Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 437: Difficult folks, arrangement for younger brother

In the countryside, if a relative comes to someone's house, or a small change has taken place in the family, it is almost impossible to hide it from the eyes of the villagers, because the place is really too small. .

Just like the news that Tang Xiaosa, who had become a big star, came back today, it was quickly spread to everyone in the village, because many villagers saw a car heading straight to his house.

And according to the local customs, he is the only one who will come to his house on the first day of the first lunar month. Other relatives have to stay in their own home for a day. pay a New Year call.

What's more, none of his relatives got rich and couldn't afford a small car at all. Therefore, when they saw Audi heading straight to the Tang family's new house, everyone knew that the boss of the Tang family who had become a big star must have returned.

To be honest, the people in the village are really curious about the star who appeared on TV. Although almost all of them grew up watching Tang Xiaosa, and many of them even hugged and scolded him, they are very familiar with him, but now, When Tang Xiaosa gained a star halo, everyone felt that he was a stranger.

star!This thing can only be seen on TV!

Who would have thought that a big star could appear around him?This really hit the folks a little hard.

So soon, when Tang Xiaosa was asking his younger brother Tang An about his future plans, a neighbor came to visit.

"Ah, it's really Xiaosa who's back? It's changed a lot!"

This is a middle-aged woman, about the same age as Tang's mother, but shorter and slovenly, dressed in old-fashioned clothes, while talking, she was still knocking melon seeds, and the melon seed shells were thrown in the yard casually, with a typical look. Rural woman format.

Gao Yan, Li Minghao, and Wang Li all frowned secretly, while Tang's mother went out to greet her immediately, and said enthusiastically, "Sister-in-law Zhou, come in and sit down, the boss just came back from Beijing, and he hasn't even had a sip of tea yet. Woolen cloth!"

Brother Xiao Sa immediately stood up and smiled and said, "Aunt Zhou, come in and sit down, your hair is wet, don't catch a cold!"

Rural people are almost very enthusiastic, especially for those neighbors who have no hatred for themselves. Due to the relationship between visiting each other, the relationship between each other is quite good, which definitely conforms to the old saying that distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors.

So, Grandma Tang and Grandpa Tang also warmly invited Mrs. Zhou to come in and sit for a while. Although Father Tang didn't invite too enthusiastically, he tore open a bag of candy and asked Brother Xiaosha to hold a handful and hand it to Aunt Zhou. , ask her to taste it.

Although the rural people are informal, they also know what it means to be interesting.

Aunt Zhou accepted the candy happily, but she readily declined the invitation to come in as a guest, evading it by saying that it was the first day of the first lunar month, so it was inconvenient to come in, and she would play again tomorrow!

Aunt Zhou left quickly, but this was just a beginning, because afterward, people from the whole village came running over in an endless stream, old and young, men and women.

There are those who simply look at celebrities, such as young people who want to sign autographs; but there are also those who come here to eat sweets, such as a large number of children.

When there are too many people, the scene will naturally become quiet, especially since it is still raining, even if the living room is big enough, it cannot accommodate dozens of people!

In addition, today is the first day of the first lunar month, so there is no way, everyone can only stand under the eaves outside the door, eating candy and joking loudly at the same time.

To be honest, the whole family hardly liked this kind of noisy scene, because everyone was busy!

When people come, why don't you find a few high stools for them to sit on?Why don't you offer them a few cups of tea?Some people's heads are wet, you have to take a towel and let them wipe their hair, right?

Well, this is not the most uncomfortable thing. What is really frustrating is that everyone who comes here has to talk to Tang Xiaosa, and what they say is a question that is difficult to answer. This is the most frustrating things.

"Xiao Sa baby, I heard that you made hundreds of millions last year! Is it true? Are you going to spend so much money?"

This is an uncle with missing front teeth, commonly known as the old man with pop eyes.

"Boss Tang, which female celebrity is your woman? Is the one who played the role of Little Dragon Girl real? When will you bring it back for us to see!"

This is the middle-aged Obasan who likes to watch soap operas.

"Brother Xiaosa, how do you feel about going to the United States? Is life there really that good? Can you understand English?" These were a few people of the same age.


Encountering these questions, I really put someone in a difficult position, because if it were a reporter who asked the question, he would definitely not talk about it, and when the reporters hit a wall, they would definitely stop asking questions.

However, these folks will not be embarrassed. Even if Tang Xiaosa smiled and said nothing, he made it clear that he didn't want to say anything, but they would not keep their mouths shut. People, whether you make a lot of money, whether a woman is beautiful or not is your own business, we just watch the fun, and we don't ask you for money, let alone laugh at you!"

