who knows you?

So, just after Barryan finished shouting, when China Tang was wearing a twill Armani suit and tie, standing on the red carpet in a very handsome and glamorous way, there were less than 300 fans in the whole scene Shouting his name loudly.

As for the vast majority of other fans on the scene, they all opened their mouths wide, just staring at the messily handsome Chinese Tang who bent slightly, and then pulled out another person from the RV. .

At this time domestic

"I'm going, didn't you say that Tang Xiaosa is very popular in the United States? Why are there so few people cheering and applauding him? Could it be that the legendary Brother Xiaosa is not doing well in Laomei?"

"Impossible? Just now when Jay Chou and Peichen Hou walked the red carpet, there were hundreds of beauties applauding! How come Brother Xiaosa is at this level? Could it be that the domestic media is bragging again?"

"Holy shit, shit, what's going on here? The master of ceremonies is so enthusiastic, it's impossible for the fans at the scene to be so proud! What about the applause and cheers? How come these guys are all idiots and dumb?"


It is no exaggeration to say that when Brother Xiao Sa received a cold reception, those people in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan who just watched him on TV were really disappointed, super disappointed.

It is understandable that Jay Chou is not sought after by Laomei, because he has never been to the United States, and it is quite normal for people not to know his name.

But Tang Xiaosa can't!He is the legendary king of youtube, a super genius who held a performance of the century worth more than one million US dollars at the Madison Garden Center.

And most importantly, hasn't he also landed on the cover of "Time" of the year?

What the hell, with such a profound foundation, he would receive such a cold reception?Well, that's too scary, right?

Just when many Chinese audiences were thinking and complaining like this;

Just when Brother Xiaosa gently pulled out his red carpet partner from the car;

Just when Ma Lin, a female reporter from Dragon TV, took a microphone and said loudly, "Tang Xiaosha's red carpet companion is Ivanka Trump";

What?This is Chinese Tang?That amazing Chinese Tang?my Lord!

At this moment, those dazed American fans finally woke up, and most of them couldn't help but widen their eyes and mouths.


Ah ah ah ah ah ah...

Deafening, enough to make people temporarily deaf, at least for a moment, a super-high-pitched sound wave that exceeded 90 decibels burst out violently.



At that moment, I don't know how many people who were watching the live TV couldn't help but jumped up, and then spit out these two words. (To be continued.)

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