Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 476: It's hot, 1 ticket is hard to find

"Oh, it's finally my turn, beauty, do you still have tickets? I want two!"

Li Shuangxi, with beads of sweat on his face, asked hurriedly while lying on the ticket window. .

"Okay, welcome, what ticket do you want?"

The conductor mm said with a smile: ""Pirates of the Caribbean 3" is about to be released, and now the ticket price is 35 yuan, and there is also a beautiful poster as a gift. "Transformers" is currently being screened, and the ticket price is 89 yuan... ..."

"Thank you, I want the tickets for "The True Colors of a Man", two consecutive seats!" Li Shuangxi quickly interrupted the recommendation of mm, specifying the goal.

"Sorry, sir, the last two pieces just now were bought by the customer in front of you!"

The glasses MM who sold the tickets regretfully shook her head: "Why don't you watch other movies, they are all very exciting and good movies!"

"I'm sorry, is there really a movie that can't buy a ticket these days?"

Li Shuangxi's face was very ugly, he originally wanted to turn around and leave, but thinking about the warning his girlfriend gave when he went out, he could only ask unwillingly: "Are you the only movie theater in Taixi in our city? Will Yonghe Cinema show it?"

If you usually encounter this kind of problem, the conductor will probably be very upset and don't bother to answer it. After all, this is a competitor, who will kindly point it out?

But now it's different, the movie tickets are all sold out, and the conductor doesn't mind giving advice.

She smiled and said: "This movie has attracted a lot of attention. Now not only our movie theater is sold out, but other movie theaters in the city are also sold out! And all the shows in the first three days are sold out!"

"Really? Are all the shows in the first three days sold out?"

Li Shuangxi was taken aback for a moment, but then his face changed dramatically, he couldn't believe it was true.

You know, this Taixi Cinema is a large-scale cinema that has just opened for business in the city. There are as many as 5 independent screening halls, the largest is 700 seats, and the smallest is also (0 seats, if 5 After a round of screenings in a screening hall, Taixi's family alone can accommodate more than 00 audiences!

Of course, because the Hollywood blockbuster "Transformers" is also currently in theaters, and it is coming aggressively, stealing a lot of the limelight, so it is definitely impossible to arrange the screening of "The True Colors" in all 5 auditoriums.

However, even if the two auditoriums are played in rounds, a movie lasts 10 hours from 30:24 to 00:2 in one day, that is, 6 rounds, 1000 audiences in one round, and 6000 movie viewers in a day .

Moreover, according to what the ticket sales MM said, all the tickets are sold out within three days, which means 100% attendance, which is exactly 1.8 moviegoers in three days.

I have a go!Is this trying to go against the sky?

Li Shuangxi gasped, swallowed with difficulty, and asked subconsciously: "Then why not increase the number of screenings? The business is so good, it would be a pity to miss it!"

The ticket seller is not afraid that he will delay the time, and explained helplessly: "The number of screenings is signed by the contract. How can we increase it if we want to? It has to be discussed with the distribution company!"

Li Shuangxi smiled silently, left the ticket window with some disappointment, and muttered to himself: "This is the end, I didn't get a ticket for coming so early, I'm afraid I'll have to apologize later!"

Because his girlfriend admires Tang Xiaosa very much, Li Shuangxi went out early in the morning. He thought it was a very simple matter. Hollywood blockbusters are basically available whenever they arrive, and the attendance rate cannot reach 100%.

So, first he ate breakfast outside, and then happened to meet two old classmates, so we sat in the teahouse for two hours, had a good chat and spanking, and then it was almost noon, and it was still his girlfriend spanking After calling him and asking him why he hasn't returned yet, he slowly rushed to the ticket office of the movie theater.

As a result, what he never expected was that a queue that he had never seen in a movie theater appeared today, and there were many, many people in the queue. At the moment when he was stunned, the place where he was supposed to be standing was now. Occupied by two beauties.

So Li Shuangxi quickly regained his senses, and rushed to line up before the other pair of young lovers.

What happened next made this young man who hadn't lined up for shopping for many years really depressed, or rather, all the people who lined up were depressed, because it's midsummer now!Although there is no direct sunlight overhead, the outdoor temperature is as high as 36 degrees!

Queuing in such an uncomfortable situation, one can imagine how depressed it will be.

Well, if you bought the tickets, then you can think about the punishment. As a result, after suffering for more than half an hour, I finally got in line, but the ticket seller told me that all of them were sold out, even the tickets for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. All gone.

Therefore, Li Shuangxi immediately wanted to roar at the sky: "Fuck your grandma's bastard! Will it be shit when it's sold out later?"