After going down several times, a certain person really couldn't take it anymore, and simply stopped talking to these people, shied away from having a headache, and went directly upstairs to his room, and at the same time called his brother Tang An up.

As for Gao Yan and the other three, there is no need to worry, because Father Tang and the old man will accompany them.

The upstairs room is different from the downstairs room. The entire room has been beautifully decorated, not only the ceiling is suspended, the floor tiles are laid, but also a cabinet air conditioner is installed. There is even a separate bathroom and toilet in the room.

The size of this bedroom is not small, at least 402. In addition to the necessary big bed, the rest of the room is also equipped with a solid wood wardrobe, water dispenser, large LCD TV, sofa and computer desk. There is no computer.

After a brief glance, Tang Xiaosa nodded in satisfaction and said, "Well done! It's spacious and beautiful. Where's your room?"

Tang An smiled and said, "Mine is the same, I just bought a computer, everything else is the same."

"Well, sit down and talk!""

Brother Xiao Sa sat on the sofa, and Tang An also sat on the opposite sofa as promised. After half a year, the two brothers finally met face to face again.

Tang An hasn't changed much, he's still very thin, but he seems to have grown a little taller, he should be 170 now, and half a year ago, the two brothers were actually about the same height.

But Tang Xiaosa herself has changed too much. She has increased her height by at least 15~ centimeters in a year, and her physique has undergone earth-shaking changes. Well, her face shape and conversation have all changed.

"Brother, why did you change so much all of a sudden?"

After sitting quietly for a while, Tang An finally couldn't help but speak. He looked at Brother Xiaosa very puzzled and said, "I still remember that when you hadn't left half a year ago, I had to go back to my hometown to study for the last semester before the summer vacation. One month, at that time, you didn't change at all, you were all preparing to go out to work..."

"Hehe, this is luck!"

Tang Xiaosa didn't let Tang An continue. He smiled and said, "I can't tell in my life. I haven't shown it before. It's because I have a talent but don't know how to use it. Later, I have to go out to work. Yes, I just wanted to be crazy for the last time, so I went to Shanghai by bicycle, so I became famous by accident and became a big star!"

Tang An said suspiciously: "It's not that I don't believe you. The key is that you haven't shown any talent. Our whole family is actually worried about whether you have been transformed by aliens!"

"Haha, you kid can joke! I didn't show it, it was because of poor grades, and I was also very inferior at the time, and I didn't have the courage to perform at all, so I just kept hiding it."

Although there was a huge jump in his heart and he was very nervous, but now he has learned to control the muscles of his face, so he didn't actually show any flaws, and he even hid it very well with a big laugh, so that Tang An didn't see anything , I could only say "Oh" honestly, and accepted his explanation.

After talking about this question, the relationship between the two brothers seemed to be back to that time half a year ago. Tang Xiaosa asked unceremoniously: "I heard from my mother that your final exam was very bad, worse than mine. , Most of the high school exams this year will not pass, do you still want to study?"

Without waiting for Tang An to answer, he said again: "If you want to study, at worst, you can negotiate the price and send you to Anzhong. If you don't want to study, then you can choose an industry by yourself, either do business or follow I’m a fool, I’ll take a job in my studio first, then I’ll learn accounting and driving, and I’ll study law and English later on…”

"No, no, I want to do my own business!"

Originally, when Tang An heard that he could hang out in the entertainment industry with his elder brother, he was very happy, because young people, how many people don't like the colorful entertainment industry?

However, when he heard that he had to study accounting, driving and law, especially English, Tang An immediately changed his face, shook his head like a rattle, and said nothing about going.

Just kidding, English is simply his Achilles heel!If it wasn't because English was too difficult, why did he only get 25 points in the final exam?Not to mention failing to pass the high school entrance examination.

Seeing his appearance, Xiao Sa twitched his mouth and wanted to say something, but he also understood that some people really don't have the talent to learn, just like him before, it's useless to force them to learn.

So, after all, he swallowed some words into his stomach, nodded and said: "Well, no matter what business you want to do, as long as you investigate it, just tell me, if you can help, I will help you. "

"Well, then I won't say thank you!"

Brother Xiao Sa shook his head, "We are just two brothers, as long as you work hard and don't mess around, it doesn't matter if you fail, I will stand up for you!"

"Well, I will investigate carefully, and I will probably sell clothes by then!" Tang An said after thinking about it. (To be continued.)

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