Entertainment Achiever System

Chapter 482: Despised by reporters, not afraid of "Harry Potter"

"What the hell, is this Brother Xiao Sa's studio?"

If you don't pay attention, you don't know. When the reporters began to carefully look at the legendary "Smart Life" studio, many people almost screamed, because the furnishings and layout here were really beyond their expectations. out!

As mentioned earlier, a celebrity's personal studio is actually an entertainment company that has been reduced by n times, and an entertainment company is a business group engaged in the cultural industry. .

So, according to the common sense, a star's personal studio, especially a big star, then his studio must at least be very comfortable, very elegant, or very beautiful, right?

Among other things, there should always be calligraphy and paintings of celebrities, right?This thing is the most common thing that can improve a person's taste.Then, in addition to the framed calligraphy and paintings of celebrities, there are all kinds of exquisite potted plants, Fengshui fish tanks, pianos... These are very common decorations, how many of them should there be here?

However, no matter how the reporters turned their heads, looked around and searched, they only saw an incomparable hall. They didn't see arty celebrity calligraphy and paintings, Feng Shui fish and potted plants at all. They only saw two desks in the corner , there are a few computers on it, oh, and two or three pots of small cactus.

And, what drove the reporters crazy the most was that they actually saw... uh, wait, it was exercise equipment?

The reporters wiped their eyes and looked again, and the results were correct. There were indeed several fitness equipment installed here, just like a small fitness center. They even saw paint falling off it, which fully proved that a The fact is that these devices are often used by people.

"Fuck, is this a star studio? Why is it so cheap?"

Seeing these furnishings, the reporters really couldn't help but want to complain, because these days, even the coal bosses in Shanxi who are getting rich know how to be arty, even if they spend a lot of money, they still want to dress up their offices beautifully. , Generous, for fear that others will say that they are rich locals, without the slightest bit of cultural and artistic accomplishment.

However, as a superstar in the entertainment industry and a great talent admired by countless people, Brother Xiaosa's studio has been open for more than half a year, but his "old nest" is still like this, revealing a cover-up inside and out Unstoppable earthy smell.

It's fine if you don't decorate it, but you just installed the fitness equipment. Could it be that you want to change careers and become a gym athlete?

Many reporters felt contemptuous in their hearts, thinking that a certain person was not as good as a coal boss, but he still went his own way, and they didn't go along with his talk.

But at the same time, they are all very curious, and would like to ask someone, why the studio is not properly decorated?And even brought fitness equipment in, what is this for?

Naturally, Brother Xiao Sa’s vision does not need to be doubted. He clearly saw the changes in the faces of the reporters, and he also felt the puzzlement and contempt in the eyes of some reporters. This made him want to laugh, yes, just want to laugh .

Just kidding, the studio is your own, you can do whatever you want, who can control it?

So, just when the reporters started to whisper, someone who was secretly despised by them coughed lightly, and then said with a smile: "Everyone seems to be very surprised by the layout here? Don't you?" Was it beyond everyone's expectations?"

"Your sister, you are an international superstar, so you have to decorate your appearance to some extent? In the end, your studio is so nondescript, and you still have the face to ask us if you are surprised?"

Hearing someone's words, the reporters complained in their hearts one after another, and the reporter standing behind even let out a soft "tss", thinking that someone's taste really didn't match his status as an idol superstar.

Being despised by a lot of reporters, if it was an ordinary star, they would definitely be very uncomfortable, after all, it's embarrassing, isn't it?

But it's a pity that someone doesn't have such an idea, because he knows very well that those who take the initiative to be arty are basically people who have not achieved great things. Just like a joke said, people who are really awesome don't bother As for the so-called agreement, just follow the guidance of your heart.

Moreover, the reason why there is no extensive decoration here is not because of the limited development?He doesn't want to try to be a director and producer, which are too troublesome, so he doesn't need too many employees at all, as long as he maintains his small team, everything will be ok.

So, what does it matter if you decorate or not?Don't decorate the office environment of the studio, and those activities such as endorsement contracts, film and television invitations, and interview requests won't come to you?

In other words, if you don't decorate the office environment, will others look down on him, so will his value plummet?

Therefore, Brother Xiaosa really didn’t care about the environmental issues here. Instead, he thinks that the current situation is actually quite good. If everyone is tired, they can go to the fitness equipment for a few exercises. This is comparable to most so-called big companies. Are they going to be surnamed?