So, after returning to the rental room, he was inevitably complained by his girlfriend. In the end, he spent a lot of saliva, explaining and assuring, finally dissipating some of his girlfriend's anger.

But his girlfriend still told him clearly: "I don't care, anyway, I must see the movie within this week, you can either buy a high-priced ticket, or go to the cinema to buy tickets tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, when did you buy it? When will you be able to relax!"

Well, this request from my girlfriend is actually not difficult, because today is only Tuesday, and there are still 5 days left in this week!Excluding the first three days, there will be 12 rounds in Taixi Cinema alone in the next two days, with more than 1 tickets. Are you afraid of missing it again?

However, after his girlfriend said a word, he suddenly realized that this task seemed very difficult, because his girlfriend said: "The scenes that were full of fans in the first three days will definitely attract other movie fans, and on Saturday Sunday and Sunday also happen to be holidays, so I am afraid that many families will go out in groups, and in that case, most of the movie tickets are still hard to buy."

Ever since, Li Shuangxi made an absolutely wise decision in an instant——tomorrow morning, he must be the first to buy tickets.

Otherwise, if the venue is reserved by an industrial and mining company, or other movie fans rush to buy tickets, then he can only buy tickets at a high price.

"Your sister, if you want to buy a scalper ticket to watch a movie, then you won't be laughed to death if you tell it!"

It was with this thought in mind that he decided to make a good plan. It must not be like this morning again, otherwise he would not be able to buy tickets. He had clearly made a promise to his girlfriend, but in the end he couldn’t do it. That would be too much. It shouldn't be.

But what surprised him was that when he told this matter in his frequent bubbling book friend group, the people who greeted him did not have much ridicule and ridicule, but instead got the sympathy of many group friends.

Do you want to ask the base: "Fuck me, movie tickets actually have to buy scalper tickets? Dude, are you kidding me? This is China, not the United States!"

Prince Charming only wants to be a virgin: "Troublemaker, you have been busy repairing chrysanthemums recently, so you forgot to pay attention to the film industry. Now "The True Colors of Men" is really popular! There is a movie theater next door to my house. There are too many people in line today. Thinking about it, I will cover it for you." They are anxious, they can still bear it in such a hot day, don’t they know how to wait a few days to watch the d version with Xunlei? It doesn’t cost money, and they are still sitting in the room with the air conditioner on.”

Let's listen to Feng Yin: "I was lucky today, and I queued up to buy the 8 o'clock tomorrow night. But in fact, I want to watch the d version more. After all, I always watch the d version when I read books. Movie tickets cost dozens of dollars. Of course it hurts even more! But there’s no other way, the future child insists on going to the cinema to have a romance, what else can I do? I have to let her.”

I'm the one on the edge: "Well, I didn't queue because I registered in the fan group, and the ticket was sent by the administrator, but I have to wait until tomorrow to see it. Thinking about it, I feel anxious!"


After communicating with the group friends, it wasn't until this time that Li Shuangxi suddenly realized that there are many people who are as hard-working as himself. In just one group, there are many buddies who are in the same situation as him. This damn It's really surprising!

So, they began to search for the reason together, discussing what was the reason for this almost unprecedented spectacle in the domestic film industry.

Do you want to talk about it: "Damn it, does it need to be said? It's obviously because of Xie Tingfeng! That guy is so handsome, and it's normal for fans to be more enthusiastic!"

Made the fairy sister: "Trouble! It seems that the withering of your chrysanthemums has affected the development of the brain! Your sister, you actually said that Xie Tingfeng has many fans? Are you from Mars? I'm too lazy to kill you!"

I am the marginalized person: "Sister is right, are you repairing chrysanthemums in seclusion? Whose fans are better than my brother Xiaosha these days? It is obvious that this is all done by our Xiaosha gang, otherwise how could there be any fans?" Can’t buy a ticket and still need to wait in line?”

Let's listen to Feng Yin: "Forget it, there are still a few minutes before the movie will officially start. I'll go and cook first, and then I'll sit on the computer and wait for the movie reviews to come out after I finish eating. I hope the reviews of the movie are less rubbish." Right! In that case, I might not need to queue up to buy tickets tomorrow!"

As soon as he typed this line, his girlfriend grabbed his ears from behind and said viciously: "Let me tell you, no matter what the evaluation of this movie is, anyway, I have to go to the movie this week." If you saw the movie with your own eyes in the cinema, don't try to get away with it!"

What can Li Shuangxi say?In addition to begging for mercy and giving guarantees, he can only curse a certain bastard in his heart, "What the hell, are you so stupid? My girlfriend is also your fan!" (To be continued. )

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