Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 43: The Deputy Director Who Wants to Be on TV

ps: There is always a need to pave the way before **, I hope guys don’t say that buddies are pouring water!In addition, a new week has begun, and I sincerely hope to be among the top ten newcomers in the city, so please do your best!By the way, thank you ★Motian★ for your big reward! ! !

The roads in the main city during the rush hour are really too congested.If there is no barrier of traffic lights, brother Xiaosha really doubts that the traffic flow on the highway will definitely stretch for dozens of miles, forming a magnificent "steel dragon".

Just like now, although he is riding a broken bicycle, his speed and agility make many "car owners" envious.Brother Xiaosa not only easily followed Gao Yan who was driving a small car on the main road, but also had time to think carefully about the next performance.

Although he has never been to or seen the performance site of the Three Gorges Square, he has heard it from a few people in the village who work in Yuzhou before that this square occupies a very large area and the traffic is quite scary. On average, there are at least several 10 visits per day.

It occupies an area of ​​Jiguang, and the flow of people is so large, so one can imagine that once he performs very well and passionately at that time, there will definitely be more onlookers at the scene than when he was in Dazu Pedestrian Street last night.

Well, this time, of course, there must be no flaws!Otherwise, I'm afraid that others will say that my "young singer" is a parallel importer, and that would be a big shame.

"How are we going to perform? Just singing is too monotonous, isn't it?" Brother Xiaosa looked at the shops on the right side of the sidewalk very tangled, and he still didn't have any clue as he passed by one after another.

While hesitating, his eyes suddenly fixed on a large rear-projection color TV set in a shop selling electrical appliances, or to be precise, he fixed his eyes on a program that was being played on the color TV...

"Now we have it!" Someone's eyes lit up, and he yelled softly. He completely put aside his worries, and asked a certain system in his heart: "You think I can do this...?"

"Well, it's settled, I don't need to be very good, and I don't plan to develop professionally anyway!" The system's answer made him really happy, and then his whole person was in high spirits.

"I%¥#@~" After taking a few steps, he was forced to step on the brakes. Gao Yan, who was already a little anxious in his heart, couldn't help patting the steering wheel and yelling. There was a shrill siren.

Obviously, it is usually only a few minutes away, but now it has been at least half an hour and it still hasn't arrived. I am afraid that everyone will get angry.Especially now that he is worried about not having enough time, he can't wait to leave the car and run forward.

"I hope that Lao Huang will be more careful, and Xiao Tang will not be frightened by the large scale of at least 2 people!" Seeing the passage of time, the helpless Gao Yan could only pray in his heart, He really hoped that the next performance wouldn't be screwed up.

"By the way, if too many people come at night, I'm afraid we have to ask some policemen to help maintain order?" Gao Yan, who was restless, braked again, a trace of worry suddenly flashed in his mind, and then immediately He hurriedly picked up his mobile phone and dialed the Square Police Station.

"No, just 6 or 7 policemen from the police station are enough?" Gao Yan was about to dial the number, but he changed his mind immediately when he thought of the "several gentlemen" at the police station.

Just kidding, even a general concert with more than 1 people would require more than a dozen uniformed policemen to be at ease. According to Lao Huang's analysis, there are probably more than 2 or [-] people present tonight.Therefore, Gao Yan had to live broadcast the Shapingba Public Security Bureau in a panic.

The call was connected quickly, and before he had time to introduce himself, Gao Yan said directly: "Hello, Shapingba branch office? Oh, that's right, I'm an owner of Sanxia Plaza... I didn't report the crime, but I invited today's The little Tang that was widely reported in the Yuzhou Evening News came to perform outside my store, and it just so happens that at least one million people in Yuzhou know about it through the radio..."

"What? Why did you call just now?" There was a policewoman on the other end of the phone. At first she thought Gao Yan was here to report the crime, and she didn't care much.But when he heard Gao Yan's words, he immediately stood up seriously.Because she herself read the newspaper two hours ago, and jokingly said, "I don't know if this little Tang will come to our place (Shapingba) to perform", but now it's better, at least nearly a million people know that he will Performing in the area?

"My God, this is going to be a mess, okay?" The policewoman yelled into the phone anxiously, "You must be prepared to cancel the show, and I will report it to my superiors, but, before we dispatched Before the comrades arrive at the scene, you must not start the performance, otherwise, if there is a stampede, you will not be responsible."

After saying this stern explanation and warning, the policewoman immediately hung up the phone, then quickly picked up another phone and called the office of Deputy Director Zhou who was in charge of social security.

Fortunately, Deputy Bureau Chief Zhou did not "leave his post". He was full of bureaucracy at first, but after listening to the policewoman's analysis, he jumped up from the executive chair, cursing "playing the piano randomly" At the same time, he said in an unquestionable tone: "You call and tell that bastard immediately, and the show will be canceled immediately. If something happens, no one can take care of it."

"But bureau chief, now that the news has spread, if we stop it arbitrarily, I'm afraid everyone will blame us for not cooperating..."

"Which one of them? It doesn't matter who is to blame." Deputy Director Zhou slapped the table vigorously and shouted, but soon he rolled his eyes, changed his tone and asked softly: "You said that the radio station helped relay the broadcast. Is it possible for the TV station to come?"

The female police officer had already given up her mind, but she unexpectedly changed her tone, and said with certainty: "If the people on the TV station are not blind, they will definitely go to such a lively news."

"Oh? That's it!" With a smile on his face, the director took a breath and sat down on the executive chair, pretending to be very melancholy and said: "Hey, the reason why the square was built at that time was not only to develop commercial value In addition to increasing taxes in the district, I also want to give citizens a place to relax and relax, and now the commercial value has indeed begun to show results. However, there is still a lot of room to be tapped in terms of leisure!"

He talked to himself for a while, and paused habitually to enjoy the tide of flattery, but remembered that he was on the phone, so he immediately said: "Well, this grand performance tonight I personally led the team to protect the arena, just as an escort for the carnival activities of the citizens!"

"That, that..." The policewoman hadn't reacted yet, her whole head was in a daze, and she couldn't speak fluently.

"Call the owner right away and tell him to just follow the plan, and I'll lead the team to the scene and wait right away. There won't be any trouble in the custody," Deputy Chief Zhou said generously.

"Oh!" Only then did the policewoman understand what this "big leader" was thinking. So he wanted to show his face on the TV news?

Just kidding, there is no benefit, and it is something that may cause trouble for oneself, who is willing to do it?But it's barely worth the trip in person if it's possible to show your face on the TV news.

Regardless of what the "big leader" was thinking, anyway, the policewoman immediately notified the frightened Gao Yan of her "handling advice", and then she couldn't help but have a thought of getting involved in the scene. "Well, I don't want to take a shower after the shift, so I just go."

"I'll check, I'm scared to death." Gao Yan put down the phone, wiped the sweat from his brow, and sighed with some fear: "Fortunately, my brother is not slow-witted, otherwise something might happen, then But it's over."

"Now that there are police guards, equipment and bands, there should be no problem with stage construction, ok, the only thing that needs to be done is Xiao Tang, the protagonist." Gao Yanzai carefully explained the things that need to be considered in a large-scale event. I went through it all again and found that there were no mistakes.While he was relieved, he realized that the protagonist's back was soaked.


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