Therefore, even though he was despised by everyone, a certain person still didn't have much emotional fluctuations. Instead, he said with a smile: "Yes, you read it right, this humble place is my studio, and there is only one person including me. Small team location of 8!"

While speaking, he patted a high-end comprehensive training device beside him, making a crackling sound, which also made the reporters who wanted to make a little noise continue to keep quiet, and then heard him say: "I know, everyone must I am very disappointed, because in your opinion, my studio must be so high-end, beautiful and generous, after all, I have made a lot of money, and I must be able to repair it to a high-end atmosphere!"

The reporters were noncommittal, but many of them rolled their eyes, and the cameras they held kept taking pictures of their surroundings.

The only thing they worry about now is, after these photos are published, will anyone believe that this is Brother Xiao Sa's studio?The studio of an international superstar!How can there be such a simple one?

There was no response, which made someone laugh, but he had no choice but to let them take pictures, and at the same time, he stopped talking about this topic, and said directly: "Okay, don't say anything else That’s right, in order to thank everyone for their attention to my blog, I can answer a question from every media friend who comes here!”

After saying this decision that excited the reporters, he raised his right index finger and said solemnly: "Everyone knows my rules, don't ask too embarrassing questions, so as not to waste your chance to ask questions!"

Reiterating this 'rule' that made the reporters very uncomfortable, he called the names directly: "The reporter friends of "Yuzhou Evening News" can ask questions!"

Damn, why is that ugly woman again!

For a while, the reporters were silent, all the cameras and attention were on Brother Xiaosha, and at the same time, everyone was secretly gnashing their teeth in their hearts, jealous to death.

Because in someone's place, as long as there is a public interview, the first person to ask questions is almost always an ugly woman named Shu Xiaowan, followed by Yi and Mangotai.

What the reporters were upset about was that Shu Xiaowan of "Yuzhou Evening News" wanted to have a figure without a figure, a face without a face, and the ugly ones were too embarrassed to meet people. Just because she helped write Tang Xiaosa's first reporter interview in her life, she ended up Among all the reporters, she became the reporter who has the closest relationship with 'International Tang', this Nima is really lucky!

If it weren't for the fact that Shu Xiaowan is rather tactful, and anyone who marries her must always have a quick-acting heart-relief pill, I am afraid that some tabloid reporters will fabricate a romantic affair between a certain super star and a certain female reporter. .

Of course, how other people are gnashing their teeth. At this time, everyone can only keep their depression in their hearts, because whoever wants to answer the question is completely their fault. If you want to blame, you can only blame the media you work for. When you take the lead, give it a lot of help!

Shu Xiaowan didn't seem to feel the envy and hatred from her peers, maybe she was used to other people's strange eyes long ago!So she smiled as usual and asked, "Tang Xiaosa, what do you think of the menacing "Harry Potter 5"? You think this Hollywood blockbuster can snipe "The True Colors of a Man" in which you played the main role ?"

Look, this is the benefit of one's own people!

Brother is thinking not to distract the outside world's attention from the movie because of the record issue!As a result, Shu Xiaowan immediately asked from the topic of the movie itself, isn't this a proper 'intimate little padded jacket'?

Uh, it's a pity that this girl's appearance is... well, a little bit euphemistic.

Brother Xiaosa gave Shu Xiaowan an approving glance, and replied happily: "If I were abroad, I would definitely not think that "The True Colors of a Man" could have an impact on "Harry Potter", because the latter's fame and appeal are really good. There is no doubt about it!"

He paused for a while, but saw that many reporters were nodding slightly in agreement, so he changed the topic abruptly, "But I am very confident in China!"


Amidst the terrified expressions of the reporters, he raised an index finger indifferently, and said with certainty: "No matter how popular "Harry Potter" is, it's just a foreign fairy tale. Many adults also like to watch it, but you can ask yourself, a popular domestic adult action blockbuster and a foreign fairy tale that is not very suitable for Chinese people, what would you choose?"

Without waiting for the reporters to answer, he smiled directly and said: "Obviously, the power of "Harry Potter" is definitely much weaker than pure blockbusters like "Transformers". "Harry Potter" is not very popular in China, so I am not very worried about it, because our works have a better reputation, and the audience knows how to choose!"

Shu Xiaowan thanked her with satisfaction, and then, amid another slander from everyone, someone named "Yi Entertainment" as expected.

I'm going!

All of a sudden, dozens of journalists "twittered" together. (To be continued.)

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